Forum Thread
~*:. The Owl House Roleplay .:*~
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → ~*:. The Owl House Roleplay .:*~Waylon's POV
Florence's POV
Maylee's POV
Agnes's POV
Deena's POV
Lucia's POV
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"Everything is going to be okay."
"Yes, Maylee! That's a wonderful start." He smiled. "I may be a creepy weirdo, but I'm MayMay's creepy weirdo! She loves me so much, she just hasn't realized it herself." He sighed blissfully, slipping in his chair.
"Aaannddd, that's enough of that." Toshiko threw her backpack at his face and it collided with the slime. It fell off, bringing the slime with it. He blinked. A lump was forming on his forehead. "Wow. That brick I stored in there really came in handy," Toshiko said admirably.
Poe immediately passed out.
"Anyway," she turned to the guy who'd just entered. "You're a human?" She eyed his ears, then nodded approvingly. "I've never met one before," she admitted.
Her eyes drifted lazily to his ears and right past, landing on his face. She studied him for a second. "Just that freakshow, and we all know he's the furthest thing from being normal here much less from the human realm."
She paused again, studying him with a sharper eye this time. "You're young, eh? Figures. You coming to Hexside?"
Starling's House
Brooksook's breathing was laboured, but slightly stronger now. "Close the door behind you," the woman called, already inside the other room. "I'll get her some healing potions."
The door didn't need to be closed. It slammed shut on its own.
And now they were free to admire the crooked house.
It was small of course, only two rooms. They were currently inside of the larger room, one with all too many purposes. The walls were shredded, many years of wallpaper peeling off in every dirty shade. The roof was tiled with aluminum foil, and ominous creaking and trickling sounds came from it. The floor itself was non-existent- comprised entirely of dirt and long-dead grass and possibly the remnants of straw.
The furniture itself didn't add much to the beauty of the room. There was a makeshift hammock hanging in the corner of the room, comprised entirely of vines that didn't look too stable. In another corner, there was a pile of stones arranged in some strange circle. Everywhere else though-
Every kind of it.
Curved, tall, round, triangular- and littered like scraps around them were recipe books. For potions.
Starling the Banshee Hunter. The master brewer. This was her abode. If you were to look at the stones, you would see...
The names of each and every one of her kind that she had killed.
With the Emperor's Coven
Arran shook his head as he gazed down at her. "I'm sorry," he stated quietly. "I can't. You need medical attention... and they're too strong for me. If they could take you down. We should look for backup."
A wind breezed down from the trees. With it, Arran's gaze solidified. He began to create a circle, over her face... mumbling words for a sleeping spell.

after a while, there was a full sentence. there were mistakes in spelling and grammar but Athelwulf was still learning and human/witch language was something new to her.
"Friends. Want to protect them, want them to protect me too." was what the sentence read.