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~*:. The Owl House Roleplay .:*~

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP ~*:. The Owl House Roleplay .:*~
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 19:58 (3 Years ago)
Myran nodded. "First one to attend Hexside." They puffed out their chest, more than a little proudly. "I'm going to be the Emperor one day, you know." Their wings fluttered atop their back, and noticing this, they quickly tucked them back. "Did you know that?"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 20:10 (3 Years ago)
Athelwulf took a while to process what she heard, drawing what looked like a staff in the Fae drawing's hand and a castle behind it. She pointed at the drawing again
I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 20:17 (3 Years ago)
"Yes. I'm going to rule the Boiling Isles." Myran's eyes glittered forest-green. They turned to her and cocked their tiny brown head to the side, the bark of their hair peeling off their light skin and flipping as they did so. "What do you wish for, young demon?"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 40
Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 20:26 (3 Years ago)
azora sees owlbert in the side of the room. she grabs him and go's outside for a fly
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 20:58 (3 Years ago)

Waylon's POV

Waylon, in annoyance, pulled some abomination slime out of his pocket and threw it in Poe's face. "Can you stop that. Thanks."

Florence's POV

Florence's face lit up. He had detected a new phenomenon in the area. It seemed one of the strange witches had thrown slime in the face of... a strange, obsessive human? Well, at least he wasn't the only human being here. Although... it was strange how no one was reacting to his presence besides the short, skinny guy who threw the slime. He immediately ran over to Poe. "Wait, wait. I'm not the only human here? That is so fascinating! Why does no one seem to react to you? They all were perplexed at my presence! My name is Florence and you a-" "That's a creepy weirdo we don't care about the name of," Waylon interrupted. Florence's eye twitched in frustration.

Maylee's POV

"Oh, um... that's nice- you're in love with someone. That's a... nice feeling sometimes." He wasn't... was he? No. That was stupid. "Hey there, Poe! My- rather clingy friend." Greatest sentence ever! Waylon seemed so disappointed by what Maylee said that he banged his head against the bars of the Detention Coven windows. Unfortunately, although he intended it as a joke, he banged his head a bit too hard. "OW!" He was immediately knocked out cold. Maylee gasped in shock.

Agnes's POV

Agnes grimaced and rushed over. She checked Waylon's pulse, and looked at his injury. "Consequential not. Low tide." What did the teachers expect might happen if the students were in detention unsupervised?! Agnes sighed and shook her head.

Deena's POV

Deena nodded, and they did as they were told. Not that they wanted to. "Hey, kid. Glad to see you've come back to us." They patted Brooksook's head. "You should be safe now."

Lucia's POV

Lucia's eyes opened, slowly... "The escapee," she murmured. Then they widened rapidly. "THE ESCAPEE! They- they went... that way, I think-" she pointed in the direction- "I don't know if you can... augh. Catch them." So Arran had come to her rescue? Maybe he wasn't so useless. "Chase after them, if you can! Get them." IF you can? What was she saying? Of course he wo- no. He had to. "Please."

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"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 21:15 (3 Years ago)


"Yes, Maylee! That's a wonderful start." He smiled. "I may be a creepy weirdo, but I'm MayMay's creepy weirdo! She loves me so much, she just hasn't realized it herself." He sighed blissfully, slipping in his chair.

"Aaannddd, that's enough of that." Toshiko threw her backpack at his face and it collided with the slime. It fell off, bringing the slime with it. He blinked. A lump was forming on his forehead. "Wow. That brick I stored in there really came in handy," Toshiko said admirably.

Poe immediately passed out.

"Anyway," she turned to the guy who'd just entered. "You're a human?" She eyed his ears, then nodded approvingly. "I've never met one before," she admitted.

Her eyes drifted lazily to his ears and right past, landing on his face. She studied him for a second. "Just that freakshow, and we all know he's the furthest thing from being normal here much less from the human realm."

She paused again, studying him with a sharper eye this time. "You're young, eh? Figures. You coming to Hexside?"

Starling's House

Brooksook's breathing was laboured, but slightly stronger now. "Close the door behind you," the woman called, already inside the other room. "I'll get her some healing potions."

The door didn't need to be closed. It slammed shut on its own.

And now they were free to admire the crooked house.

It was small of course, only two rooms. They were currently inside of the larger room, one with all too many purposes. The walls were shredded, many years of wallpaper peeling off in every dirty shade. The roof was tiled with aluminum foil, and ominous creaking and trickling sounds came from it. The floor itself was non-existent- comprised entirely of dirt and long-dead grass and possibly the remnants of straw.

The furniture itself didn't add much to the beauty of the room. There was a makeshift hammock hanging in the corner of the room, comprised entirely of vines that didn't look too stable. In another corner, there was a pile of stones arranged in some strange circle. Everywhere else though-


Every kind of it.

Curved, tall, round, triangular- and littered like scraps around them were recipe books. For potions.

Starling the Banshee Hunter. The master brewer. This was her abode. If you were to look at the stones, you would see...

The names of each and every one of her kind that she had killed.

With the Emperor's Coven

Arran shook his head as he gazed down at her. "I'm sorry," he stated quietly. "I can't. You need medical attention... and they're too strong for me. If they could take you down. We should look for backup."

A wind breezed down from the trees. With it, Arran's gaze solidified. He began to create a circle, over her face... mumbling words for a sleeping spell.

to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 21:22 (3 Years ago)
Athelwulf moved to a different table to draw on, scratching a rough drawing of herself surrounded by many different animals of the boiling isles. from griffins to bees to some that were considered dangerous, she drew herself surrounded by then and every creature had a smiley face on them. One she finished drawing she pointed at the drawing to show Myran
I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 21:25 (3 Years ago)
"You want to be accepted," she echoed. "By everyone." The fairy hovered, her wings beating against her back. "I see," he remarked at last. "That's a noble goal. And one I can respect." They folded their wings and landed on the desk yet again. Turning to face her, they gave her an appraising look. "Why?"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 21:32 (3 Years ago)
Athelwulf seemed to be frozen for a second, before sighing. She scratched something else into the table below her drawing. Actual words, not drawings. Every letter was written with struggle and was just barely readable. Writing stuff in a table was difficult, but if she put in effort she could communicate exactly what she wanted.

after a while, there was a full sentence. there were mistakes in spelling and grammar but Athelwulf was still learning and human/witch language was something new to her.

"Friends. Want to protect them, want them to protect me too." was what the sentence read.
I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 21:34 (3 Years ago)
"Friends," he echoed as he read. "Friends..." they cast her a sideways glance. "...huh?" She crossed her arms subconsciously, but her shoulders were visibly relaxed as she did so. "Why do you want to have friends? The security? The feeling of love? Do you want to manipulate them? Do you want their respect?"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 23:00 (3 Years ago)
Athelwulf nodded, making a heart with her hand. "Ruff" she barked, before writing more.

"friends. Make me feel safe."
I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Tue, 02/11/2021 23:15 (3 Years ago)
"Safety... huh?"

They were watching her.

"Are the authorities not in charge of that?"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Wed, 03/11/2021 03:33 (3 Years ago)
Athelwulf shrugged, although her shrug looked odd because she still haven't fully understood why witches shrug.
I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Wed, 03/11/2021 14:48 (3 Years ago)
"If I were your friend..." They paused to smooth down their hair, hiding their face beneath their bangs. "Would you join me?" They looked up sharply. There was a glimmer in her eyes- something strange- no, frightening- that hadn't been there before. "I can promise you..." he whispered. "All the security in the world if you do."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Thu, 04/11/2021 00:27 (3 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Fri, 05/11/2021 19:39 (3 Years ago)
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Sun, 07/11/2021 21:31 (3 Years ago)
Athelwulf nodded, making excited wolf noises. It seemed like she had forgotten about the fact detention is a thing.
I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Sun, 07/11/2021 22:27 (3 Years ago)
Myran smiled- though it was hidden on their miniscule face. "That's wonderful. We can both work together."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 48
Posted: Mon, 08/11/2021 15:07 (3 Years ago)
Both: Hi.

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Mon, 08/11/2021 15:58 (3 Years ago)
The strange person Banshee was shuffling through a trunk in the other room. Brooksook was lain on the couch, her breathing shallow and rapid.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature