Forum Thread
The Shop's (closed)(Better name later)
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → The Shop's (closed)(Better name later)The shop
Oh, hi didn’t see you there! Welcome, I’m ~Imagine~ one of the employs here, feel free to have a look around and let me know if anything interests you!
But just before you go and browse here are some rules:

Pokeheroes rules still apply
When around an auction no taking back you bid
Please no begging, or say it too cheap/expensive
USE the form that is for the item you want to get
I don’t want to keep you here for long, have fun! (I tried to keep it short so I don’t waste your time)
And that’s about it
When around an auction no taking back you bid
Please no begging, or say it too cheap/expensive
USE the form that is for the item you want to get
I don’t want to keep you here for long, have fun! (I tried to keep it short so I don’t waste your time)
And that’s about it
Poke den:
Hey, nice to meet you. Here you can buy pokemon from our selling boxes.
Here are the ones currently for sale!
Prices (per pokemon):
Easy - 400 PD
Medium/A - 700 - 1000 PD
Hard - 900 -2000 depends
Rare - 1000 - 3000 PD
Special - 5000-200000 PD depends
Events - 5,000 - 30,000 (Depending on the event)
Unown - 7500 PD
Retro- 5000PD
Starters - 3500 PD
Mega-able - PP or PM to decide
Different colour magikarp - 5000 PD
Buying pokemon form:
Poke cafe:
Hello! Come on in, here is where you can buy food(berries) and drinks
For sale:
Lemonade 100pd per drink
Soda pop 80pd per drink
Moomoo milk 100pd per drink
Honey pack (5 honey) 100pd per pack
Berry burst (Random 10 berries) 210pd per bag
Biscuits 10pd per biscuits
Flour 20pd per bag
LuckShake (A random shake like bulk shake) 500pd per drink
LuckPop (A random soda like Tomato soda) 500pd per drink
That’s all for now, more coming soon
Cafe form:
Breeding corner:
Good morning/afternoon/evening! My pokemon are breeding right now, so please be quiet. As you can tell I BREED POKEMON!
Here is what is currently available:
Luxaray - 500pd
Vanillite (no everstone) - 400pd
Dunsparce - 800pd
Absol - 1k pd
Dreepy (no everstone) - 1k
All for now! Shiny hunt + PD problem
Everstone +200 pd
Breeding PKM Form:
Item stand:
Alola! Item, item item covers my stand! (Ok not really) But I have a few I’m selling, there are alternatives to payment though.
Well let me tell you the items first:
Lugia egg voucher x2 ~ 10k pd each
Uxie egg voucher x1 ~ 130 nuggets
Mesprit egg voucher x1 ~ 130 nuggets
Azelf egg voucher x1 ~ 130 nuggets
Pokeball x5 ~ 111pd each
Nebula stone x1 ~ 20k pd
EvoLuck (1 evolution item) ~ 2100 pd per try
You don’t have to pay PD you can pay with:
Star piece 20k
Dragon gem 20k
Other gems 500 - 1000pd
That is all for now as we are still under construction!
Item form:
Thank you for stopping by, I hope you chrome back soon as the shop is still under construction.
Pokemon: Applin (x2) Vulpix ( x4) Missing No. (x1)
Quantity: hmmm
Price: i d k
Username: FloralLeafeon :3
Pokemon: Ummmm... Art like- Re-coloured Pokemons allowed? If so: :). If now, reagular Leeafeon
Other: You are Seriously pricing your art too low (most say you shouldn't sell real art for ingame money) but thats just my advice
Glowlull or whatever looks nice:"3
Oh and mby the way, I noticed your shop said "one of the employees". Could I possibly sell some of My pokemon here too?
Username: FloralLeafeon
Pokemon: Duncsparce
Quantity: 12
Other: hmm idk. Name them types of Bugs just for :/
Price: 800x12. Uhhhhhhhh- uhhhhhhhhh- oki lets see- 8x10- 80. 8x2 = uhhh 16. 96. 96000. No that cans be right. 8600. No 9600 (people must be laughing at my math rn)
waaaaait. Last time I checked your forum posts were like- 325 or something
I was tryiing to scoot around hthat. Turneds out level 30 is hard to get to
Pokemon: aloan Raichu
Quantity: 1
Price: 400pd?