Seara's mouth opened. "Revenge?" they asked. Then they smirked. "I
like the way you think."
Alexander made a tragic sighing noise. "Once again, I curse my
gender identity. Quite tragic, how I lost out on the chance to be
with such a pretty girl." He smiled his vampire smile again. "Being
friends sound wonderful, doesn't it? We could set people on fire
"That's fine," Priya said passively. She gave a slight bow. "I
don't mind." She glanced up at her. "You'd like to become
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature
"Riiiiiiiight-" Katie replied with a forced laugh. What was
with this person? "Soooo- what's your name? I'm Katie Melon, though
people tend to call me Melly for some odd reason!"
"Alexander!" He chirped. "Call me Aleko, though." Alexander giggled
a little. "Melly? That sounds so sad! Like, if a vampire started
sucking out your blood, he'd get watermelon juice instead!"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature
Katie, huh? That name fits... I think I saw her in the files
#####- the name fizzed out of his consciousness. sent me. I
really should've studied those more in depth... Maybe tonight I can
see them. Pretty Boy, Stalker-Face, Katie, and the weirdo girl
who's still staring at me.
A flash of anger. Ugh. I hate girls like that. Maybe I could
play a game with her later. I wonder if she likes knives.
Cue internal giggling. Wait, how do you giggle internally? And
why in the Gods' Names would you want to do it? Ah, frick, Katie's
expecting me to say something-
His brain flicked off and he turned to Katie. "It's wonderful to
meet you," he grinned broadly. "It's not every day I meet someone
as open as my new friend Katie."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature
Genya stormed off, her firey-hair flapping behind her.
She sat on a chair, a tear threatening to spill from her amber
I hate this school already. It'll be like back home. Making fun
of me....ugh. I want to leave. I That...wouldn't
be right. I'll just...stop using me powers. That's all.
No. I'm not okay. That little !$@%@% over there is being a total
!@%%@$ and...never mind.
"Y-yes. I'm fine. Just...homesick. I think I need a bit of time to
myself, if you don't mind." Genya lied. She gave a small smile, and
froze as the tears started pouring down her face.
"It just reminds me of home. They were....nasty to me."
[i]But...Priya. I don't want to talk about it. The more you
question me, the more I'll probably accidentally say, like how I
think the boy is very @#/;,';.',;'.;.'][#]. Shoot. I shouldn't
think about these things...Priya could also be a mind-reader."