The hunter then grabbed white taking white to the room to get the
damafed back leg fixed 'That's werid for hutners to do.."Auraora
said since she usally sees them not do that
"Not that bad,so maybe there boss is forcing them to do
this..?"Auraora said then got confused "I Wonder why the hutners
that aren't that bad do what the boss says even if they think its
cruel"Auraora said
The hunter put badages on white's damdged leg then put white back
into the area with a small bed "i guess the hutners wont test on
you intill you heal"Auraora said
"The Hunters might make us jump through thigns or something"Auraora
said and layed down tired then went to sleep then baby animals of
us where thrown nto the area then auraora woek up and seen a tiny
female cub
(Teenager and I guess I spelt that wrong) Auraora looked around
wondering where the baby versions of everyone came from "Did time
travel just happen or am I imaging this/"Auraora said confused