(i didn't know you where editing it intill now ;3;) the hunter
granned white and throwed white into a cage inside the truck,a cage
that was ahrd to escape and was locked "Where basically getting
sent to a zoo or testing place?"Auraora said wodnering
Auraora seen white in a cage enxt to her asleep then seen the car
stopped and the hutners come in and pick up there cages "Lets us
out!"Auraora said growling at the hunters picking up are cages
The hunters then put down the cages in a area but a wall of glass
covered the top and sides to keep flying animals from getting out
then opened the cages and elft the area "What is this aplce'Auraora
said getting out of her cage then seeing emat and then ate it fast
"Atleast we have food and- WHAT THE EHCK IS THAT"Auraora said a
hunter outside of the glass contained area throwed a tiger back
into a area on the other side of the zoo and it was wounded and
auraora sat there shivering
"In a glassed continaed area that the hutners put us in and Why did
i just scream?"Auraora said then went back to eating forgetting
about the wounded animal that the hunter thorwed into a other area
The tiger heard what the wolf said "The Hunters Started to hurt us
when the zookeepers left to find more animals since then they never
came back and we get tested"The Tiger said "Those Zookeepers are
idiots for leaving animals in here like us with hutners"Auraora
said angery
"They Don't hurt the children but they hurt there parents like
me"The tiger said and we could see his son with the other children
"Hunters are truly Mean And heartless Now"Auraora said then seen a
hunter coming close to the area they where in and got scared
Auraora stoad still quiet seeing the hunter come into the palce
they where in "What should we do.."Auraora said then the hunter
looked at white with a grin on his face "The Hunter choses white
Seriously? i think there asking to get beaten"
"I Wonder what they do to Animals in there'Auraora said looking at
the door that leads to a room where hnters take animals to test
then auraora shivered after imaging it "I Hopw i never think about
that again"Auraora said shivering