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The Portal Master (Multi-fandom)

Forum-Index Roleplay The Portal Master (Multi-fandom)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 19
Posted: Tue, 20/07/2021 19:48 (3 Years ago)
Kirby tries to get out of the female alien's grasp and run from the alien that seems to be mad at him and everyone else. He seems scared of that one. He then hears the female alien tell the other that its' world is dead. "Fūmu... Bun... Rororo... Rarara... Dedede..." [Fumu... Bun... Lololo... Lalala... Dedede...] His mentor, Meta Knight... Cook Kawasaki... everyone... they're all dead. The young Star Warrior seems distraught.

(What I refer to as 'aliens' basically means anything and anyone that's not in Dream Land or in its star system.)

Sprites made by MetalHeadKendra, CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen, and froge, respectively. All credit goes to them.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Tue, 20/07/2021 19:52 (3 Years ago)
Cadmus stumble getting up tilting his jaw back and forth in pain as Bronte walk over to pick up his sword placeing on there clothes like armor, Cadmus watch grumply before a loud roar echoes into his ear looking over at the unnatural beast. only to get it Rock slam into their face knocking them unconscious Bronte quickly looks over at Cadmus only to see they're unconscious, body laying on the floor he quicky jolt over, softly whining as he paws Cadmus face trying to wake him up. Bronte look at the Rock before looking over to see a unnatural Beast his fur quickly jolts up little Spark, Fickling through the but they seem to stay in place not moving away form Cadmus but doesn't want to make a move to engage a fight.


behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Tue, 20/07/2021 20:10 (3 Years ago)
“Wait… my world is dead?” Keisuke stood in shock… ‘Erika, Chitose, Ryuji, Fei, Yuuko, Yu… they’re all gone… all of my friends… gone..’ He thought sadly, Betamon hopped up to him and tried to make him happy again but tears were threatening to fall out of his eyes
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Tue, 20/07/2021 20:22 (3 Years ago)
Bronte guard soon Falls as those words ring into his ear since they weren't that far beginning to Softly throw they're unconscious friend, onto his back wines louder than ever as they walk closer towards the group soon tear struck Bronte eye as he sombrely Howl, into the down pouring sky the world that they were born and raised in just gone like that....


behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Tue, 20/07/2021 22:15 (3 Years ago)
He roared once more, and picked up another rock, only to crush it to gravel dust in his large tail “I won’t believe it. They aren’t gone. What did you do? How do you know our works are gone?” He snapped, turning to the person who lied “How do you know the worlds have been destroyed?”
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 19
Posted: Tue, 20/07/2021 23:27 (3 Years ago)
Tears come to Kirby's eyes. He jumps out of the female alien's grasp, walking away a bit. He just... needs some time to himself, and he tries explaining this all, in his 'poyo language', of course.

Sprites made by MetalHeadKendra, CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen, and froge, respectively. All credit goes to them.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 03:56 (3 Years ago)
Bronte calms down as he looks at the poor pink creature dragging Cadmus along his back as they begin helping trying to unloosened the grip.



behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 04:08 (3 Years ago)
He sat in wait for a long, excruciating minute of almost pure silence, and looked up from the fine dust in his tail, eyes shimmering with held back tears “Does anyone know how to get out of here?” He asked, his voice hoarse, yet still underlying with a rasp caused most likely by a sharp prey bone
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 10:31 (3 Years ago)
“I-.. I don’t know, but at least we have shelter” Keisuke said trying not to be sad, he picked up Betamon and pet them like a dog as a sort of stress relief for him “We should get used to this life while we still can, the sooner the better” He said quietly
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 10:50 (3 Years ago)
He scoffed, and trotted to the Boulder patch he was using as projectiles, and began to crush the rock into a roughly tooh-like shape, and sharpened it with his claws and on the other rocks, his furry back turned to the group as he made his weapons, too distraught to make the slightest bit of noise
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 11:33 (3 Years ago)
Lin walked silently away from everyone, she didn't like to mingle. She transformed into an albino wolf and ran around with Silver. They growled in the Wolf Language of Fioni and played with each other. But curiosity got the better of her and she quietly walked into the group of people, silently listening to their conversations.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 352
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 14:35 (3 Years ago)
"The world can be a harsh place, huh? But sometimes you just have to go through life. I once lost everything... But that's not important."
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 19:22 (3 Years ago)
He snarled what sounded like an interesting swear, and threw the rock knife at [insert plus’s character], before catching it inches from their chest “You seem to feel the least out of all of us. And you’ve dodged all my questions. Tell us what you know, or I won’t stop my kunai next time”
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 352
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 19:24 (3 Years ago)
"Well, wouldn't it be nice to know any attacks do not affect me? I simply cannot die. And for me feeling the least... I don't find a point."
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 19:26 (3 Years ago)
“You’ve lost everyone you’ve ever knows, and don’t see the points of grieving?” He snapped, before throwing the kunai into the air, and huffing away
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 19:30 (3 Years ago)
Lin growled at this anger coming from this strange character. She roared and Silver did too. Her white fur was standing up on end. She padded closer, Silver quietly behind her. Lin bared her teeth in anger, what was going on? She stood up on her hindquarters. "Excuse me. What are we supposed to be doing?" she asked Plus's character.
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 910
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 19:38 (3 Years ago)
Keisuke flinched as Kiyurime threw the kunai made of bone away “I’m gonna head over to the cottage since I don’t wanna get any more wet than I have” he said with a little chuckle “Although Betamon probably wouldn’t mind being out in the rain, being a water type and all but… just to be safe” he tapped another screen and Betamon disappeared once again. Keisuke jogged lightly to Coraline’s cottage ‘I wonder what Erika and the rest of Hudie would’ve thought of this’ He thought, reminiscing about his world
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 252
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 19:39 (3 Years ago)
The kunai thudded, point down, milimteres away from Lin’s front paw, clearly intended to hit plus’s foot
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 352
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 19:45 (3 Years ago)
"You can do... I'm not sure. But i'd advise coming with me, the rain's starting to really pour."
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 19:48 (3 Years ago)
"OK," said wolf-Lin and she followed Plus's character. Silver trailed behind her, wagging his tail angrily. "It's ok Silver, no need to be tense," whispered Lin.