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PH Diary by Cherry

Forum-Index Diaries PH Diary by Cherry
Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Mon, 19/07/2021 06:16 (3 Years ago)
Hello everyone!
I'm going to use this as my notepad for things related to the game. I will also be writing down various methods/observations I have come across. I would like to put all my tips/tricks/observations/achievements all together in this thread so I don't lose track of them or forget them.

You are free to use these methods as they are obviously not copy righted and probably tried by other users even before me.

DO NOT POST HERE. It is my personal diary

I will update this from time to time
Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Mon, 19/07/2021 14:12 (3 Years ago)

How to Earn PD Fast

1. Easiest way to earn PD is by interacting. Using a Clicklist is fast

2. Buy the Amulet Coin from Emera Mall for 10k pd. This greatly increases the amount of PD you receive on each interaction. Buy it from Item Shop - Miscellaneous - under the Key Items

3. Selling Items and Pokemon. GTS Trades can be used for both items and pokemon. Whereas, Auction House is for only pokemon.

4. Rumble Missions. Longer the duration, and higher the level of the area, better the reward. I suggest sending all pokemon to one area so it levels up faster. If you have obtained alolan/galarian map, those are high yielding (depends on their levels). You can get nebula stones, ice stone, sun stone and some smaller stuff from Alolan Map. All types of gems (including dragon) and dynamax crystals are available from Galar Map

Gems from each area
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Silent Forest: Grass/Bug/Normal
Windy Prairie: Grass/Normal/Flying
Eternal Tower: Psychic/Poison/Ghost.
Bright Beach: Water/Ground/Normal
Rocky Cave: Rock/Ground/Ice
Fiery Furnace: Fire/Steel/Fighting/Electric
Galar Map: All + Dynamax Crystals + Galarian birb encounters (if you have unlocked the 3rd level of the map)
Alolan Map: None + Ice/Sun Stone + Nebula Stones
Burnt Tower: Dark/Ghost gem + Dusk Stone + Retro eggs
Space: Star Pieces/Star Dust/Meteorite

5. Start a shop and breed pokemon that other people need.

6. Play a lot of games. Once you have enough game chips, invest in shinies from the prize exchange or gamble over the magearna raffle [pokeball patterned magearna's sell for better prices than the normal one]

7. Play Golden Slots after you've collected a good amount of GGC. Legend mode can get you lake-trio vouchers.

8. If you are going to sell the pokemon once you summon it through a voucher/fossil/summon item, it is better to sell the summon item directly instead of hatching it. The summons cost more than the pokemon since they can be used to shiny hunt. (Some examples of summons are - eternal rocks, enigma stones, fossils, etc - you can check what summons you have in the ancient cave)

9. Fish often. You can get shinies/valuables from the beach which can be sold for a good value.

10. Pick up the rarer egg rarities from the lab as they sell more than the easy/medium ones

You also get small amounts of PD for logging in everyday [increases with trainer level] and for battling people

Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Tue, 20/07/2021 12:52 (3 Years ago)

Eggs that will not break my chain

Harvest Sprites
Game center vouchers - retro starter/mew, Lugia, Lake Trio
Royal Tunnel Eggs
Missing No.
Daycare quests - direct gift from daycare owner
Gift eggs by Rowan
SCS eggs
Bug contest eggs
Event eggs from event distribution
Concentration rewards
Rumble Eggs
Mew from ancient cave after mew plushie distribution
Ho-oh - received from wonder trade as a secret code
Eggs from advent calender rewards
Carbink egg from gem cauldron.

Special cases -
all eggs obtained from these pages WILL BREAK your chain except the ones mentioned
~ Lab eggs - except dex rewards and egg hatching task given by Rowan. Hoopa egg.
~ Gem Collector - except carbink from cauldron
~ Ancient cave - except when you find harvest sprites or are claiming a mew egg
Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 15:11 (3 Years ago)

Game Center Tips

These are all what I think is smart, you do not necessarily have to follow this way of playing the games

Coinflip - I mainly play this to earn DP or for Beauty Contest Tasks - If you do the same, then I suggest putting 1 gc as the bid since I have noticed myself losing the coin toss more than winning it

Higher or Lower - This is mainly your luck. No tricks here hihihi

Treasure hunt - Keep treasure hunt tab open. Select 1 box in an order. I like to go backwards since the url shows which box I opened (for example if I opened box 9, the url has 8 in the end... if I open 8, it has 7) so basically the URL is tell me what to choose next in the order. For me, this method got more rewards than randomly choosing any box or choosing only 1 box all the time.

Lottery - I usually go for 1000 lottery tickets everyday. I usually get 25-35k gc and sometimes a lugia voucher. Managed to get a shiny lugia voucher in 1k tickets. If I am not wrong there are atleast 280 million combinations possible everyday (PP me if I am wrong)

Raffle - I suggest collecting a lotttt of Game chips before bidding on these. Would suggest bidding at least a million cause it gets super competitive. But the chances of getting nothing are also equally high. Unlike lottery, there is no amount of game chips won back.

Golden Slots - again suggest collecting a lot of GGC over time by interacting. I usually collect 50k GGC and spend them all at the legend mode. If you are looking for rare candies, plus mode is good. Legend mode is for golden boxes and lake trio vouchers. I personally never go for basic mode

Hangman - Keep up a good chain. Every correct guessed word gives you 25 gc more than the previous one. And after reaching chain 100, you get a fixed income of 2500 gc for every word until you break the chain by guessing incorrectly. Here is a hangman helper that I use too

Concentration - Go through each line instead of randomly picking cards. You're more likely to guess right if you've seen and remember the order of opened cards. You can get memory discs after you complete Alola dex.

Wheel of fortune - the game I unfortunately forget to play most of the times. Unlocks after "hatching" 3 milceries (they can breed with a male fairy egg type). You can get rewards which are usually game chips, berries or sweets. But you can also get mystery items and Old Vinyl

Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Fri, 23/07/2021 11:47 (3 Years ago)

Missing Dex - Note for Self

If you are reading this, please help me find the following pokemon/items

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Random gems for future hunts

I am missing the following from these dexes
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onto shiny retro dex now which is practically impossible. 6/40

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Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Thu, 29/07/2021 13:04 (3 Years ago)

Site Map

Note: I take no credit for any of the places on this site since many users might have found it first. This is just a compilation for easy access





Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Fri, 06/08/2021 09:15 (3 Years ago)

Title: Shiny Collection

Shiny Collection

Collecting Greek names [or Greek reference names] preferably for my shinies. If Greek ain't available, then other languages are fine too as long as resonates with the shiny. PP if you have any suggestions

Medusa, cause jellyfish look like thatNyx, Goddess of the night
Hypna, based on Hypnos, God of Sleep Thanatos, God of Death
Skia, Greek for shadowsOphion, the first ruler of the earth
Harpe, A scythe passed down through generationsIchthyes, Syrian river FishBarbouni, Greek Fish Bubo, a robotic replica of Athena´s magical OwlCerberus, watchdog of the underworld Madelia, Greek for High Tower


Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Thu, 12/08/2021 06:02 (3 Years ago)


1. Public Trades - Trades that are open to everyone. Anyone can offer on it. Works best if you want to see the best offer. Advisable to write what you're looking for or else you'll probably get random offers

2. Private Trades - These are only limited to the names you enter in the trade. Warning: Sending trades without asking/talking to people can be annoying and get you blocked/reported. Always, always ask before sending trades unless specified otherwise by the user in their profile/messages.

3. Gifts - These can be used to gift items to others. Pokemon cannot be included here!

4. Auctions - it is not a form of trade. But you can buy a lot of pokemon for cheap here. Buy at your own risk and if you feel that the price is justified. Here you can only offer PD and have a chance of being outbid by others. But make sure you type in the correct amount. You don't want to add an extra 0. Once you win, the pokemon will be transferred to you. You do not have to offer any pokemon in return.
If you don't win, the money you paid will be returned if you get outbid.

Auctions now have the feature of recommended price when you select a pokemon to sell there.

Rules for Trading

1. You have to offer the same amount of pokemon in return for the pokemon in the trade. 2 pokemon for 2 pokemon you want. The type/species of pokemon depends on the offer/needs on the traders. If you are offering other items/PD/nuggets for the pokemon, yet you have to offer a random/extra pokemon you don't need to complete the trade.

2. You cannot trade/gift less than 100 pd

3. You cannot trade/gift less than 50 nuggets if you are offering nuggets to avoid cheating
Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Sun, 15/08/2021 11:36 (3 Years ago)


1. Unlocks at Level 15 [under Town Tab]

2. Fishing Rods - you can get the following rods from Leah
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Old Rod - Free
Good Rod - 15x
Super Rod - 3x , 3x , 3x , 3x
Shiny Rod - 1x , 1x , 1x , 1x , 1x , 1x , 1x
Magik Rod - 100x

Better the rod = better the chances of fishing rare items

3. Items - Sometimes, you can fish up items instead of pokemon.
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Shoal Salt
Shoal Shell
Relic Copper/Silver/Gold
Deep Sea Scale/Tooth
Mystery Box/Key
Regular/Tasty/Delicious Bait
Pearl/Big Pearl
Shell Bell
Splash Plate
Water Stone
Prison Bottle
Strange Ornament
Bottled Message

4. Pokemon

5. Exchange with Leah - You can exchange your pokemon and items for better stuff from Leah. The pokemon needed for exchange with Leah must be in the fishbox only. You cannot put in pokemon from Storage Boxes.
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Submarine Volcano Map = 5x Bottled Message
Regular Bait = 1xNormal Gem, Water Gem
Tasty Bait = x1
Delicious Bait = x1
Magnetic Bait = x1, x1

Relic Silver = x5 Relic Copper
Relic Gold = x2 Relic Silver
Relic Vase = x5 Relic Gold
Relic Band = x2 Relic Vase
Relic Statue = x2 Relic Band
Relic Crown = x1 Relic Band, x1 Relic Statue
Fisherman Hat = x1 Relic Crown

Water Stone = x5 Shoal Shell, x2 Pearl
Prism Scale = x3
DeepSeaTooth = x3 , 1x Pearl
DeepSeaTooth = x3 , 1x Pearl

Rare Candy = x1 , 2x Shoal Salt
Rare Candy = x1 , 2x Shoal Salt

Mystery Box (Dark Blue) = x5
Mystery Box (Dark Blue) = x5
Mystery Box (Dark Blue) = x5
Mystery Box (Light Blue) = x5
Mystery Box (Light Blue) = x5
Mystery Box (Light Blue) = x5
Mystery Box (BLack) = x5 , x3 , x2

Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Mega Stone= x5 Big Pearl, x1 , x1 , x1 , x1 , x1
Splash Plate = x3 , x1 , x1 , x1

6. You cannot fish in thunderstorm weather unless you have a fisherman's hat.

7. Los SeaShellos Restaurant
In the beginning there are only 6 dishes available from Los Seashellos. However, more dishes can be unlcocked, which will provide you with more energy.

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Pika Deluxe Burger (50% energy) - 6 tips
Pizza Summer (75% energy) - 14 tips
Sharpelone (100% energy) - 32 tips

The number of tips calculated are after the previous dish is unlocked.
The maximum you can tip is 100 pd. And a few very rare times, you might get a Waiter's Dress from the waiter

Now you can even change Eiscue's form to Noice form by buying the Marill Ice Cream with Eiscue in the party. This can happen only once a day and only affects one Eiscue in case you have multiple eiscues in your party

Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Tue, 26/10/2021 09:01 (3 Years ago)
Date - 26/10/21
Meet my new Ditto!!!

Bought with gems from gem collector ^^
Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Mon, 29/11/2021 18:45 (3 Years ago)
First Shiny Mega!
Meet Lepus

And his siblings - Coello and Delia

Hunt started on 16th Nov, 2021 and got a SM on 29/11/21
Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Thu, 02/12/2021 09:45 (3 Years ago)
2nd Shiny Mega - Beedrill

And set is complete now!

Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Sun, 30/01/2022 05:21 (3 Years ago)
Shiny Retro Marill from Johto Berry Battle - my first retro marill
Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Mon, 14/02/2022 06:24 (3 Years ago)
Valentine magic
3rd Shiny Mega - Meditite
Chain #3211

Melete, the muse of thought and meditation
Pasithea, personification of relaxation, meditation, hallucinations and all other altered states of consciousness.
Prochorus, leader of the dance
Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Sun, 27/02/2022 17:08 (3 Years ago)
4th SM - SM Gyarados
Ichthyes, large Syrian river fish who rescued Aphrodite and Eros
Ladon, the serpent that guarded the golden apples
Typhon, the most fearsome monster of Greek mythology
Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 15:13 (3 Years ago)
Shiny Retro Sentret

Name tbd
Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Wed, 02/03/2022 18:06 (3 Years ago)
Results of last lottery draw:

You won 42600 Game Chips.
You also won 1x Shiny Lugia Egg Voucher! JACKPOT!
→ View your tickets

2 shinies in a day... Well technically Lugia will be considered shiny when I hatch it but you get it

Actually... 3 shinies... since I woke up to a shiny pichu hatched at chain #2 from lab
Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Wed, 09/03/2022 15:33 (3 Years ago)
Got an Articuno Egg from the lab. Currently in egg storage
Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Sat, 19/03/2022 04:24 (3 Years ago)

Title: Gem Hunt Progress

Just putting down what I have so I don't forget
Not in chronological order of when I am going to hunt them
God knows when I'll be able to hunt them.

Articuno - 5 eggs in storage
Zapdos - ---
Moltres - 5 eggs in storage

Dragon Gem - 5,429/7500
Water Gem - 7500/7500 ✓
Flying Gem - 7500/7500 ✓
Poison Gem - 7500/7500 ✓

Yveltal (Wish to hunt this before Xerneas)
Dragon Gem - 5,429/7500
Psychic Gem - 7500/7500 ✓
Electric Gem - 7500/7500 ✓
Ice Gem - 7500/7500 ✓

Zygarde - Core Form ✓ #11
Zygarde - Cell Form ✓ #70
Zygarde - 10% Form ✓ #65
Zygarde - 50% Form ✓ #85
Zygarde - 100% Form ✓ #86/#98 #163 (renter)/#180 (renter)
Raylong - 100 eggs
Dragon Gem - 500/500
Flying Gem 1000/1000
PD - 2.5m/2.5m
Egg Storages - 22/30 (11 pre-occupied)


468k - chain 20 (09/03/25)

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666a - Archipelago
666b - Continental - ✓ - 238k - chain #100
666c - Elegant
666d - Garden
666e - High Plains - ✓ - 150k - chain #85ish
666f - Icy Snow
666g - Jungle
666h - Marine
666i - Modern
666j - Monsoon
666k - Ocean - progressing
666l - Polar
666m River
666n - Sandstorm
666o - Savanna
666p - Sun
666q - Tundra
Trainerlevel: 97

Forum Posts: 224
Posted: Thu, 24/03/2022 08:40 (3 Years ago)

Title: Points/Summon Hunt Progress

Game Center Shinies
Raikou | Entei | Suicune - 6,612,563/45m game chips
Manaphy - 50m game chips
Festival Points

SCS Tokens

Lake Trio Vouchers - doesn't count for a chain
2/2- Azelf Vouchers

0/6- Uxie Vouchers
White Powder - 45/675
Last White Powder task completed - 22/02/25
4/50 10/50 1/50
Summon based hunts

Twins @ #202/#203

/ Enigma Stone - 14/300 + Minimum 50 egg usable storages
Saphhire - 2/200 (2x shinies)
Ruby - 6/200 (2x shinies)
Emerald - 5/200 (2x shinies)

/ Adamant Orb - 7/200 (2x shinies)
/ Lustrous Orb - 4/200 (2x shinies)
Magma Stone - 2/100
// - Dark Orb - 0/300 (3x shinies)
Yellow Lunar Wing - 83/100
1 hatched Cresselia for Sahilgk in return for a Map
Red Lunar Wing - 62/100
/ Cold Rock - 100/100 (2x shinies)
/ Light Rock - 109/150 (3x shinies)
- Light Stone - 2/100
- Dark Stone - 0/100
/ Hard Rock - 104/200 (4x shinies)
2 of each force of nature trio for Fujiwa
1 thundurus for ShiroTempest

- Resolute Stone - 66/200
- 1x shiny @ #62
- 12x/500
- Ultra Saddles - 9/1100 (11 Ultra Beasts)
Old Vinyl - 98/350
- Meltan Candy - 3/300 + 3 candies for evolution
Fossil Hunts
- 4x
- 5x
- 5x
- 6x
- Purple Feathers - 10/100
- Orange Feathers - 22/100
- Grey Feathers - 6/100
Trying to get Feathers without spending nuggets - Galar Map
Last Feather mission - 27/02/25 - orange feather - Golem Alolan
/ - The Art of Attack - 3/200 (2x shinies)
/ - The Art of Defense - 3/200 (2x shinies)
Eternal Rock - 158/200
Trying to get Eternal Rocks without spending nuggets
Chef - Cooking - 8413/10000
Nappy - Honey Tree
Hoggy - Interactions
Timid - Berry Garden

Aqua - Lab eggs - 16600/50000
Staid - Fishing
Bold - Tall grass eggs

For Shiny Gimmighoul Evolutions 7,552/11997
+ 3 shiny gimmighoul
Kyurem - x3 Shinies - 21/153 - Last updated Feb '24
Zarude - x2 shinies - 24/102 - Last updated Sep '24 shiny