Forum Thread
king's sprites B) { OPEN }
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → king's sprites B) { OPEN }
Welcome to King's Sprites, trainer!
Sprites and trainer cards are what I'm best at. B)
I can splice, combine, change, add/subtract, etc.
Anything goes. \o/
-- RULES --
1. Do not rush me. I'll try not to take too long, but do not pester me consistently about your sprite. Once or twice is okay, but constantly gets irritating, I usually have them done within a day.
2. Do not be rude to me or anyone else within this thread, it will get you on the banned list.
3. Do not swear excessively or make racist/homophobic/etc. comments.
4. Do not spam the thread.
1. Be patient.
2. Kind.
3. And courteous.
Thank you.
Trainer cards:


!! Trainer card !!
Friend code (can be made up):
Which generation's badges you would like:
Sprite you would like me to edit: From here, here, or here.
Edits/changes you would like me to make:
Up to 6 Pokémon for your team:
(Optional) One partner Pokémon:
A color scheme for the background:
Method of payment:
Friend code (can be made up):
Which generation's badges you would like:
Sprite you would like me to edit: From here, here, or here.
Edits/changes you would like me to make:
Up to 6 Pokémon for your team:
(Optional) One partner Pokémon:
A color scheme for the background:
Method of payment:
Method of payment (choose one):
10,000-50,000 pokédollars, 1-4 rare, legendary, or event Pokémon, 5 plushies, or 100 - 500 nuggets (based on complexity)
Splice/Mixed Pokémon


!! Splice !!
Two or three Pokémon you would like spliced/mixed:
Method of payment:
Two or three Pokémon you would like spliced/mixed:
Method of payment:
Method of payment (choose one):
5,000-20,000 pokédollars, 1-2 rare, legendary, or event Pokémon, 1-2 plushies, or 100 nuggets (based on complexity)
Recolored Pokémon sprite

Method of payment (choose one):
5,000-20,000 pokédollars, 1-2 rare, legendary, or event Pokémon, 1-2 plushies, or 100 nuggets (based on complexity)
Pokémon X and Y sprite
Ripped directly from the game


!! X and Y Sprite !!
Pokémon you would like:
Shiny or normal:
Method of payment:
Pokémon you would like:
Shiny or normal:
Method of payment:
Method of payment (choose one):
7,000 pokédollars, 1 rare, legendary, or event Pokémon, 1 plushie, or 100 nuggets
Custom trainer sprite:

Method of payment (choose one):
7,000 pokédollars, 1 rare, legendary, or event Pokémon, 1 plushie, or 100 nuggets

Method of payment (choose one):
7,000 pokédollars, 1 rare, legendary, or event Pokémon, 1 plushie, or 100 nuggets

Method of payment (choose one):
7,000 pokédollars, 1 rare, legendary, or event Pokémon, 1 plushie, or 100 nuggets
Gijinka Trainers

Method of payment (choose one):
10,000 - 30,000 pokédollars, 1 - 3 rare, legendary, or event Pokémon, 1 - 3 plushies, or 100 - 300 nuggets ( depending on complexity )

Method of payment (choose one):
10,000 - 50,000 pokédollars, 1 - 4 rare, legendary, or event Pokémon, 1 - 4 plushies, or 100 - 400 nuggets ( depending on complexity )


!! Pokéball !!
Edits you would like made:
Made to look like a Pokémon? Which one?:
Edits you would like made:
Made to look like a Pokémon? Which one?:
Method of payment (choose one):
7,000 pokédollars, 1 rare, legendary, or event Pokémon, 1 plushie, or 100 nuggets
Pick up:
Sprite you would like me to edit:3rd one, 3rd row.
Edits/changes you would like me to make:Like this?
Method of payment: PD.
Username: Woona
Two or three Pokémon you would like spliced/mixed: Giratina (Origin Form), Serperior
Method of payment: Honestly... 19k (19,000) PokéDollars since I know it might be difficult to make a sprite like that, and also because I have a feeling (Know*) you deserve it. An last thing: Thank you~
Username: medo-Blitz3
Sprite you would like me to edit/use: pokemon trianer red
And edits to the trainer: -
Pokémon ( up to 6 ): my six pokemon in my party (swampert-venusaur-charaizard-jolteon-greninja-slamence)
Any shinies?: no
Method of payment:pd / my pokemons in the trade box
Username: Woona
Sprite you would like me to edit/use: 8th one, 8th row
And edits to the trainer: Honestly.. Since I'll lose a lot of time trying to explain the many details I'd like you to edit.. Just try to make it look like this. If you can't, it okay.
Pokémon ( up to 6 ): Swampert, Sertina, (Mega Y) Charizard, (Mega X) Charizard, Zorua, Serperior
Any shinies?: Since it's kind of based on my Pokémon X team (Except by the Sertina), everyone is a shiny except Sertina.
Method of payment: I know it'll be hard to make it, so for your hard work, I'll give you 30k PokéDollars. Once again, thank you~
Username: Stella
Sprite you would like me to edit: 8th row, 7th one
Edits/changes you would like me to make: Make it look like this and this
One partner Pokémon: Misdreavus
Method of payment: Plushie or 7000 pd, whichever one you want more.
Username: Dilluscus
Pokémon you would like: Umbreon
Shiny or normal: Shiny
Method of payment: 1 Plushie
!! X and Y Sprite !!
Username: Dilluscus
Pokémon you would like: Pyroar
Shiny or normal: Shiny
Method of payment: 1 Plushie

Username: nabyto
Friend code (can be made up): you can make it
Which generation's badges you would like: 6
Sprite you would like me to edit:pokemon black 2 player
Edits/changes you would like me to make: black stripes
Up to 6 Pokémon for your team: charizard blastoise venasaur
(Optional) One partner Pokémon: lucario
A color scheme for the background: blue
Method of payment: 1000 and a plushie