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Gosth's gen 9 ideas

Forum-Index Diaries Gosth's gen 9 ideas
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 1,135
Posted: Sun, 27/06/2021 04:12 (3 Years ago)
Heya, in this quarintine ive got a lot of ideas for a possible future pokemon games, so i decided to make a diary showing my ideas
I want to make this diary whit a lot of drafts of my ideas, but im not the best artist 😅 ill try to make my best.
I will NOT propose new megas, propose new Z moves or propose new gigamax.
I am not a fan of regional forms, to be fair I prefer new pokemon than already existing ones whit a diferent skin, I will probably not gonna propose new ones.
This will be divided in diferent sections
here is going to be a shortcut for each:

Pleace enjoy this diary and i would love if you give me your feedback trough PalPad, if my ideas are excelent i will probably try to present them in a far future to the pokemon company well maybe this is very unrealistic but who know lol
Im not the best making names so i will probably leave them blank lol
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 1,135
Posted: Sun, 27/06/2021 05:34 (3 Years ago)
Game Design

On this part I will share ideas about the game
This includes:
The region, softreset code, features, main menu and more

I decided that a country that could be a great region is Mexico
No,is not because i live there well kinda is because mexico has a lot of interesting myths and a big variety of ecosistems, animals and plants that could be great pokemon
Game theme
Originally i was thinking that pokemon life and dead would be good pokemon games, but then i think that would be not very accepted byjoung fans and their parents
I think that the stages of life would be better, borning, growing and dying
For the game names i was tinking
Pokemon past, Pokemon Present and Pokemon Future
Save Files
Havent you been worried when you borrow your pokemon game to your younger siblings because your mother asked you to do that? Havent you seen your sibling release all your shinies because "they are bugged" and not being able to stop it because you dont want to get grounded? no? well...
I want to propose save files, you will be able to make 2 save files, each save file can have diferent settings (like for example one can be in english and the other one in spanish)
Game dificulty
On pokemon Black 2 and White 2 you could unlock and easy and challenge mode, I propose to bring the diferent dificulties back, but this time, you wont need to go out to unlock them :P
These are the 4 dificulties
Youngster: an easy dificulty, perfect for new fans
On this dificulty you can learn pokemon mechanics very easily, npc will explain you from catching a pokemon to even tell you how to win battles, you will get a 50% off from stores you will use poke but it also has some disadvantajes like most post game and secondary missions wont be available, some items are also unobtainable, since this mode is maily for little kids, online play will also not be a thing. Gym leaders will have up to 2 pokemon
Ace Trainer: Is the normal dificulty we all know and love from games lower than gen 6, i will not explain this. Gym leaders will have up to 3 pokemon. They use the mega evolution from 4th gym
Gym Leader: a bigger challenge for most experienced trainers, similar to challenge mode in pokemon black and white 2
Has more battles and secondary missions, also the evil gang will battle more tough. The gym leaders have 4 pokemon, will be able to use full restores 2 times. They will mega evolve from gym 2 (but you get the mega evolution at gym 4)
Champion: Very hard challenge, the pokemon will be harder to catch and most of them can run away if they have a lower level than yours, gym leaders will have 6 pokemon, can use 3 full restore and a revival herb. Unlocked after beating gym leader dificulty and then introducing a secret code at wonder gift. At the end you will be able to obtain an especial item to catch a mitical pokemon.
External Bag
Something really sad on other pokemon games is that some items are exclusive to events and once the events ends, well there is no way to get the item again in case you missed it or your save file got deleted, so thats why i propose the externak bag, here the event items will be saved and you can transfer them to your save file (without they getting deleted from the bag) i think that, even so the shiny charm is not an event item, it should still go to the external bag, since getting all 1k pokemon isnt an easy task. It also has a function that allows to share to people around the world the event items once the event ends on battles, each time you battle one of your items can be send to the other player (some items wont be sended, like the shiny charm), the item wont disapear from your bag
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 1,135
Posted: Mon, 28/06/2021 00:14 (3 Years ago)

Now ill chare the npc that could be added to the new region, i will add the english and spanish names incase the name should be diferent

Pokemon wouldnt be a pokemon game whitout the clasic welcome to the pokemon world by a profesor
I think the profesor should be a woman its name Professor Estella
I was thinking it could be a tall woman, whit large black curly hair and using a pikachu brooch
A character that no one remembers is the protagonist mother, but what if the mother, is actually the champion?
Cool right?
I thinked about these rivals
Marcos (Spanish name)/Alex (English name): Older brother Age 17, It will choose the starter whit advantaje and will be the most challenging rival
Madga (Spanish name)/Lucy (English name): lil sister Age 11, She will choose the starter whit disadvantaje, but dont put your guard down
Gym leaders and Elite Four
It would be great if this new region has 16 diferent gyms, 8 for each game, these are the gym leaders, not in order
Frosty: male Ice type especialist, is a carpenter, He loves to go to the forest to chop logs
Rose: female Grass type especialist, is a Preeschool teacher, she loves to do some gardening
Crystal: Female water type especialist, wedding organizer and hydro's wife, she loves to wear her wedding dress all the time
Hydro: Male water type especialist, life guard and crystal's husband, he loves to surf on his sharpedo
Normelia: Female normal type especialist, actress and Gosth rival, she loves to battle
me Gosth: male ghost type especialist, actor and normelia rival, even so he doesnt take it to seriously, he loves to write and cook}
Trainer types
photografer: some random dude whit a camera
daddy's princes: a joung woman that has a lot of expensive stuff, you can see she is carrying her dad's credit card
fiancee: a happy woman about to get married, she uses love pokemon like luvdisc
Man n tie: a man that uses a tie
Bus driver: these guys are mad and idk why, but if you battle them, they will make sure you lose, maybe...
Gamer: this dude always carry his videogames
Pokemon store employer: you bought to many items at once, now lets battle
PKMN cosplayer: they love pokemon, why not be one?