Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → W.R.I.T.E.Language: English
Genre: Not any in particular, but you can expect a decent number of YA books with heavy emotional scenes
Writing Type: Not sure what to say here. I usually go with 1st person perspective stories showing the emotional conflicts and growth of the main character and usually exposition is delivered in memories or self-monologue
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My ear was to the door as I heard
the bottle shatter. "Please! For [muffled]! I'm just asking that
you stop! Things aren't [muffled]!" Then came the scream. I
woke up in a cold sweat. "Just a dream, just a dream." I calmed my
nerves slowly before getting out of bed. Once I finished changing,
I steadied my shaking hands and left the dorm room.
My example was made up specifically for this since most of my finished works are either decently old or have a decent number of swears