She gives light a confused look, before opening the gate with ease.
“Yeah, that won’t work. Had tests done on me as a kid, dad was a
scientist.” She says, walking in.
Ayano walks over, looking at the food. “Here, let me. I can
actually cook something good” He jokes, grabbing a few seasonings
from the cabinet. Moris jumps out of Erikas pocket, and lays out on
a cushion on the floor,
She sits down next to Light. “Eh...I think we all did. Our life
just went to chaos after the first infecteds came out into the
world..” She sighs. Moris runs outside as well, jumping up on
Lights shoulder. “It’s just been me and Moris for god knows how
I had a dog. It was just me and him when the apocalypse happened. I
just really want all infected dead. If I can find the person who
started this. I will make sure to kill them....I just wish my dog
could of been here. My parents were going to a airport. And they
are probably dead.
Hey don’t tell anybody. But I was planning to leave and go to the
lab. I know where it is. In my room, I have a map. I have been
trying to find the lab. And I found it. I’m going to find who
started this mess. And I know that somebody did it. I saw a
helicopter and they dropped bombs.
The enemy.They are the enemy. They are here to kill all remaining
humans. They want the world for themselves. I have been making
weapons to shoot down the helicopter. They don’t have radios, so
killing one of them won’t be a bad thing.