Forum Thread
Emera's Pokemon Rangers sign-up
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Emera's Pokemon Rangers sign-upfill in the form to sign up then wait to be accepted, if accepted head to the rp

Character Name:
Title (elite, lieutenant, captain and so on):
Why you want to be a ranger:
Your Partner Pokemon (can't be legendarys):
List of Title Ranks (1 being highest):

1. Commander
2. Admiral
3. Captain
4. Lieutenant
5. Ensign
6. Cadet
(more will be added later)
Username: Danielcc999
Character Name: Daniel Jamvis
Title (elite, lieutenant, captain and so on): Commander
Why you want to be a ranger: because I have always adored the rangers, and I love pokemon.
Your Partner Pokemon (can't be legendarys): Shiny Mareep.
Username: Danielcc999
Character Name: Jacob Lowes
Title (elite, lieutenant, captain and so on): Admiral
Why you want to be a ranger: because pokemon and people need to be protected against people like Team Black
Your Partner Pokemon (can't be legendarys): Charazard
Character Name: Faren
Title (elite, lieutenant, captain and so on): Lieutenant
Why you want to be a ranger: I saw a ranger in action once, and since then, I wanted to be a ranger
Your Partner Pokemon (can't be legendarys): Aipom
Character Name: x
Title (elite, lieutenant, captain and so on): cadet
Why you want to be a ranger: to protect the pokemon from selfish, evil people who only want pokemon for they on personal vengences so i would like to stop these people to save innocent pokemon
Your Partner Pokemon (can't be legendarys): riolu
Character Name: Maddie
Title (elite, lieutenant, captain and so on): what ever is open ig
Why you want to be a ranger: to help Pokémon and make many freinds.
Your Partner Pokemon (can't be legendarys): Unfezant [male]
Advi From Demon Slayer season 1
Character Name: Marco
Title (elite, lieutenant, captain and so on): cadet
Why you want to be a ranger: He had this dream to be a ranger ever since he was little
Your Partner Pokemon (can't be legendaries): Sylveon
Character Name: miko
Title (elite, lieutenant, captain and so on): cadet
Why you want to be a ranger: I want to help wounded Pokemon and healed them back to health and that's what Rangers do
Your Partner Pokemon (can't be legendarys): Galarian Rapidash