She hovered around two dragons she could see below her. She made
her wings move faster, so the sound went from buzzing to a low hum
as she glared at them, her blood red eyes shining “mmm, fresh
dragons. It’s new to see guests”
Delta groaned, having to deal with this lightweight, over-excited
dragon. his leafy wings drooped down and almost touched the ground
"you've been scared of that place since you were young- can you get
over it?!" he almost shouted, but not as loud as Zephie can.
Zephie glanced back at the territory, backing away even more until
she heard Delta's cunning voice "one day, I'm gonna dare you to go
in there.."
Her dark red tongue slid over each of her needle thin teeth “today
will be that day” she purred, her wings flurrying faster than ever
in her excitement
Zephie quickly hissed at Delta, before noticing a rabbit running
into the dark territory. Delta smiled, before standing up, Leafy
wings out "Plus, Dark dragons are too slow to even catch you." he
said with a slight grin on his face "and they cant shoot arrow
plasma like you." he started naming about other things that would
hopefully reassure Zephie.
Zephie sighed, taking off and following the rabbit through the
darkness despite her twitching claws
Her smile widened “she’s in my territory. That’s safe” she growled,
here shooting at the ground in front of Zephie, and hovering to a
stop “hello strange dragon. You made a mistake” she smiled, her
wings vibrating like a hornet’s
She smiled at her, and slid around her slowly, like a fox around a
lamb. She slammed her tail into the ground to seem intimidating
“little dragon, why would you enter my territory?” She said, and
without looking, crushed the bunny under her back claws
Zephie gasped at the sight, taking off into the air in fear. all
the things Delta said had disappeared from her head. she flew off
back in the direction she came from
Her wings buzzed, and she launched after her “come back here my
sweet! You look like a good dinner!” She called, her fangs showing
as her jaw dropped to expose them
Delta had heard the buzzing of wings and looked up to see Zephie
flying away from a dark dragon. as much as he hated to fly, he had
to. flapping his Leafy wings he managed to get his body off the
ground and into the air
Zephie felt the venom on her scales and dropped out of the sky,
passing by Delta on the way. her screaming was probably the loudest
a dragon could hear in a long time.
Delta stopped flapping his wings and landed beside his friend
She ducked down, but went too fast, and slammed into the ground.
She shook her whole body, and glared at him “why do you protect
this dragon? Do you not want to share the prey?” She asked
Sivalla heard a cry of agony, then looked around quickly. There,
just to her right, a few specks were moving. Tucking in her
brightly colored wings, the Air dragon started to dive. A roar was
building in her throat, alongside a blast of air that would easily
knock a dragon aside. That was her inherent ability as an Air
dragon, she could fire blasts of air from her mouth. They were good
for stunning, but that was about it.
A hinge of regret hung with Eeta as he soared through the sea, a
regret that made him want to go back in time a few minutes and
change it. Well, all regret was like that but whatever. His regret?
Not being able to have some fun. It’s been a few weeks since he had
encountered someone like that, someone that made a small part of
him believe he wouldn’t be able to escape without worry. He
could’ve toyed with them, angered them to the point where they tear
themselves apart. But of course, as always, Eeta was too slow in
the head to make up some game to play. He just did whatever came to
mind and went with it. Doing that always made things boring, it
always ended too quickly and sometimes he would bear the lingering
guilt of a murder, one that felt like a loose string. Barely
noticeable. He didn’t mind it at all though, what mattered to him
was that his life stayed the same and he had some fun. Eeta was so
lost in his thoughts that he didn’t even realize that he had made
his way to the edge of the air territory. He decided to come up to
the surface to check it out, as he had almost never gone to this
part of the land before. At an incredible speed, Eeta shot to the
surface and flew high into the air. He shivered as soon as he left
the water, as he wasn’t used to being out of his natural
environment. The sudden change from breathing water to breathing
air also shocked him, giving him quite the unfortunate experience.
He shook it off and began flying over the border of the two
kingdoms. It all was so foreign to him, like visiting another
country or something of the sort. In the distance he heard some
commotion, which caught his attention. He didn’t even stop to think
about what he would do once he arrived at the source. He heard an
ear piercing scream and immediately rushed towards it, only to see
2 dragons fighting, like predator and prey. There was also another
one, but they didn’t seem too involved in it so far. This could get
interesting... he decided to sit back and watch until he decided
whether to intervene or not, making the air colder around him to
engulf him in a cloud.