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Monkey’s den

Forum-Index Diaries Monkey’s den
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2020 23:58 (4 Years ago)
Thought it would be neat to finally make a diary so here I am!

Name: MonkeyBell853, you can call me Monkey, Bell or anything else
Age: 16, I was born on July 16th and my sign is Cancer
Pronouns: She/her
Likes: Animals, playing games, drawing and my doggos
Dislikes: bugs, going outside, kids(I prefer animals), offensive memes and the dentist

Shows: A lot
Color: Purple!
Animals: all of them
Pokémon: too many to list
Type(s): Grass and Dragon
Movies: A lot

I have been professional diagnosed with Autism(SPD), anxiety, depression and learning disabilities. I don’t fake them, trust me I wish I didn’t have them because it’s hard.
I like playing the newer Pokémon games, my first official Pokémon game was moon so I just enjoy them. The older ones are good too.
My goal is to collect a lot of plushies! They are super cute.

That’s all for now :D

I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Thu, 24/12/2020 16:11 (4 Years ago)
My mom, sister, doggo and I did Christmas early today. I got Mario kart 8 deluxe, ACNH amiibo cards, apple gift card and 4 animal crossing stuffed animals, Isabelle, Dom, Zucker and Judy!
We are also going over to my grandmas house for Christmas Day tomorrow to play some games and hang.

Hope you are all having a good Christmas Eve/day c:
I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2020 06:32 (4 Years ago)
Played some Mario kart 8 deluxe with my mom and her partner today. I’m getting used to the controls on the switch and it’s been getting easier. Been practicing on my own and today raced with other people for the first time on the switch version. We also got tiny wheels to use when driving, makes it easier for my mom and they are cool to use.

I also watched the new movie Soul on Disney+ and it was good. Both funny and emotional. It was a good movie and I would watch it again. Unlike onward, that one was not interesting imo, probably because I don’t play roleplay games so I don’t understand some of the references they made
I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2021 23:45 (4 Years ago)
Been 6 days since I have posted. Oops. Here’s some stuff

-I’ve been watching attack on titan with my sister. We are almost done with season two and I like it so far. My favorite character is Levi.

-Been playing ACNH and Mario kart 8 deluxe.

-still have allergies and now my eyes are itchy, irritated and puffy so that’s fun.

-doggo was sick for a little while and he seems fine now.

As for stuff on here, I’ve been trying to get the shiny starters plushies so I’m sending out plushies and collecting dream points.
I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Mon, 11/01/2021 08:09 (4 Years ago)

Title: Plushies

💜Current plushie count: 284!
💜Unique plushie count: 176!
💜Current shiny plushie count: 25!
💜Dream points spent: 24,680!
💜My favorite plushies!: all of the Monkey Pokémon!, eevee and it’s evolves!, All of the Baby Pokémon!, Oshawott!, foongus!, pyukumuku!, snom!, audino and it’s mega!, cherubi and it’s evolves!, buneary and lopunny!, torchic!, spoink!, swablu!, chikorita!, corsola!, vulpix and A. Vulpix!, diglett!, growlithe!, G. Ponyta!, horsea!, omanyte!, any cute or purple one!

If you send me any of my favorites then thank you thank you thank you sooooo much! People are so kind on here >w<. Also feel free to send a plushie that you like as I’m aiming to get every single plushie! I’ll be sure to send you back a plushie as well!

I’d like to thanks everyone who has gifted me plushies! It’s so sweet and kind. I even love the little magikarp plushies I have received! So thanks so much and I’ll definitely try to gift you back a plushie as well!

I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Fri, 15/01/2021 22:23 (4 Years ago)
I had my dentist appointment today and it was both good and bad.

First was how much we waited. In the parking lot, in the room twice and when we went to schedule for the next appointment.
Then I had to have x-rays and my fear was confirmed, my wisdom teeth are ready to come out. So I’m an anxious Monkey for that.
The cleaning wasn’t bad and I had no cavities but I did have some tart build up on my bottom teeth and it was kinda painful when they removed it.
But I got a Purple toothbrush and a purple animal paw stress squishy so yay purple!

Now I shall dread next appointment and wisdom teeth removal, whenever that is
I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Fri, 22/01/2021 01:16 (4 Years ago)
Oops I haven’t been as active on here lately. I’ve been playing other games like PFQ and ones on my switch. Also watching shows like AoT(Levi uwu). Also been in pain because of a certain thing girls dread every month. Cramps be mad intense.

I’ll try to interact back more and stuff on here ^-^
I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Sat, 30/01/2021 07:32 (4 Years ago)
This is probably just my anxiety talking but do you guys ever get scared that people hate you or talk behind your back about things that you do and say? Because I worry that people dislike me on here. That they might find me annoying or rant about dumb troubles too much. I really try to limit back my rants because some I can’t say on here and I don’t want to annoy my subscribers.

I probably sound super paranoid rn but it’s hard telling my brain to not worry about silly things you know? I unfortunately can’t tell my brain to stop.
I also wanted to tell that, sorry if I did bug y’all with this post. I promise I don’t mean to sound like an annoying anxious Monkey ;w;

This was originally posted on my PFQ journal. Basically I’m just an anxious monkey that worries about people hating her.
I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Fri, 05/02/2021 01:23 (4 Years ago)
Some things that happened on PH recently:

-more plushies! I think I have a plushie addiction
-won a mega-able audino from an auction!
-reached 100,000 interactions!
-managed to save up enough DP for minior plushies! I usually spend my DP often

Hope everyone is having a good day so far! <3
I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Wed, 10/02/2021 08:35 (4 Years ago)
I’m definitely becoming a night owl. Cause it’s almost 130am and I’m awake, watching full house and eating food. Not a bad thing, I enjoy the dark and quiet. No kids, no annoying ‘partner’ and no pesky sun! I feel relaxed-ish, I would still like sleep.

I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Sun, 14/02/2021 04:12 (4 Years ago)

Title: My first shiny!

So I was looking at auction house cause it’s addicting and saw a shiny ambipom. It was only at starting bid(50k) and I thought oh what the heck, I’ll bid. Time skip to about 10 minutes ago and it said I won....took me a second to register that I got my first shiny on here! And it’s one of my favorite Pokémon too! Her name is Pink lemonade and she is perfect. I love her and I’m broke but it was 100% worth it!

A very nice user just gifted me 2 shinies! I can’t believe this! I was having a iffy day and getting my first shiny and was gifted 2 shinies made me so happy. Thank you so so much ~marble!

I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Mon, 15/02/2021 07:38 (4 Years ago)

Title: Some stuff

-I’m getting more used to posting in the forums and setting up trades! I think my shyness is starting to go away a bit since it takes me a while to talk and interact on new games and social medias. I’ve posted in some discussion threads and I have made some public trades too.

-I reached level 29 today as well. Almost to level 30. Man, hard to think I was only at like 10-ish in October I think. It’s crazy

-I’m searching hard for the 3 harvest sprites that I’m missing. I got aqua the other day and I’m hoping to get the others soon!

-some PFQ related news, since the sweetheart and cookies have arrived, I’ve been gifting people on there lots of sweethearts and stuff! If you are on PFQ too and want some sweethearts, tell me your username and I’ll gift you some! Everyone deserves to get some sweets!

-I like the new event pokemon, it’s an interesting design and it’s cute. I liked sending cards out to people on my friend list! I hope you guys felt loved with the cards, y’all deserve them <3.

I hope y’all have a good rest of your day! ~🐒🛎
I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Fri, 12/03/2021 01:56 (3 Years ago)
So I checked into PH right? Well I saw I had a new badge for hatching a shiny. I was confused until I saw it....I hatched my first shiny and it was a retro totodile!!! I don’t even have a shiny rader and it was a total surprise! I’m so shocked but so happy. I had a rough day but this shiny made today ok.
Here’s the baby!

I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Mon, 15/03/2021 18:20 (3 Years ago)

Title: Wisdom teeth

I’m back y’all. It honestly wasn’t that bad tbh. The worst part was them trying to do the stupid blood pressure. They tried it 5 times before they tried a different one and that one worked. My arm looked so red, it was bad. Anyway they brought the ‘team’ in and hooked me up to stuff and they put in the IV which was surprisingly not painful. They gave me the sleeping meds and after a minute I was asleep. Woke up to a lady asking if I could get up and walk to the recovery room. I walked there and I got to lay down and they gave me a blanket. After them making sure I was ok to go home, I got some help getting to the car and got to go home. I wasn’t really loopy, just super relaxed and something that I can’t say cause it’s a not kid friendly word. Got home and now I’m resting. My mouth is really sore and there is a lot of blood. My lip and cheeks are numb but it’s fine ig. I’m just chilling downstairs and watching Harry Potter the order of the Phoenix.
I also got some stuff. My aunt brought me some soft foods and treats early this morning and my mom and her partner got me some toys, a balloon and Kit Kat’s.

That all being said, my activity may be spotty but I’ll try my best to click back and respond to messages :D
I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Tue, 23/03/2021 23:37 (3 Years ago)
Mini vacation in 2 days! It’s only going to be about 3 days lol. Just so we can see my sister preform at her ballroom competition that she didn’t get to do last year cause boo Covid. I’m nervous about the car ride because it’s going to be about 3 hours and I get real bad motion sickness so that will be fun /s. I’ll also miss tinker even though we won’t be gone for like a week. I just get so sad when we are away from each other. Cause he’s my baby ;o;. We also aren’t going anywhere exciting, it’s a pretty boring state imo. Not much to do there so I’ll just be staying at the rental house and be my normal anxious and confusing self.

But we are going to be there when the Animal crossing Sanrio cards come out and they will definitely sell fast so we will go to a target nearby and hunt a pack down because I want them cards. The items and villagers are cute as heck. Fingers crossed we find them
I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Fri, 26/03/2021 02:17 (3 Years ago)

Title: Some vacation

Oh boy. Today has been very bad. Why?
Well today was the day we were going to drive to the state that is hosting that ballroom competition. The drive was horrible. I got motion sickness not even 5 minutes after being in the car. We dropped off tinker and god I already miss him and it hasn’t even been a day. Then we get on the freeway and guess what, there was horrible traffic because they decided to fix the road or something. Why do you need to fix the road so much?! It’s a freaking road guys! Anyway I was trying to sleep so I could fast forward to getting to the rental house which never happens but I can try. Ya that didn’t work. I didn’t even fall asleep, I was just resting my eyes. No actual sleep. Then it got worse, my mom and her partner decided to listen to a stupid audio book! It was so boring and I wanted to eject myself out of the car. I don’t know how people can listen to audio books or heck even read a book! I’m a movie and show person, no books. They went through 4 freaking chapters before they changed back to music. But wait, there’s more! Since I wasn’t asleep, I could hear them talking and guess what they said.....my sister’s boyfriend is coming down with us for the trip! Great! A guy I hate is coming on a vacation and sharing a house with me! It’s like I’m in Disneyland! /s. What a load of tarous.
Finally made it to the rental house and this house sucks. The stairs are so hard to climb, the house smells awful, there is only 1 TV in the house and the walls are thin so I will hear what my sister and her boyfriend are doing! There’s also no pool, hot tub or anything fun to do at the house either. Why?....just why? This vacation is going to suck and I wish I just stayed home. Now I’m without tinker, in a lame house and having to share a house with a boy that I hate sooooo much. I hate this
I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Sat, 27/03/2021 04:12 (3 Years ago)
So I went to my sister’s competition to watch her preform the one day. Here’s what happened during that time.
First was the annoying people who were blocking the way so we couldn’t see the teams preform which was annoying as heck. Especially when the kids did it. This one group of kids would just walk back and forth and I think I saw them almost 15 times! Like people come on! Stop being rude and just stay put!
Second was my sister’s ex boyfriend. He was there and danced too. Btw he’s a horrible dancer. I don’t even know how he got on the team. Him and his team got first 2 times! That’s right, 2 times the so called judges gave them first. It’s rigged. I hate that guy.
Then a jerk in the stands was making them shake and bang. It was so annoying and it was like being on an airplane and having some bratty kid kick your seat. They did it pretty much the whole time we were there.
And finally, my mom’s partner. We were packing up and getting ready to leave. Some info is that I was in my wheelchair that I use when in a crowded place to help prevent a meltdown and my mom and her partner were using lawn chairs to sit in. So my mom is trying to wheel me out and her partner was getting her stuff. My mom accidentally ran over her partner’s toe and want to know what she does? She freaking grabs my arm into a death lock and digs her nails into my skin! Then proceeds to yell at my mom to stop. Also partner was looking down at the ground and she could definitely see the wheelchair if it came into view and she could have used her death lock on the wheelchair and not a living person so she is partly to blame for not seeing wheelchair and moving and by not hurting me. My mom asks if she is ok and Her partner dramatically says ‘I don’t know, I haven’t seen my toe yet!’. No one asks me if I’m ok because I guess my mom didn’t see me in pain and her partner didn’t feel my skin. My arm hurt for a while and was tingling in pain. I also had a short shelved dress on so they could have seen the mark and asked what happened. No one said anything. I looked at the mark and my arm is red and has scratch marks on it.

So now I’m at the rental house, sore and tired. I also stubbed my freaking toe on this stupid bed so now I’m in more pain. I’m tearing up and ready to go home. I miss tinker and I miss my house. I just want to forget about this so called vacation and be depressed at home. I guess I just can’t even have a vacation anymore, it will always feel not like a vacation and my mind will never take a break either. I’ll always have my anxiety, depression, autism and damaged brain with me for it and I’ll never feel relaxed. Only just my normal self, emotionless in public and sad behind closed doors....
I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Tue, 30/03/2021 05:26 (3 Years ago)

Title: Easter eggs

This is my first Easter event here on PH and when they announced the Easter egg hunt, I knew it was going to be a fun event! I’m good at spotting things so I managed to find 16 eggs so far! I’m having some difficulties finding the last 4 but it’s ok if I don’t find them because I already found enough for the new event mon! So I’m satisfied with finding at least 16 :3. Wonder what the new Pokémon will be, I’m excited to find out when it’s released on the 5th!

I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Mon, 05/04/2021 21:21 (3 Years ago)
Rowan asked me to help level up a Pokémon again. It’s been a while. So here’s Finn the magikarp, if you have the time I would very much appreciate interactions ^^

I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Fri, 30/04/2021 05:39 (3 Years ago)

Title: Monkey’s!

My current monkey hoard! Click them and it will take you to their page! Please donate any spare Monkey Pokémon to me please!

I’ll gladly take any unwanted monkey Pokémon, especially Aipom and ambipom!

Avatar of Grookey, image taken from Pokémon journeys the series