Forum Thread
The Gifted's. (Role Play.)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The Gifted's. (Role Play.)They envy how the Gifted are blessed with power, whilst they watch from the sidelines, only being able to envy the power they hold. They hate them, because to them it isn't fair how they were blessed, whilst they were forgotten. So, they scorn them, because that's the only thing they can do.
But, there are some other humans. Humans that are fascinated, with the Gifted and the Gifts they have. So, they experiment on them, because to them, the Gifted are nothing but, a test subject to be taken apart and toyed with.
But, with a new age, comes new times, and a new age rose for the Gifted's. The Government put up rules, stating that no one was allowed to cause any sort of harm to Gifted's. Doing so, would result in severe punishment. This resulted in many protests, but soon people came to terms with it. But, there are still some people who pay no heed to these rules, and instead continue to experiment and discriminate the Gifted's.
After lots of protests from the Gifted's along with some kindhearted humans, the government began to take action and forced the public to stop the discrimination and experiments on Gifted's. And, so the discrimination lessened and the Gifted's were happy.
But, as the saying goes, Happiness never lasts.
Many Gifted's began to disappear mysteriously, with no trace left behind. There were efforts made to find them, but they proved futile. Who could be behind this? Could this be a plan made by some humans, or is there a bigger picture behind this?
Autumn switched off the T.V with a sigh. "Hurray... Another one gone missing. This case will probably be the death of me." Autumn huffed, before turning to Violet, who was playing with a kitten. "Did any of your friends mention anything about the missing Gifted's?" Violet shook her head. "No. Milk didn't say anything." Autumn groaned again. "Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful."

(. )
Standing outside was a tall male, with black ahor and purple eyes. He smiled when he saw Violet. "Ah, Violet." He held up a couple of files. "Here you go. Hand them over to Autumn. They're info about the newly gone missing Gifted. And, tell her, we're having a meeting tomorrow." Violet nodded before she took the files and waved at John before closing the door. Violet ran back to Autumn and held out the files. Autumn took the files with a groan. "Seems my last day has come..." She quickly flipped through the file before she turned to Violet. "You'll probably be sleeping alone today too, Vi. This'll take a few hours." Violet pouted before she nodded.

Josephine immediately switched the channel to something lighter. Albeit she did find the kidnappings tragic, she didn't find it important to her. So far it was only Gifted that were going missing, and she wasn't part of that group. She was safe...for the time being, at least.
Gifted. She hated that word, it had...such a sense of superiority. Why was it that people like her, people who had been working their whole lives to reach the point that they're at right now, had to be beaten down by somebody who get the job completed with a wave of their hand?
Josephine grimaced and began to pack her things to start another day at medical school.