Mystin grinned. "My apologies, Trubbish." He quietly snuck after
Xaiver, who was impatiently making his way torwads the Moon Stone,
whispering, "I can sense it....We're almost there."
She stood up shakily, turned, and headed down the passage that had
opened up behind her wordlessly. She was tired of dealing with
bickering; she'd hoped amongst these other legendaries there would
be less, but, if anything, they seemed to fight MORE than Blitz,
Temperance, and Mystin. If she stumbled across the plate on her way
out, great! But, if not, she intended to guard the hidden exit to
the cave that Ho-Oh had told her about once, simply for the sake of
narrowing down contingencies.
Xaiver entered the room, and his eyes lit up with delight. "It's
here...can't you see it?" He pointed to the very top of the
meteorite's face, where the plate was embedded. was
guarded by Clefairy and Clefable alike. How to get past all those
fairy types?
"Then let's not." Riko recalled Tidal's plan. "I'll simply talk to
them. And if Xavier has a problem with it, then I'm more then ready
to deal with it." She once again reached for her blade, pulling it
out slightly
As she walked through the tunnels, the Lugia composed herself. This
had been silly of her, but there was no use in turning back; she
doubted her chances of finding her way safely, anyway. She found a
large boulder and nodded to herself. At first glance, it was simply
another rock formation, but as she squeezed herself into a small
crevice to the left of it, she felt a slight breeze on her face.
Emerging into the open air, she used Fly, wings of Flying Type
energy appearing behind her back as she launched into the air.
Circling once around Mount Moon before coming to rest halfway up
the mountainside from the hidden exit. She glanced up into the sky,
realizing that she perhaps missed her old friendship with Spectrum
"What we need is a distraction" Nez pointed out. "If we can direct
Xaiviers attention for long enough, we could snatch the stone and
leave before he even realizes we were here"
"How about a mental assault? 3 of us have psychic capibilities. If
we all attack his mind he'll be too distracted to notice one of us
getting the stone. Then the only problem would be getting rid of
the clefables"
"Umm, that's not how all psychic abilities work...some of us can
read minds, but I can't 'assault' someone with them." Meka
whispered quietly. "All it means is that the power comes from our
mental strength."
Mystin groaned, "this is getting us nowhere." Then, he had an idea.
"What if we managed to get to one of the Clefables or Clefairys
near us, and convince them we're on our side. They could get the
others to drive off Xaiver!"
Kate was tempted to try and sneak past the fairy Pokemon with the
plate while the group was arguing amongst themselves. She was
filled with an urgency to get to the plate before they did.