Soup! I have a Regi for you!
Username: Theking2047
What do you have and how many?: 1 ice and 1 rock
PD or Nuggets?:pd
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?:yes
Total: 37 000
Anything to say?: can i give you a combee as a gift?
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
Username: CasualPokemonFreak
What do you have and how many?: Regirock and 1!
PD or Nuggets?: PD
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: Mhm! Dw!
Total: 25K
Anything to say?: Thxs for buying it!❤️
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
Username: Yanma95
What do you have and how many?: Regirock (1)
PD or Nuggets?: PD
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: Yes
Total: 25000 PD
Anything to say?: Thanks!
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
Username: Teardrop~
What do you have and how many?: Regirock
PD or Nuggets?:
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: Yes
Total: 25,000
Anything to say?: Thx!
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central.
Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~
are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE
CENTRAL characters without permission!*
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
Username: Tuna
What do you have and how many?: Regirock x6 | Regice x4 | Registeel
x3 | Regieleki x5 | Regidrago x5
PD or Nuggets?: Nuggets
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: Yep
Total: 78 + 72 + 69 + 225 + 225 = 669 Nuggets
Anything to say?: Thank you!
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
Username: ~SpiritBeholder~
What do you have and how many?: Regirock x1
PD or Nuggets?: PD
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: Mhm!
Total: 25K
Anything to say?: Thanks!
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
Username: foxydope12
What do you have and how many?: 1 reggirock
PD or Nuggets?: pd
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: mhm
Total: 25k
Anything to say?: :p
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
Username: Charmander25
What do you have and how many?: Regirock x3, Regice x3, Registeel
x3, Regieleki x3, Regidrago x3, Shiny regirock x1, shiny regice x1,
shiny registeel x1
PD or Nuggets?: nuggets
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: yes
Total: 432 for the normal ones and 210 for the shinies. 642 in
Anything to say?: thanks!
From Charmander!
Pls help me train charizard too if you can :)