-Human Story-
~After years of being frozen in ice the Humans finally leave their
cryogenic state~
~The leader of district A, Jesus called out~
Jesus: "Meg you awake yet?"
-Inkling/Octoling Story-
~Odd broadcasts appear from the radios of Inkopolis~
-Human Side-
Jesus: "Judging by the condition of the lab about 3,780 years"
~The radio activated~
-Inkling/Octoling Side-
~Callie, Marie, Pearl, And Marina went live~
Callie: "Attention all Inklings and Octolings!"
Marie: "Mysterious radio waves have been broadcasted all over
Pearl: "And it seems it is deriving from nearby coordinates!"
Marina: "We will do our best to keep you updated! "
-Human Side-
Radio: "Attent--- a-- Inklings--d Octolings! M------rious r--io
waves have b--n -----cast-- all over Inkopolis! And it --ems it is
deriving ---m n----y coor-----tes! We w--l do our be-t to keep you
u--ated! "
“Mysterious radio waves? I’ve decided that’ll be my adventure for
today!” Sasha said, pumping her fist up in the air and grabbing her
Kraken roller, a groan sounded from another room. Her living room
was basic with paintings and mini collectibles but she had a splat
charger and a splattershot on one of her walls
-Human Side-
Jesus: "Let me try something!"
~Jesus grabbed the radio~
Jesus: "Hello? Hello! Is anyone there? I am Jesus, Jesus Soulvi! I
am in a underground lab with my friend, Meg! Is any human survivors
out there hello? Hello!"
-Inkling/Octoling Side-
~All the radios activated-
Radio: "He---? Hel-o! Is an--ne there? I -- Jesus, Je--s Soulvi! I
am in a undergr----d lab w---h my friend, Meg! -- any h-uan
survivors out there hello? Hello!"
Marine: "Huh? Humans? I thought they were gone..."
Maylene woke up with a groan ‘what’s she up to now...’ she thought
as she got ready, grabbed her splat charger and went out the door,
following her sister Sasha
-Human Side-
Jesus: "You do that!"
~Jesus turns on the radio~
Jesus: "Hello! Please send help we are at +Coordinates+ I will tell
you more later!"
-Inkling/Octoling Side-
Radio: "H---o! Ple-se s--d h-lp we a-- at +Coordinates+ I will -ell
you more later!"
Marie: Callie! Marina! Pearl! Get a group of agents we have a
important mission! "
Callie: "On it!"
-Callie, Marina, Pearl, and Marie sent t messages to all the
[All agents need to go to +Coordinates+, this is important
as we may find other signs of life out there, we don’t know what
they’re like so bring weapons as a precaution. -signed Marie,
Callie, Pearl and Marina]
Sasha nodded at her phone, keeping in mind the coordinates for the
mission while Maylene caught up to her. “Let’s go, Sasha” Maylene
said and Sasha nodded as they ran to the coordinates
-Human Side-
Jesus: "I bet you two are hungry after being frozen for so long...
I have some fresh ingredients in my bag! How about I make you some
-Inkling Side-
~Pearl, Marina, Marie, Callie are all waiting at the coordinates~