Speedstorm takes Pumpkin into a hidden cave that he once stayed in
when he didn’t know anyone and then he goes back to the queen. “All
queens should die. You are about the same size compared to the
other queens from where I live.” he said. “Let’s dance.” Speedstorm
said and then flew up to the clouds and prepared to dive and shoot
a strong plasma blast.
Speedstorm uses his echolocation and then sees the queen is
protecting herself with electricity. He says to himself, “So that’s
how this is going to be.” and he charges up a plasma blast.
Speedstorm sighs a bit. He hates the stereotypes. Everything always
saying, “Oh night fury’s are almost extinct cause they were
stupid.” but that wasn’t the case. He shoots a blast at a tree,
making it fall in the Queen’s direction.
It walls on queen, but is too small to hurt her..... She stops
producing electricity... She knew that the night fury will shoot
her, because her shield is of, but queen didn't want to kill sea
life... She walk deeper in to water
Speedstorm sees this. He decides to wait out and see what the queen
would do as she walks towards the lake and going into the water. He
snarls and growls a bit, not liking the queen for mocking his