"Yes- there isn't any werewolf here, is there? I don't think
so...my reading says werewolves live with humans, and there is none
in the forbidden forest."
"I am joking! I have read that is 1993, the DADA professor, Remus
Lupin was a werewolf and once forgot drinking his potion, and
nearly killed some of the golden trio!" Suvansh says, as a
*Samton sits in the library, reading through one of the advanced
books on The Study of Ancient Runes. He knows certain runes will
increase certain strengths in magic, and they are used a lot too.
In protection lockets, for instance. Samton has decided to find one
proper enough to be used as the symbol for his new, 'cult' as he
liked to call it.*
I might sould like a bot, but I'm alive P.H. Times
"I feel something off about the day too- what could it be? I have
heard dark arts is the strongest on full moons and new moons!"
Suvansh says, remembering everything uncanny he knows about full
"Hmm ya" Suvansh says. He didn't exactly know what Aurora was
speaking about, but got the feel. "Should we go take a round around
the forest? I am having a bad feeling-"
Suvansh quickly goes to Rohits dorm and comes back. He sends a
message for him via Symphony, but she just didn't want to go, but
went she finally went, she returned empty handed. He goes to Aurora
and Holly. "Rohit isn't in his dorm and isn't either replying to my
Rohit recieves the message but doesn't answer, because he knew he
would be in trouble if he did.