Forum Thread
"Bamba forest" roleplay
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → "Bamba forest" roleplay-------------------------------------------------
Something beeps in Kipsh pocket .. "WHAT". He runs back to the lab
Bizz is looking for Luke ... She really want to talk with someone
Latias goes in to dark room... Turns on the light and she is horrified by a view there are thousands of giant glass tubes filled with fusions... Latias went to the computer
Latias looks back at him "I know you can't understand me... but I wish you could you monster". She attack him with dragon breath ... But missed and breaks few tubes.
Kipsh looks angry "Do you even know how much money those fusion would have made me???"
Kipsh "So you know. HUH and what??? DO you even know how many times have you found out?? HOw many times NObu or Lomiu have???" He walks closer to her "And I just will delete your memory Like I always do"