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Worlds United (A SVTFOE RP)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Worlds United (A SVTFOE RP)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Fri, 01/05/2020 10:24 (4 Years ago)
Setting and story: (These aren't my forte, so please bare with me.)
After the magic had been erased by Princess Star Butterfly, Mewni and Earth had combined together, forcing Mewmans, Humans, and Monsters to all share one world. For the time being things seem peaceful enough, with each species bringing something new (and old) to the world. Monsters and Mewmans brought Cornball, while Humans taught them pretty much everything else.

The new world is ruled by Princess Star and her Squire Marco Diaz. They visit Echo Creek every so often to make sure no fights have broken out and peace is still maintained. However, something has been in the back of Star's mind for some time now...Has the magic truly disappeared? Is there more evil ahead? Will Mewmanity/Humanity/and Monsterdom continue to work together? Who knows. There has been a foreboding presence in the world...somewhere. Someone we once considered a "friend", might have gone rogue, not liking how things have turned out.

Rules: (I don't have many, but please follow them.)
1. No OP characters, everyone has a chance at death if needed be, (Septarians are slightly stronger due to regeneration, so they won't die as easily)
2. Please be nice (I can't stress this enough, please treat everyone fairly, or I will kick you out)
3. PLEASE, for the love of all 17 Arceus above, USE MORE THAN ONE LINE! (It's really hard to go off of a one liner, so please be descriptive! I'm not saying TLDR or anything, but at least 2 sentences worth.)
4. Have fun! Let's see what this new world has to offer!
5. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SUBSCRIBE. It's common sense, but I guess some people forget. We can't move forward if not everyone is up to date.

Character roster:
Any canon characters can be played by anyone, just let me know~ (And yes, OCs and AUs are allowed~)

Form: (Please use the form below for your OC or AU~)

Character: (You can have up to 2 max)
Other: (Put whatever you'd like here)

Here's my example~
Username: TheReckoningCatrina
Character: Lady Maria Avarius
Species: Kappa
Age: 48
Weapon?: Feather Daggers
Bio: Once the queen to King Avarius, she was the most beautiful Kappa in the Deadly Forest, but upon marriage, the stress of being constantly scorned at and birthing his many children did wear her out. It wasn't until after she had her newest child Ludo, that the king had grown furious because he was small, unlike their previous kids. This angered him greatly and he wanted Ludo dead. Maria stepped in last minute to save her son from being stabbed multiple times, her back is riddled with many scars from the incident. Later that night she grabbed Ludo and her disguise and made her way to Mewni, or what was left of it, before emerging to the new world. Now she takes care of Ludo and wants to find somewhere where she can relax and be a mother once more.
Personality: Very motherly to most, especially children, but can be one of your worst enemies if you try to hurt Ludo or mock her species. She enjoys cooking and will occasionally sing, usually to shush a crying Ludo.
Other: SVTFOE rules!
Username: TheReckoningCatrina
Character: (You can have up to 2 max) Queen Marceline Moon
Species: Mewman
Age: 15
Weapon?: Wand and whip
Bio: Princess, now Queen Moon, once ruled over Mewni in another dimension after her mother's death in the Battle of Mewnipendence Day. or as she knows it as, The Great Monster Massacre. She as far as she knows, is the only princess, aside from Queen Eclipsa, to want Monsters and Mewmans to kindle a friendship that they know they can have. She, along with her friends, Toffee, Ludo, Buff Frog "Kenny", and the Magic High Comission will do whatever it takes to make sure that one day, Monsters and Mewmans would get along. She loves the idea of Cornball and would usually take the Monster's team, if they would have her, she knew that Mewmans would cheat from time to time, and was always more than happy to provide that information to the Monsters whenever they asked. She won't ever admit it, but she has a crush on Toffee, who's been her friend since she was little, but she believes he mostly just sees her as a little sister, and rarely takes her seriously. Upon finding herself among the new combined world, she desperately seeks out her friends and tries to get a grasp on the world before her, seeing if anyone would need her help, despite magic not really working. Her favorite thing to do is make pies.

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Fri, 01/05/2020 10:43 (4 Years ago)
This looks like it'll be a fun one! :D

Username: DiamondDust
Character: Hekapoo
Species: Reborn Magical Being/ Fire Spirit
Age: Unknown, appears in her mid 20s
Weapon?: Dimensional Scissors
Picture: TBA
Bio: Hekapoo was created by Glossaryck near the beginning of magic many millennia ago. Unfortunately, he never showed her much care and even disregarded her completely, which caused her to ultimately lash out at him, shattering the large crystal on his head and leaving her home universe to hide away in the current universe. When magic was destroyed she was gravely wounded, but didn't perish like many thought she would have, causing her to hide in the far corners of earth. She always carries around a pair of her dimensional scissors to protect herself, even though she knows she can't make portals anymore. She is currently travelling to find a strange source of energy that she believe she can "feel" though it it currently unknown if this energy she claims to feel is actually real or not.
Personality: Hekapoo is an incredibly lonely girl who wants to find someone or something she can call a friend. She has a hard time trusting others and will often lash out at those who try to get too close to her too fast. But once she is able to open up to someone she is incredibly protective and can actually be a bit playful, her hidden true side that no one has ever seen yet. She does have a bad habit on crushing on cute/masculine guys easily, though she never gets close enough to say anything to them.
Other: Can't wait to start up on this! :D

I'll be adding a second character once I think of them x3
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Fri, 01/05/2020 10:47 (4 Years ago)

Hello there! You're accepted~ Lonely Hekapoo makes her appearance at last! Can't wait to RP with her! :)
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 01/05/2020 13:52 (4 Years ago)
QUEEN AVARIUUSSSSSS <3 *swoons her and kissed her arm* Star you drew her so pretty >W< and Ludo! He's so cute >W<

And Marco, Hekapoo sounds really cute!! I hope I can see her to give her nuzzles too! >W<

Username: Shazi
Character: (You can have up to 2 max) Shazi
Species: Mewman
Age: 14
Weapon?: Her magical wand of course! >w<
Picture: drawn by Star herself!
Bio: Born of River and Moon Butterfly, Star turned herself into Shazi because she didn't wanna be a princess! She actually wants to serve under King Ludo! She likes fighting bad guys and making friends with her magic! She knows a lot of spells and her favorite is the Narwal Blast! Kappas are her favorite type of monster (obviously lol >w<).
Personality: She's exactly like Star Butterfly, but can get hotheaded and stuff if she gets into things like Cornball! X3
Other: (Put whatever you'd like here) Thank you guys for hosting this!!! >W<

Username: Shazi
Character: (You can have up to 2 max) King Ludo Avarius!
Species: Kappa
Age: 40
Weapon?: Staff of pure and evil that absorbs any magic attacks! It only works half the time tho, otherwise he just hits you on your head >w<
Picture: I'm gonna have Star draw him later for he when she can >w< But he's pretty much king Ludo from the show, but has a dark beard and feathered arms!
Bio: King Ludo successfully took over Mewni long ago after beating River and Moon butterfly, obsessed with anything magic. When the world's merged together he lost his rule and now looks for minions to try to take over this new world!
Personality: Uppity and full of himself definitely >w< He's very Ludo lol! X3
Other: (Put whatever you'd like here) ALL HAIL KING LUDO!! >W<
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Fri, 01/05/2020 19:06 (4 Years ago)

Hey Shazi! You're accepted my dude! Thanks for joining!
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 289
Posted: Fri, 01/05/2020 19:54 (4 Years ago)
Username: Nickit_Off_The_Top
Character: (You can have up to 2 max) Marco Diaz
Species: Do i really need to put any of this for Marco?
Other: (Put whatever you'd like here)


Username: Nickit_Off_The_Top
Character: (You can have up to 2 max): Tamashi
Species: Human/Septarian
Age: 16
Weapon?: Long sword, martial arts
Picture: [ing]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcS-HUQrrO7kerQ2I--QLVDezC76LQylBxd08qXzzDgDtMi75_xe&usqp=CAU[/img]
Bio: ???
Personality: ???
Other: (Put whatever you'd like here): Whatever you'd like here
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Fri, 01/05/2020 19:56 (4 Years ago)

Hey! Lol no you don't need to put any info for Marco. He's pretty self explanatory.

Both are accepted! And I appreciate the sarcasm lol XD A+ from me!
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 289
Posted: Fri, 01/05/2020 19:57 (4 Years ago)
is this where we roleplay as well or...
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Fri, 01/05/2020 19:58 (4 Years ago)

It isn't, i'll be setting up the RP when I get home from a few errands i'm doing~ I'l post the link here when i'm ready.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 289
Posted: Fri, 01/05/2020 19:58 (4 Years ago)
Oh alright. thanks
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Sat, 02/05/2020 03:53 (4 Years ago)
Hey everyone! After some council between myself and Catrina, I have created the first post in the RP. It's a world building post so my character isn't in it yet, but we are open for anyone to start moving from here <3

here is the link!
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Sat, 02/05/2020 05:33 (4 Years ago)

Thank you for doing that for me, you've always been better at setting the...setting xD;

Join the RP when everyone's ready~
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 22:00 (4 Years ago)
Sorry everyone, I am just going to make a note here.

for the fairness of everyone.. all four of us, please wait from posting until at least two others have posted. we do not have to keep the same formula of posting, but no one wants to have to play catch-up for a story when two people have taken the story away.

Show hidden content
I post, catrina posts, Shazi posts then Nickit(formerly) posts ~this was our first string
a second string could follow up as:
the same as the first string
catrina, shazi, nickit, me
me, shazi, nickit, catrina
me, catrina, nickit, shazi
catrina, me, shazi, nickit
and so on

this keeps it fair for everyone as we'd all have to wait for two people to post.

and if you have more than one character in different places and don't want to get lost in your own post, I highly recommend the "hr" command bbcode which looks like this [ hr] (without the space)

because then the post will be broken

just like this and you'll never have to worry about the characters getting mixed up. I know I'll be using this when I get my second character in (and for other minor characters that wont hold much part in the story)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 22:03 (4 Years ago)

Thank you for making note of that xD I've been in a few other RPs that I quit because there was like..8 pages done in my absence and I didn't feel like reading.

Thank you as well for that nifty HR code~ I'll have to use it sometime xD
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 289
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 22:13 (4 Years ago)
Ill keep that in mind next time. thanks

Im gonna advertise this roleplay so more people can join
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 22:55 (4 Years ago)

Appreciated for the advertisement! :) Let's gather the fans!
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2020 23:37 (4 Years ago)
Character: (You can have up to 2 max)Tazuli
Weapon?:Dimensional scissors
Picture:(this is my OC so there’s so picture lol)Long pink hair with cyan blue eyes,usually wear a dark blue jacket and black pants
Bio:She was a normal mewman until she found a dimensional scissor when she was wandering around the forest,she was drag to a few dimensions with her brother and learned some basic fighting styles
Personality:She can get mad easily but tries to stay calm,unless she’s around with her brother so they can get into arguments and fights all the time
Other: (Put whatever you'd like here)Amane is her younger brother

Character: (You can have up to 2 max)Amane
Weapon?:A sword
Picture:(He’s also my OC so no picture here)short black hair with amber eyes,he usually wear a black jacket
Bio:He was drag along with Tazuli when they were going to different dimensions,he found a sword and accidentally set it on fire,it almost burned him but he was able to control its flames after some time
Personality:Can be childish and immature at times but can also be mature when needed,he tries to be cheerful when around other people,unless if it’s Tazuli because if it is there’s probably another argument soon,they still love each other tho
Other: (Put whatever you'd like here)Tazuli is his older sister

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 00:00 (4 Years ago)

Hey there and welcome! :D You're accepted! Feel free to post in the RP when you get the chance~
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 00:10 (4 Years ago)
Username: xX_Artemis_Xx
Character: Silver
Species: Elf? No idea if this is ok
Age: 11
Weapon?: a sphere that floats in front of her (see picture)
Picture: Here
Bio: She is very smart, and doesn't need sleep. She can not get tired
Personality: TB'RP
His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Tue, 05/05/2020 00:48 (4 Years ago)

Hello! Welcome! ^^ And I suppose it's alright..There aren't elves in the Star Universe as far as I remember..Most 'Elf' I remember are Pixies. She could be from an undiscovered dimension.

Aah Stardust~ My favorite Chinese Vocaloid <3 So pretty~

Accepted! Feel free to post when you're ready.