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Pokemon Town/City Rp

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Pokemon Town/City Rp
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:13 (4 Years ago)
"I actually kind of want to walk around outside alone for a bit." Ally replied, facing him. "I'm sure Jack won't be around."

"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:15 (4 Years ago)
Scrap glared at her, getting his mind off of her and more on Jack "I'm not letting you go out alone. I don't want to leave you alone, or something bad may happen again"

"Hey, wanna come in this trash can with me?"
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:16 (4 Years ago)
Ally recoiled a little at his glare, her ears folded. For some reason, his glare reminded her of something, but what?

"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:19 (4 Years ago)
He ducked His face again. 'Don't start acting like this...ugh...' He thought. He faced her again with a slightly sorrowful face. "I-I just don't want you hurt again, ok?"

"Hey, wanna come in this trash can with me?"
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:21 (4 Years ago)
Ally sighed and muttered, "I'll stay here then..." She walked to a different area of the house and sat down, facing the window.

"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:25 (4 Years ago)
"Hmm. I never said we couldn't go out and walk together but..." He kept thinking to himself 'What did you just do? I think you just made her upset. Scrap what's wrong with you?' He would let her go out alone but...she seemed...vulnerable. She did get hurt last time, and he wasn't there to help her. He left her. He started to think he hadn't been doing any good...

"Hey, wanna come in this trash can with me?"
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:28 (4 Years ago)
Ally stared out the window, lost in thought. "What am I doing...?" she muttered out loud.

"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:30 (4 Years ago)
Scrap heard her words. 'Don't go and talk to her! She wants nothing to do with you right now!' He stayed where he was

"Hey, wanna come in this trash can with me?"
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:32 (4 Years ago)
She shook her head, trying to get rid of her bad thoughts and memories. "Why... Why do I think I'm not safe here..?" Ally said that last part again out loud.

"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:34 (4 Years ago)
"W-what?" What? He did think she was safe here. What is she talking about right now? He didn't understand

"Hey, wanna come in this trash can with me?"
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:35 (4 Years ago)
Ally stopped talking, realizing she said that out loud. She glanced at Scrap nervously after saying that.

"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:38 (4 Years ago)
His wings lowered. 'You'vre done it now dimwit. Stupid Freak....' "I-I'm sorry. If you don't want to stay here anymore it's ok..." He was confused but felt guilty

"Hey, wanna come in this trash can with me?"
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:39 (4 Years ago)
"S-Scrap, I-" Ally didn't really know what else to say. She tried speaking, but nothing came out.

"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:41 (4 Years ago)
"I did do something wrong didn't I? This is why the town think nobody should befriend me isn't it? Do I ruin everything I touch? I'm sorry-" Scrap layed down with his paws over his head

"Hey, wanna come in this trash can with me?"
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:44 (4 Years ago)
Ally took one step towards him, wanting to get close. But she had a slight look of fear in her eyes.

"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:46 (4 Years ago)
He started to sweat, what was she going to do?

"Hey, wanna come in this trash can with me?"
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:47 (4 Years ago)
"Scrap, I- I'm sorry..." A few tears were running down her face. "I didn't m-mean to say that..."

"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:49 (4 Years ago)
Scrap sighed while starting the shread his own tears. "N-No I'm sorry. I understand if you want to leave me now..." He was too scared to look at her

"Hey, wanna come in this trash can with me?"
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:51 (4 Years ago)
"I-I just," she sighed before continuing, "I-I just panicked... when you glared at me... I was remembering something else that happened with me when I lived, in the Herd."

"Don't assume other people think the same way you do."
-Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2020 03:53 (4 Years ago)
"H-Huh? Oh..." He didn't know what to say

"Hey, wanna come in this trash can with me?"