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1x1 Diamond+Catrina; The Adventures of Eevee and Friends

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP 1x1 Diamond+Catrina; The Adventures of Eevee and Friends
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Mon, 24/02/2020 02:00 (5 Years ago)
Nymphi Valley, a large lush area hidden away in the Galar region to humans and difficult for large pokemon to access without intensive knowledge of the area. Every morning a Pokemon exclusive train would drop off a few young pokemon and each evening the same train would take them home. There was a second train that came to the valley as well, however, only the pokemon who had vast wealth were privileged enough to board this luxury train. This was the main way most pokemon got into the Valley. One Pokémon, however, lived in the Valley itself. This Pokémon was Elora, an Eevee with a heart of gold and fluff for a mile. She would often greet her friends when they got off the train every day and wave them off each evening when they had to get back on.

Elora lived there with her parents, though they usually had to travel to different parts of the region, so she was often in the care of a shiny Mr. Rime that was always called Dapper Dandy, or "Mr. Dandy" for short. Dapper Dandy is a very eccentric and friendly pokemon who loved to entertain the kids with his legendary tap dancing skills, and would often give classes whenever the young pokemon asked. And, at times, it was rumored that another pokemon also looked over the Valley, however no one had ever seen who, or even what this mysterious pokemon was, the only thing that was known about this mystery pokemon was that it had the ability to fly, and if any pokemon was discovered lost in the Valley, this pokemon, in the dead of night when they slept, would bring them back to safety and under the care of Mr. Dandy in the morning. Some of the visiting children who know of this rumor would often call this mysterious hero of the night the "Shadow Wing."

Today started out as any other day in Nymphi Valley for our group of young friends, eager to hop off of the train and start their new playground adventure, but little did they know that this day would bring about the beginning of a strange and wonderful adventure for all of them.

Elora woke with a start as she realized that the sun was already rising high in the sky, her bright eyes widened as she could see the morning train starting to roll around the corner. She was late! She was never late on being at the train station to see her friends, so she was starting to freak out, running in circles before she started to run out of her room and past Dapper Dandy who was sipping some tea in the living area of the home.

"G'mornin Mr. Dandy! Sorry, can't stay long! I'm laaaaaaaaattttteeeeeee!" She exclaimed as she burst through the front door, running as fast as her little paws would let her all the way to the train station, hoping that she would not be late to see her friends at the station today of all days. "I can't be late I can't be late I can't be late!" She chimed to herself in an almost chant-like manner as she felt the grass under her paws. She didn't want to be late today, because today marked the 3-year anniversary that they all met, a very special day to her, and one that she begged Dapper Dandy to do a special performance for in the evening, but she hadn't told any of her friends about that yet, she wanted to surprise them.

"Hm? Ah, good morni-" Dapper Dandy started as he watched Elora dash through the front door, blinking as she was gone before he could finish his sentence. "hohooh, my my my, in quite the rush today, aren't we little one?" he chuckled before getting up, briskly going to close the door and get the place ready for the evening's festivities, a 'do not disturb' sign placed gently on the door and the curtains closed so no one could easily peek in.
Aboard the main train a young Shiny Rowlet named Sebastian was gazing out of the window, his sharp eyes watching the scenery as it passed by. Something felt wrong to him today, he couldn't place why, but it seemed to him that the train just felt... different. Much as he tried to shake it off, preening his feathers to do so, he couldn't get the feeling off of him. So instead of trying to dwell on it, he turned his attention to the rest of the train car. He could see most of his other friends in the car with him. Most, except for two, one, naturally, was on the other train, the other, he expected, was probably risking his skin on the roof of the train car again, much to his own annoyance about the boy's reckless behavior.

With a low sigh he turned his head towards the top of his window, wondering if he could see a slight passing by of the little imp's feet. "He better not do anything too stupid today. Not with this... strange sensation I feel... I really.. really hope he doesn't..."
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Mon, 24/02/2020 22:24 (5 Years ago)
In the same homestead as Elora and Dapper Dandy was a Toxicroak named Hsien-La, working in the kitchen to prepare some breakfast for the little lady and Dandy before she blinked a little and peeked her head out from the kitchen door stead, watching as the little Eevee ran as she chanted that she couldn't be late. She sighed playfully before gently resting the bao she had made along with the others, chuckling to herself

"Well so much for breakfast." her voice lightly trailed off as she then used her chopsticks to take a small bite of another piece of bao. Licking her lips she then strutted, as Toxicroak's do, towards Dandy who was enjoying his morning tea.

"Aaah kids these days, always in a hurry...even adults too it seems." She chuckled again as she followed behind Dandy as he then entered the door, ignoring the 'do not disturb' sign.

"Sorry fo' barging in!" Hsien-La smirked a little as she opened the door, the plate of bao resting gently in her hand. "I bring you food." she got a good glance at the decorations.

"You putting on a show for the kids today ah? I'm sure they' gonna look forward to it." She nodded again before setting the plate down. "Come get food first, tea boy!"
Aboard the same train as Sebastian was a young shiny Sobble named Marcel, gently fidgiting with his scarf as he found himself glancing out the window rather quickly in a back and forth manner. No matter how many times he went on the same train every day, he still wasn't quite used to it, perhaps he had a bit of motion sickness that he never knew, but the view of the upcoming Nymphi Valley seemed to help ease him because he knew that his friends would be waiting for him there. This caused him to smile a little before he gently looked up as he heard small mumblings coming from the roof of the train. He lightly sighed, figuring it was Loki again. He didn't like the fact that the Impidimp constantly put himself in danger, but he could do nothing but shrug it off and hope for the best. He knew that Sebastian always worried about Loki more than anyone. Gently crawling towards the front of the seat he gently poked his head up, looking around for the familiar Rowlet.

"Sebastian, can you see him?"
Again, on the same train, was that young Impidimp the others worried for. Loki couldn't help himself, he loved the feeling of the wind on his face, and moreover he was able to actually see things and not just assume things were there due to his bangs covering his eyes. That, and he loved the thrill of danger. He continued to hang onto one of the railings on top of the train before he then crawled towards a window, looking for any one of his friends. He caught Sebastian from the corner of his eye and playfully stuck his tongue out at him.

"Awwww what's wrong, this time, mate?" Loki snickered, keeping his face plastered to the window as he continued to hold onto the railings. "Ya seem more anxious than usual? Somethin' on ya mind?"
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Thu, 27/02/2020 10:56 (5 Years ago)
Dapper Dandy gave a small chuckle as he was setting up the decorations, being a little startled as Hsein-La entered the room. He turned around to see her and promptly gave her a smile as he made his way over towards his chair, grateful to have her around to remind him to eat. Often times he forgets to eat when he's got something to work on, so having her around was truly a blessing for him.

"Ah, thank you my dear, I do alway look forward to your cooking." he gave her a warm smile as he spun his cane for a moment before setting it down, looking at the starting of his work before looking back towards Hsien-la. "Much as I enjoy your company as well!" He chuckled as he happily munched on the food she offered to him, offering a seat beside him for her to sit in.

"Yes, young miss Elora asked me to do something special for their friendship anniversary, and who am I to say no? I truly would hate to dampen their spirits."
"Hm?" Sebastian turned his attention towards Marcel as he heard the familiar quiet voice behind him, turning his head before looking back out towards the window to see the Impidimp, his feathers a little ruffled at whatever he was worried about.

"Ah, well, yes, I see him, that brat is gonna get himself killed one day at this rate..." He shook his head again looking out beyond Loki, seeing the valley as he tried to get his mind off of things, the strange feeling just staying under his feathers.

Listening to Loki's voice seemed to get him to realize that they've noticed his worry was on more than just Loki, so he gave a small sigh, looking back towards Loki with a small annoyed expression before he gave into his worry. "Well, today just feels a bit... off.. like something's wrong, but I just can't place what. It's kind of like... this train.. I feel like something is going to happen to this train today, but I don't know what.."
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Mon, 02/03/2020 21:57 (5 Years ago)
Hsien-La chuckled lightly as she noticed that she startled Dapper Dandy, lightly resting her hand to her mouth, cackling again. "An hea' I thought I was supposed to be the one with 'Anticipation', Shēnshì." she then lightly bowed her head a little with the Bao plate still in her hands.

"Eh don't worry about it. You need to eat, you know." She looked back to him, smiling lowly. "I glad you like my cooking! It's good for you!" She watched his cane as it spun before she then playfully swatted the air in a 'pssshhh you're just saying that' manner, but digressed and happily took the seat next to him. She picked up her Bao and looked back towards Dapper Dandy, blinking twice before she playfully hit her head.

"Aaaaaah right! Thea' 3 year anniversary! I almos' fo'got!" She shook her head a little before resting her hands on her hips.

"I'll have ta prepa' an extra good dinna today then!"
Marcel listened to Sebastian with a small frown, lightly glancing out the window that Loki was playing on, watching Sebastian's reaction. He gently started to whimper a little, lightly resting his hands together.

"Come on, Loki..! Please stop worrying us like zat! Especially if Sebastian says something's wrong." He slumped back down in his seat, causing him to look back and forth more worried than before. After hearing what Sebastian told Loki about his feeling about the train his eyes widened, quickly shooting up from his seat, the fastest he had ever moved in his life.

"Wh-Wh-What do you mean, Sebastian? We're gonna l-live, right?"
"A bit off,eh?" Loki blinked before looking around at the train and the valley, raising a brow before looking back to the panicking Marcel, wanting so bad to egg him on with the scary story of the Dracovish and the water train. But he digressed before looking back to Sebastian.

"Well It can't be more off than it normally is, eh, mate? The driver's always a bit off." He smirked before climbing back on top of the train, doing his usual train surfing routine.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Wed, 11/03/2020 07:06 (5 Years ago)
Dapper Dandy chuckled as she mentioned the ability anticipation. It's true he didn't have that ability, but he was prone to being startled when he started concentrating, so with a happy glint in his eyes he gave a good laugh before happily eating.

"You do always make the best meals in my opinion Hsien-La dear." he gave her a smile as he finished off the plate she got for him, taking another sip of his tea. Giving a small happy sigh from the refreshing tea he looked back towards the Toxicroak and nodded. "Yes, Hard to believe it's already been three years since those little scamps all got together with our dear Lady Elora."

He knew deep down that Elora didn't like being called a 'lady' but he couldn't help it, she was a young lady and he wanted to treat her as such. "It truly is a blessing for her to have such wonderful friends, and I know that whatever you prepare tonight will be phenomenal." He gave Hsien-La a gentle smile before looking towards his work area, tilting his head a little.

"I just hope they like the show I'll be preparing for them."
Sebastian gave an irritated shake of his feathers, typical Loki, not truly taking into thought of his worries as usual. He gave a small coo of irritation before his small talons gripped his seat. He could hear how worried his words made Marcel, so carefully fluttering himself towards the back of the seat to sit by Marcel he gently held a wing out towards the Sobble.

"hmph... That Loki... but, we should be Okay, Marcel. I'm just..." he gave a small sigh, he hated to admit it, but Loki was right, the driver was usually a bit off, he was a Wobbuffet after all, but he never did anything bad with the train, Wobbuffet's were always careful. "I feel like there's something wrong with the train itself.." he said in a hushed voice, half testing to see if Loki would listen, and if he didn't, well, the little Rowlet would do anything in his power to help the rebellious Impidimp, and proceed to tell him 'I told you so' if anything went wrong. "I don't know if it's the tracks wearing down, or maybe a connector is coming loose, or there could be something in the way of the tracks, but something is definitely wrong... and I don't think we'll be able to go home today if my suspicion is true..."
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Fri, 13/03/2020 12:13 (5 Years ago)
Hsien-La smirked a toothy Toxicroak grin as she too had finished her plate of Bao. Lightly getting up to gather both her plate and Dapper Dandy's plate. She lightly rested the plates on her hand before playfully swatting the air as he gave her the compliment, happily mumbling something in Chinese before she looked back to Dapper Dandy.

"Aww tanks, Shēnshì," She began before nodding to his comment about their 3 years together, "Oh yea! Time sure fly when you'r having fun with friends! I mean I wouldn't know myself seeing how I was born an' raised to be chef. But I sure it's nice." She gave another smirk to him before nodding a little then rested her free hand on her hip, playfully slapping his hat a little.

"You be fine, Shēnshì! The kids are gonna love it! My food and your dancing is gonna bring down tha roof!"
Marcel lightly continued to shiver gently at whatever bad thing Sebastian was predicting would happen on the train ride. He really didn't want anything bad to happen, especially today of all days! It was their 3 year anniversary of being friends. He gently tugged on his neckerchief before he glanced over to see that Sebastian had come to him, holding out his wing. He gave a tearful look before he then gently gave a small sad smile and lightly took his wing, holding it as best as he could.

"M-Merci, Sebastian.." Marcel said shakily before looking back outside to see Loki doing his tricks from a top the train. He then glanced back over to Sebastian with a shaky voice. "Y-Y-You think the train's gonna crash..? B-But it can't! N-Not today!" He tried to keep his voice hushed, trying to keep calm as well seeing as how he suffered from panic attacks from time to time. He started to shiver a little as he then gripped tightly to Sebastian. "P-Please tell me we'll be okay..P-Please...I-I..I don't want Elora to worry.."

In the meanwhile while he was doing his tricks and showing off, Loki had half been paying attention to what Sebastian was saying, his cheerful demeanor started to fade away the more he listened to how scared Marcel had become. Now, he knew that Sobbles were naturally timid and frightened easily enough, but Marcel was the most non-Sobble he'd ever met, until something serious came up. He frowned a little and then lightly hung onto one of the rails, slinking his body so that he was in full view in the window.

Gently tapping on the glass he looked to Marcel and Sebastian as best he could from his blurred vision between his bangs, "Ya sure ya don't think yer bein' paranoid this time, Sebastian..?" He frowned before tapping the glass again, wanting to be inside. "Ya think that the Wobbuffet didn't check anything befo' we left..? Yer gettin really worked up over this." He then glanced ahead, a small smile on his face, "Well! In otha' news we're almost at Nymphi Valley! So put ya smiles back on your faces before Elora sees!"

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Thu, 26/03/2020 12:03 (4 Years ago)
Sebastian looked towards Marcel, he knew that saying htis sort of thing to him owuld be troublesome and give the poor boy a heart attack, but he knew his premonitions were hardly ever wrong. So looking back towards the Sobble he gently shook his head. "I, uh, wouldn't say the train will crash, per say, just... stop working... I feel like something is going to make the train not work for a long while... like... maybe a blockade, or one of the connectors breaking making our car stuck on the tracks or something like that..."

he gently shook his head, he truly felt like something terrible would happen, but he didn't want to scare Marcel more than he already was. These arternate solutions he came up with weren't the best either, but they were at least less terrifying to think about.

With a raised brow he looked back towards the window where Loki was and managed to flap over, gripping the window until it opened to let the Impidimp in. "Paranoid? Loki, when have my premonitions, my bad feelings, ever been wrong? And no, I'm not counting the time we had those soggy berries!"

He did have to thank Loki for something though, he, despite his ever growing need to surf the train, was always able to see the valley before anyone else. As he was about to actually give Loki some thanks, the train started to shudder and the lights flickered as the iron wheels below them started screeching as they tried to stop. The Intercom that sat in the corners of the train car started to spring to life with some static before a raspy voice that was undoubtably Wobuffet's started to speak.

"Aaaaaaahh, Sorry folks! We seem to be having some problems with the track today!" the voice rang out from the intercom, the static crackling every so often. "It seems a recent naturaaaaaalll event has broken some of the tracks and we are unable to move forward. We apologiiiiize for the inconvienance as we ask you to please keep all hands, feet, flippers, feathers and tails inside the vehicle as we work on communicatiiiing with the nearby station."

The voice seemed to go quiet as a smaller voice could be heard from the intercom as well, though much harder to hear. A few minutes later the voice of Wobuffett came back through the Intercom. "Aaaaaah, one more thing folks. We are aware that theeeeere is a second train on its way and we are trying to reach them so they can stop their train in time. Please remaaaaaain calm. Thank yoo-buffet."
As the others were on the train, Elora had finally made it to the station, a little winded, but eager to see her friends today as she looked towards the train, her tail wagging as she regained her breath. Her eyes started to widen though as she got onto the station to see the train had yet to arrive, and in fact, there were remnants of a rock slide all over the tracks, breaking them in several places.

"W-w-wha?! What happened?! No no no! This can't be happening..! Not today! Are they... Hey mister?" She looked over towards a Machoke who worked at the station. "Is everyone gonna be alright?"

"Hm? oh, yes little lady, everything is fine. the train stopped and we are working on getting the guests off of the train now." the Machoke said, trying to reassure her as he saw her worry. "Are you waiting for someone?"

"yes! oh, s-sorry, yes, I'm waiting for my friends to come over.." she said as her ears lowered. "They'll... they'll be okay right?"