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Forum Thread

Sad Single Cove, The Refugee Camp

Forum-Index Roleplay Sad Single Cove, The Refugee Camp
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 660
Posted: Sun, 09/02/2020 17:32 (5 Years ago)
Hey there.
The purpose of this little thread is to provide the peace and quiet to anyone suffering from Valentine's Day, aka single people.

Anyone can share what's bothering them about this day or their relationship status here, anything is acceptable really, I made this so people like me can vent out!
And speaking of that, on my behalf, I shall provide cookies and warm tea with help of this fella-

Uh. My bad, he got cherries instead, I hope you are not allergic to them! And pray that you will get some, or else he'll eat all of them.
In any case, we have PS4 with plenty of games, board games, high-quality subwoofers to blast metal full power, or something quieter like Nirvana.
You can find anything you like there, I hope.
Enjoy yourself with goodies, while I do some karaoke and sing Stand Proud on Russian at my end~

Me when PH Drama appears