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◆◈The Diary of the Great Departed Soul◈◆

Forum-Index Diaries ◆◈The Diary of the Great Departed Soul◈◆
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Mon, 30/03/2020 22:50 (4 Years ago)

[March 30, 2020]

So, despite the fact that I love rotom, I really only have one rotom character, my pokesona Plazie Rotom. So I decided to make some more rotom characters! Meet Hydrangea and It?!

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Tue, 07/04/2020 04:41 (4 Years ago)

[April 6, 2020]

I finally got around to drawing a DGS fanart idea that I've had for a while, and I think the result turned out pretty good!
Beware the Black Cat

Though on a much sadder note, I also learned today that someone who I respected as an amazing artist/animator passed away a couple days ago. I'm still in a state of disbelief, and I hope their loved ones are okay.

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Tue, 28/04/2020 13:02 (4 Years ago)

[April 28, 2020]

So I found some Ace Attorney tierlist templates, and decided to put my rankings in.
Cases Main series + Investigations characters
Dai Gyakuten Saiban the great ace attorney characters

I also created a new character for Deny the Laws that Govern the Earth. Her name is Caspia, and she controls life and death.

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 22:56 (4 Years ago)

[May 7, 2020]

I was bored and in need of a laugh, so I looked up Dai Gyakuten Saiban memes because why the heck not! These are some of the funniest I've found. I might also add more to this in the future. Spoiler warning for both games.

x x x x x x x
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Mon, 11/05/2020 10:11 (4 Years ago)

[May 11, 2020]

I just had a weird dream, and although I made a feed about it, I'll post it here as well.
DGS2 spoiler warning

So Me, FluffyMareep, and another sister were at this costume party or something that was at my school. We ended up finding a bunch of other students who were goofing around while dressed as DGS characters. We mostly joined them in goofing around it the main lobby, though one time Fluffy was pretending to be evil and I had to hide.

I also don't remember what the other peoples costumes looked like, though I remember that there were two Masked Disciples. One of them always had their hood down and was the less good actor, while the other one had a super high quality cosplay (also he fell on the floor once).

I guess we also decided to reenact the scene where the Masked Disciple gets his memory back and reveals he is Kazuma Asougi, though instead of the Masked Disciple revealing himself, the hood-down Masked Disciple basically unmasked the other one (it was really weird and funny). Also as soon as he was unmasked, literally the entire group gasped "Asougi" and started freaking out.

And that was kinda where I woke up.

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Fri, 15/05/2020 05:52 (4 Years ago)

[May 14, 2020]

I was bored so...

The world of Luxendarc (the world of Bravely Default/Second)! As described by Kel(me)!

Note:this is not what map looks like in game (in-game version), but this was a really nice version I found. Also, this is Default's map, so it doesn't have all the cities, as some were added in Second, as well as Second's map being slightly shifted. If you really want to know where Second's added cities are, I could point them out.
Bravely Second's Map

Eternia Region

Icy and mountainous, though it's less so in the southern areas. Home to the Earth Crystal.


You think they are a super evil military City, but it turns out it is peaceful and quiet, and they're not even evil. Incredibly medically advanced.


Southern-ish port city. The home of the Crystal Orthodoxy.

Harena Region

Desert. There is some green near the edges and at the single oasis, but that's it. Home to the Wind Crystal


Still desert. They got clocks and windmills.


Not as desert, basically one giant school. Aka Nerd City.

Florem Region

Flowers, Rivers, Forests. Some mountains to the north, but overall green and warm. Home to the Water Crystal.


A Beautiful City where only women can live, though men can visit. Very bright, neon, and noisy.

Sagitta Village
Hidden Village

A Civilisation similar to the Moon and hidden for Millennia. Literally flying in the sky. Also they got a giant cannon. In the more mountainous areas.

Eisen Region

Also known as Eisenberg. Hot and Humid, due to Mount Karka, a large active volcano. Is very Euopean-esqe with the exception of a single city. Was in a violent civil war that had ended by Bravely Second. Home to the Fire Crystal.


The Capital of Eisenberg, as well as the main stronghold of the Sheildbearers.


Land of the Baths. The only non Euopean-esqe city in the Eisen region, and probably not even under Hartschilds's command. Someone kill the ruler of this city please. I beg of you.

Caldis Region

A small continent. Called the Land of Beginnings/Endings.


The large port city that is also the Capital of the Caldis Region.


A small Village tucked in the Caldis Region mountains. Doesn't exist anymore after the Great Chasm. Only one known citizen of the village survived.

Yulyana Region

Dense Woodland. The only known inhabitant is an elderly man who runs a Needleworks there.


Glory to the CHOMP!

Fort Lune
Moon Base

An advanced Civilization whose sworn duty it to fight off and hopefully eliminate the Ba'al Threat.


A city that is also a MASSIVE ship that was founded by pirates. There was at one point the threat of the city sinking.

The Skyhold

A giant flying castle that is the home of the Glanz Empire.

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Sun, 17/05/2020 00:35 (4 Years ago)

[May 16, 2020]

Wiggly Icon Tutorial

For this tutorial you will need:
-A drawing program with layers
-A way to create gifs from static images

- x - x - x -

So, first things first!
Open up your drawing program and create a new canvas and sketch out your character.

After you've finished with the sketch, draw your lineart!

Now, in order to make the wigglyness, set this lineart to 50% opacity and on a new layer, trace over it. This doesn't need to be perfect.

Now, color each lineart individually. If you can, I would recommend putting each drawing in it's own folder. Make sure that any markings or shading line up, though they don't need to be perfect.

Now, save each individual frame. If you want to be able to use it as a PH icon, make sure you set it to have the dimensions 150x150 pixels.

Now, all you need to do is turn the two frames into a gif. I would recommend 10fps, though feel free to do what looks best for you.

And ta-da! You have your wiggly icon!

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Mon, 22/06/2020 07:45 (4 Years ago)

[June 22, 2020]

Bravely Default ii is looking more and more disappointing. They took the amazing stories from both games, the QoL features from Second, and a already built and established system that needed next to no changes...

And through it all out of the window. Mages and Tanks never act because they changed the battle system and removed the random encounter toggle. 3 out of 4 of the main characters are boring or literal copies of the other main characters, Elvis is literally Ringabel but with a Scottish accent but somehow a lot less interesting.

Also it's not like Bravely Second had a hooking cliff hanger and the fans have been wanting a Bravely Third since Second came out. It's not like we still have questions about the Planeswardens, the Sword of the Brave, or Deneb. It's not like Edea hasn't gotten her happy ending yet, something that fans really want.

And it they don't want to alienate new players, than just port the first two games, maybe even adding Second's QoL features to Default in the process.

I really don't want it to end up like SwSd in my eyes. Heck, it could end up even worse than SwSd due to the fact that I hold the Bravely Series in such high regard, and have high expectations as a result.

On a better note however, I got two more rotom characters, Spactim, who I got from a design auction, and Mypha, who I got from the Design a Character for the Person Above You thread.

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2020 21:53 (4 Years ago)

[June 30, 2020]

I made a redraw of the first piece of digital Dai Gyakuten Saiban fanart I've drawn, because I wasn't happy with the original.

[spoilers for DGS2, as well as slight blood warning]

I even took some progress screenshots!

Sketch | Lineart | Flat Colors | Shading

No, I'm definitely not obsessed with Kazuma Asougi I say trying to hide the fact that I forced myself to improve at drawing because I wanted to draw Asougi more attractive.
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Mon, 06/07/2020 00:20 (4 Years ago)

[July 5, 2020]

Life in general seems to be harder for me since this year started, and it's only been getting worse as time goes on, and my anxiety and mental health seems to be struggling as well. I'm constantly on the verge of breaking down from stress and anxiety, to the point even little, minor-inconvenience and worse, things can set me off. And due to the virus and quarantine, my loneliness has been getting worse as I'm no longer around other people outside of my family.

I'm also going to put any of those Wowa things I do here because why not. They're cute.

Prosecutor Asougi Kaiser Oblivion

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Sun, 09/08/2020 19:49 (4 Years ago)

[August 9, 2020]

Well it's been a hot sec since I've updated my diary. I still need to finish some things on the front page.

I'm bored so I'm going to ramble about my favorite video game series

My favorite classes design-wise, not ability-wise for each of the playable characters in Bravely Default/Second would probably be as follows.

With Tiz Arrior, I would maybe say Arcanist in Default because that's what I had him as most of the time, and maybe Guardian in Second?

Agnes Oblige, I would say either White Mage or Spiritmaster, for a similar reason to Tiz.

Ringabel would be either Red Mage or Dark Knight and thief, because he fits the more flamboyant feel of the Red Mage.

Edea Lee I would say that in Default, maybe Templar, but in Second definitely Kaiser.

Yew Geneolgia would be Kaiser because it makes me feel emotions Summoner. It just fits him, as it's a magic class with a more upper class design.

Magnolia Arch would definitely be Red Mage. The flower theme fits with her, and Magnolia looks reallly cool with wavy hair.

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Thu, 29/10/2020 20:51 (3 Years ago)

[Oct 29, 2020]

One of our two cats didn't show up for his breakfast this morning, and had been missing all day.

It turns out that last night he had died, though my family doesn't know why. He may have been a butt at times, but he was still a very sweet and chill cat and he had really soft fur. Hopefully his brother will be okay.

I might try and draw him later. I miss you Oliver.

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Sun, 21/02/2021 18:18 (3 Years ago)

[Feb 29, 2021]

I have not posted in here in like forever.

Well, here's a chibi of Kel that I drew today.

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Sun, 07/03/2021 22:35 (3 Years ago)

[Mar 7, 2021]

I've been on a small chibi pixel mood.

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Fri, 29/10/2021 14:27 (2 Years ago)

[Oct 29, 2021]

I had posted these in a feed a while ago, but I feel I want to refer to them easily because I like them lol.

Rotom Headcanons because why not:

- Although it's unknown how long they existed before hand, rotoms were first seen in the pokemon equivalent of the 1920's. People would report that their new electric technology would work funny, as well as some stating that they saw a small orange and blue creature entering their technology. This prompted investigation, leading to the official registering of the pokemon rotom, who's unique properties and origin are still being studied to this day.

- Albeit rare, non-rotom caused malfunctions can be deadly to the plasma pokemon if it's possessing the device as the malfunction is happening. Because of this, all specially made roto-devices allow rotom to escape if necessary, and it's recommended for anyone in possession of a roto-possesed device to check to see if rotom can leave the machine. If it's unable to, it's highly recommended to search out a rotom expert in order to ensure a rotom's safety.

- Although they mostly feed on electricity given off by machines, there have been a few instances where a rotom has attacked another electric pokemon as to steal it's electricity. This led scientists to believe that this is how rotom may have survived pre-electric technology.

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2022 03:54 (2 Years ago)

[Aug 22, 2022]

I've been messing with a thing lol.

-1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7-