Forum Thread
Little Shop of Shinies (CLOSED)
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → Little Shop of Shinies (CLOSED)Welcome to the Little Shop of Shinies! My name is Ivory Keen, and I'm the owner here! Yeah, I know, I'm young, that's none of your business. I still own a shop where I sell living creatures to people who will either keep them as worthless trophies or resell them on the black market, but that's none of your business either.
As you can see here, we are one big, sarcastic family! We love our Pokemon, and we hope that you give the Shinies you adopt the same love and respect you give your family, because Pokemon ARE family! They're just a bunch o' little fur-babies!
Please, wipe your shoes on the mat before coming inside! We can talk adoptions over cookies and hot chocolate!
1. All PH rules apply
2. Be polite and respectful of our breeders. They take precious time out of their days to hunt your Shiny!
3. If a breeder doesn’t have any more slots, do NOT try to force them to add more. Those who do WILL be warned and/or banned.
4. Use the forms! That's literally the only reason they exist.
5. Only post if you are going to buy a slot that is available! (just pp/pm any of the breeders if you have concerns or questions, like whether they plan to add more slots or so)
6. All customers and breeders must subscribe to the Shop! That way Breeders will be alerted when a slot is filled, and customers will be alerted when their Shiny is read!
7. Put your favorite protagonist or rival from the main games in the Password section of the Forms!
8. Please don’t resell your Shiny without permission! shiny hunting is a lot of work, so if you’re gifting it to someone else, auctioning it off, putting it in a giveaway, etc. Please let the breeder know first!
9. If you’re ordering from multiple breeders at the same time, put them all in 1 post
10. Different breeders have different payment options, rules, and conditions so please follow them! (eg; gender/nature requests)
11. Do not pay before your Shiny is ready.
12. You’ll have 5 days to pick up your orders or it will go to the next person with a slot (if you have trouble with your payment or are not going to be able to pick up your shiny/mega-able for some reason, please contact your breeder)
13. Break any rules and you’ll receive a warning. 3 strikes and you're banned.
14. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to contact your breeder!
Information for Current/Future Breeders! 8)

1. You'll be needing a Pokeradar!!!
(Shiny odds are almost non-existent without one)
2. Once accepted to be a breeder, you’ll be added to the Shop. After that, you will have one (1) week to begin your Hunt.
3. Please don’t be inactive for too long without informing me so I can put your Hunt on hiatus!
4. If you feel like adding slots onto your Hunt, please palpad me so I can add them to your profile!
5. You can only change your Shiny Hunt if all ordered Shinies have been delivered.
6. Breeders can get a 20% discount that they can use on a Shiny once a month. Use your discount wisely!
2. Once accepted to be a breeder, you’ll be added to the Shop. After that, you will have one (1) week to begin your Hunt.
3. Please don’t be inactive for too long without informing me so I can put your Hunt on hiatus!
4. If you feel like adding slots onto your Hunt, please palpad me so I can add them to your profile!
5. You can only change your Shiny Hunt if all ordered Shinies have been delivered.
6. Breeders can get a 20% discount that they can use on a Shiny once a month. Use your discount wisely!
Shiny Forms

Breeder of said shiny:
Everstone or evolutionary item:
Breeder Discount:(Yes/No)
Mega-able Forms

Breeder of said Mega-able:
Breeder Discount:(Yes/No)
Non-Shiny Forms

Breeder of said Pokemon:
Breeder Discount:(Yes/No)
Breeder Forms

Hunt & Slots:
Why you want to be a breeder:
Payment options: (Including PD price. Nugget price will be decided using Price Check based on your PD price)
Premium: (Yes/No/Saving)
Policy on receiving Pokemon:
Meet our Breeders!

Keen is Hunting Vanillite!

Rarity: Special
PD Price: 75K
Other Payment Options: 50 Nuggets
May add more slots...
Policy on receiving Pokemon: 5 days
Next Hunt: Undecided

Rarity: Special
PD Price: 75K

Other Payment Options: 50 Nuggets
May add more slots...
Policy on receiving Pokemon: 5 days
Next Hunt: Undecided

Sakru is
Hunting Sobble!

Rarity: Starter
PD Price: 200K
Other Payment Options: 133 nuggets
Non-shiny Prices: 500
Policy on receiving Pokemon: 5 days
Next Hunt: Cutiefly!

Rarity: Starter
PD Price: 200K

Other Payment Options: 133 nuggets
Non-shiny Prices: 500

Policy on receiving Pokemon: 5 days
Next Hunt: Cutiefly!

is Hunting Gothita!

Rarity: Medium
PD Price: 175K
Other Payment Options: 116 Nuggets
May add more slots...
Policy on receiving Pokemon: 1 week
Next Hunt: Undecided

Rarity: Medium
PD Price: 175K

Other Payment Options: 116 Nuggets
May add more slots...
Policy on receiving Pokemon: 1 week
Next Hunt: Undecided

Randy is
Hunting Rookidee!

Rarity: Easy
PD Price: 75K
Other Payment Options: 50 Nuggets
1.Galaxyrazor [x1]
2. Elzah [x3]
Non-Shiny Price: 500
Policy on receiving Pokemon: 1 week
Next Hunt: Nickit!

Rarity: Easy
PD Price: 75K

Other Payment Options: 50 Nuggets
2. Elzah [x3]
Non-Shiny Price: 500

Policy on receiving Pokemon: 1 week
Next Hunt: Nickit!

Rapid_Rage Is On A Break!

Rarity: ???
PD Price: Not for sale
Other Payment Options: None
May add more slots...
Policy on receiving Pokemon: Forever, apparently...
Next Hunt: Undecided
Rarity: ???
PD Price: Not for sale
Other Payment Options: None
May add more slots...
Policy on receiving Pokemon: Forever, apparently...
Next Hunt: Undecided
Shiny/Quantity: Alolan Vulpix x1
Breeder of said shiny: Sakru
Payment: PD
Everstone or evolutionary item: No thanks
Password: Vulpix
Breeder Discount: Yes, I'm using my 10% off discount on this Shiny
Other: I'm ordering from my own shop I don't really care :P
"But at least I know what I'm doing."
Are you tired of painting your Shinies different colors to hide the fact that they're all green?
Are you tired of being unable to show off your Shinies to your friends, because everyone has the same ones?
Then you need the LEGENDARY NOODLE SHINY!! An adorable, baby-pink DRATINI!!
They're fun!
They're cute!
They're a NOODLE!!
Shiny Dratini! Grab yours while you still can!
(Offer available for a limited time only. Overprotective parents not included.)
Are you tired of getting nowhere at the Honeytree?
Then you need a SHINY COMBEE!!
These busy bees can produce a magical substance called SUPER HONEY! Super Honey can lure SHINY pokémon to your Honeytree!
Shiny Combee! Available now at the Little Shop Of Shinies!
(Offer available for a limited time only. The Little Shop Of Shinies is not responsible for any injuries that occur while handling a shiny Combee.)
Hunt & Slots: pumkinboo 3 slots
Why you want to be a breeder: because it is fun
Payment options: (Including PD price) I dunno 175k/100 electric gems/150 nug
Premium: (Yes/No/Saving) saving
Policy on receiving Pokemon: at least 7 days
Password: whut is main games
Hunt & slots: dudew with 4 slots
Why you want to be a breeder:I like breeding
Payment options: 200k pd 200 electric gems or 200 nuggies
Premium:saving up
Policy on receiving Pokémon: About 7 days
Password: blue if you mean Pokémon games
Hunt & Slots: Grookey and 2 slots
Why you want to be a breeder: I love to help others out and doing this
I am providing others with shinies
Payment options: 200,000 PD
Premium: I'm saving
Policy on receiving Pokemon: 5 days
Password: Leafeon
You want a pink noodle? There's a Shiny for that!
You need a bee with three heads that can make magic honey that attracts more Shinies? There's a Shiny for that!
A possessed pumpkin who pranks random passerby?
A weed with with poisonous whips hidden in its roses?
A Donkey-Kong ripoff on Steroids?
We're the Little Shop of Shinies! We got your Shinies! We'll always have your Shines!
(Shinies come in multiple varieties. The Little Shop of Shinies is not to be held responsible for the fourteen-year-old psycho who runs it.)