Forum Thread
Twigs' Item Market [closed]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Item Trades → Twigs' Item Market [closed]
The Gem Booth
"I've found these shiny gems from exploring various lands.. I hear they're pretty useful."

Common Gems - 500 PD/Gem
Bug - 3
Fighting - 60
Ground - 66
Steel - 26
Uncommon Gems - 800 PD/Gem
Dark - 18
Ghost - 9
Rare Gems - 1,000 PD/Gem
None at the moment, check back later!
Dragon Gems ( 18 ) - 50,000 PD/Gem
The Evolution Booth
"I hear these various stones and items help certain creatures reach their full potential.."

Evolution Items - 5,000 PD/Item
Dawn Stone - 1
Dubious Disc - 2
Electirizer - 1
Fire Stone - 2
Ice Stone - 3
Leaf Stone - 3
Magmarizer - 2
Oval Stone - 3
Reaper Cloth - 1
Shiny Stone - 1
Soothe Bell - 1
Spray Duck - 2
Sun Stone - 5
Thunder Stone - 3
Water Stone - 3
Whipped Dream - 1
Form Change Items
Misdrevus Cosplay (1) - 50,000 PD
"These here are my finest wares.. Here, take a peek."

Star Pieces (5) - 50,000 PD/Piece
Bottled Message (3) 50,000 PD/Each
Nebula Stone (1) - 70,000 PD
Mystery Items - 10,000 PD/Each
*Restocking soon*
The Junk Drawer
"Various items I dunno where to put elsewhere."

Dome Fossil (1) 10,000 PD
Magnetic Bait (5) 5,000 PD/Each
Protein (1) 5,000 PD
Rare Candy (1) 8,000 PD
I accept payment of: PD, Nuggets, and Relic Copper/Silver/Gold
[b]Hey Twigs, I want some stuff![/b]
[b]Item(s) you want:[/b]
[b]Item(s) you want:[/b]
Text divider credit to Gasara on DeviantArt
Item(s) you want Normal fems:
Payment: 37.5k pd
I would like to buy your normals gems for 19.5k. I went by the normal price of 1.5k instead of 1k for each gems which would have been 13k. It's a more fair price for them and more profit for you