Forum Thread
Nerdy’s askblog roleplay
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Nerdy’s askblog roleplayMarco woke up, and saw they weren’t anywhere to be seen. “Why did I do that...” he heard footsteps behind him. “Watcha doing Mark?” He turned around and saw female Rocket Grunt. “I don’t want anything to do with you...”
“Well, you have no choice. Come with me...” she pulled out a gun. “Or the Greninja gets it.”
“I’m not doing it again...” Marco knocked the gun out of her hands, and sent out a Blastoise. “Make sure she doesn’t move...” he commanded. He sent out a Garchomp. “Make sure there are no grunts around Verity, protect the Pikachu, Lucario and... and Mira...” The Garchomp heard the familiar name and perked up, then went to the forest near Verity
The Garchomp heard footsteps around him. He saw around 12 grunts running towards the lake. He sent a small earthquake to slow the grunts, and warn the trio.