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Villains RP

Forum-Index Roleplay Villains RP
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 812
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 02:15 (5 Years ago)
“Yeah yeah, dark and mysterious. I get it, you’re cool and all. You aren’t the only one...” She has already scanned the soul, but waited for some tests to be run. In the meantime, she built a small, but deadly, drone. She watched as the eagle flew around.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 02:24 (5 Years ago)
So you made a drone? Your so outdated... *he pulls two gauntlets and puts them. They both pulled out blades and if you combined them together it makes a shield* Its still in the testing phase but it will work out. Are you finish with that soul yet?
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 812
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 02:29 (5 Years ago)
“Almost, and I make random things when I’m bored. Sometimes, I make animals, sometimes I make weapons, and others, I don’t really know.” She looked at the computer, then at Enigma. “Well, if it’s in the testing phase...” she tossed two gauntlets at him. “Here’s some to help you finish them up.” She looked back at the computer, seeing the tests were complete.

(Uh... I don’t know what to say about the tests, you can do the rest)
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 02:34 (5 Years ago)
Thank you *he takes the soul back and puts it back in his pocket safe and sound. Inside it cannot be hurt or destroyed so is handy to keep it in such place* So as you can see my soul and his are completely the same the only difference is that it has a different structure than mine and apart from that is also pitch dark
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 02:35 (5 Years ago)
"Chaos control." She mutters as she uses the power of the gem to teleport back to her makeshift home.
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 812
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 02:36 (5 Years ago)
“Uh... is that... bad?” She nonchalantly asked.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 03:04 (5 Years ago)
Having a slightly different molecular, DNA structure no. His soul being pitch dark yes. *he grabs a drawing board and starts to draw point A and point B* Alright look at it like this let's say...
Point A: Is you are the original so to speak. Your funny, creative, a good person and etc.
Point B: Is the total opposite of you
Get what I am saying?
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 812
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 03:06 (5 Years ago)
“So having a dark soul is point B...” she grabbed Delta.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 03:24 (5 Years ago)
Good question but no... this one is not like the other me out there... I was explaining this to you so you could understand this. You might know we might have the same body but not the same mind? We have all react, feel and think differently but this one took it way hard... *his tone of voice became sad as he was explaining how he became like this. He also felt pain in chest as well*
This soul IS from a different au but he WAS normal before he transform into this... monster. He had a girl who she love and cared for you could say they were perfect for each other in their own crazy way but he notice that day after day, moth after month year after year he notice that she became distant. So he did many things to grab his attention from soft to extreme things to the point he said things to people they were never gonna meet in their lifes. She took it personal and dump him at the same time every copy was banish from her ad alternate dimensions, even I for that matter... After all he done for her she just left him like a toy meant to be expendable, it hurt him so much that his soul shatter not able to with stand the emotional pressure but he refused to die, to turn to dust that his soul turn pitch black with HATE. After a few months we found the au that he was it was covered in darkness and not single soul was alive he killed everyone out of blind rage but we were aware that he was conscious doing it. In the end me and my rival fought to contained him and here he is...
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 812
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 03:31 (5 Years ago)
“Interesting...” she thought of the relationship her dad and mom had. She never met her mom, but her dad always told stories about her. There it was again, another tear. Another thought about her father. Another thought about how he left to do a stupid mission. Another thought of how he left a small, 10 year old scared child alone. Another thought...
She put Delta down. “Hey buddy, want another upgrade?” She said quietly, with an unbearable amount of sadness in her voice. She forgot about what Enigma said about the soul.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 03:53 (5 Years ago)
I see... we all have skeletons inside our closets I won't ask yours *Enigma got up and work on the gauntlets to make some upgrades*
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 812
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 03:56 (5 Years ago)
“Hey, before you do your thing, want to help with Delta’s upgrade? I have an idea, but I might need some help.” She opened up a panel on Delta’s chest, revealing complicated machinery
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 04:02 (5 Years ago)
Sure I got time to kill. *went over to help with Delta upgrades*
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 812
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 04:08 (5 Years ago)
“Ok, so...” she listed all the things Delta could do. “I’m thinking more of a communication upgrade, he already has a lot of defense and attack mechanisms, and I was thinking...”
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 04:20 (5 Years ago)
Your thinking what? He has balance def and attack you should go for a way to not get hack or immune to emp devices like I did earlier or go for tracking device that you can both track yourself.
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 812
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 04:25 (5 Years ago)
“Well, good idea. I already have a tracking system. My-“ She stopped herself. Go on, say the magic word... “Well, Delta’s creator found a way to have this “link” between us. I can just sense where he is and, well, vice versa.”
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 12:27 (5 Years ago)
Right how about advanced hacking software or anti hacking software? It could prove useful if your gonna go around doing stealth. *Enigma suggested that since he always on the run and sneaking his way around*
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 12:50 (5 Years ago)
Synch goes back to her normal self and puts the emerald in a safe place. One down, 6 more to go..." she says and sighs
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 812
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 13:44 (5 Years ago)
“Alright, let’s get started.”
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Sun, 06/10/2019 14:07 (5 Years ago)
You just tell me what to do and I will get started *he grab the tools necessary to upgrade Delta* Is this enough?
Name: Giratina