Alpha shook himself and saw a wound on his leg. He began to lick it
but every time he licked it, it would sting and he would flinch. He
took one big lick and then it really started to hurt. Aw, great!
Now, I have to limp! There goes my score in racing.. He howled
in pain. He put his leg on the ground he yelped really loudly. He
held his leg up and saw Emerald. He tried to run but the leg on his
wound made it much harder for him.
Alpha was almost there to Emerald but he collapsed because his legs
felt weak. He howled but it was very weak. He tried crawling but
his leg ached. He started whimpering.
"Careful, don't wanna roll over the spikes in my fur. They're rock,
really pointy and hard. It could break your bones.." He tried to
keep the spikes away from Emerald so that Emerald wouldn't get
"Bye!" He waved good bye and stretched. He laid his paw on the
ground and he didn't yelp in pain. He walked around in circles,
testing his leg to see if he was alright. He smiled and he went
into town. He was near a Ferris Wheel and he saw Ava and Nite.