Forum Thread
Nugget's Story Ideas
Forum-Index → Diaries → Nugget's Story IdeasThank you, and enjoy my ideas.
Title: The Rainbow Factory
The first chapter or part of the story would focus on this teenage male, Ardent. He's the son of an average suburban mother and a hard beat father. He and the entire world have seen the issues of emotion and through the means of governmental inclusion, the world has adopted the existence of content and bliss. In a world deprived of most of what people may feel, nobody has a reason to feel sad, but at the cost that nobody could feel truly happy, however, this model still brought the content it was promised, and people lived their normal, average lives. Of course, there are the ones that chose to not confined their emotions, to let their emotions blaze like a wild fire, but at the cost of everybody constantly judging them. Emotions haven't been illegal for decades, there was no need. Most people that showed emotion would be crushed back into blissful nullness by sheer social pressure. With nothing much to look after or for people to feel, if you walked up to anybody and asked how their day was the most you would get out is "good".
Ardent lives out his normal daily routine in his twisted world. He wakes up in his room that looks bare and deprived as if he just moved in despite being in the same room for his entire life. Afterward, he dresses in his plain gray school uniform and he picks up his phone, goes to his message, and finds nothing. "Good", he whispers. Then after dressing, he makes his way to his kitchen, where his mother had made food. It tasted like paste, yet the flavor was so familiar it brought a small grin to Ardent's face. His mother, as content as he was, gently asked him in a whisper tone, " how is it?". Moments past before Ardent finished his slow chewing, staring off into nothing. "It was good" he comments without making eye contact. Time seems to go faster, and that's how he preferred it. Every day was a mirror of the last. He was dropped off at school, took a test, fell asleep in one of his classes and went waited to be picked up. The school kids could barely mutter anything because there was next to nothing to talk about. Nobody cared to talk anyway. Hours passed yet Ardent still stood in the same spot before he realized his mother was not coming. The first thought in a while hit him. 'Maybe I should just walk'. And that he did. He lived an hour away by car, but he memorized the round fairly enough to walk. He was already an 11th grader yet this walking was a first. It felt...good. The details that where once a blur in a window shield where now like a perfect picture. Maybe it had been an hour or so, but Ardent realized something, ...the sidewalk was getting darker. The light ran away and he was quickly engulfed by an enormous shadow. He turned towards the source to find the one and only, Rainbow factory. He found himself fixated on the building for moments, appreciating the towering structure that seemingly grew to the heavens before continuing home. Returning home his mother was in the kitchen, cooking when she overheard the door and called out "I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up" where Ardent simply replied. "It's all good" and his mother following with "how was school?" Only to be answered with a simple "It was good". He ate yet another flavorless meal and went to bed.

Mr. Plenary is Ardent's father and is
one of the few that still don't confine to the social norm of
Mr. Plenary works for the Police force as Chief that has seen struggles ever since the new world was established. As people lost drive for emotion, they also lost the drive for crime, making the police force obsolete.
Ever since the Rainbow Factory has opened, reports of mass suicides have been sent in. The news reporting new deaths of 6 or 7 new people would be considered a good day.
Mr. Plenary knows the Rainbow Factory was somehow responsible, yet doesn't know how to prove it
Eventually, his anger and frustration cause his entire force to find new positions and leave him to run the entire town's department on his own.
In his frustration, he flips his papers and leaves to go home where once he's home, his wife is suddenly filled with emotions of love and happiness.
Mrs. Plenary is visibly different as she now acts differently around him and with Ardent rather than when she was alone with Ardent.
Ardent does not have these sudden changes.
Mr. Plenary complains about his last co-worker leaving and him needing to manage everything himself when Mrs. plenary recommends also bringing Ardent, which he does end up doing.
Mr. Plenary works for the Police force as Chief that has seen struggles ever since the new world was established. As people lost drive for emotion, they also lost the drive for crime, making the police force obsolete.
Ever since the Rainbow Factory has opened, reports of mass suicides have been sent in. The news reporting new deaths of 6 or 7 new people would be considered a good day.
Mr. Plenary knows the Rainbow Factory was somehow responsible, yet doesn't know how to prove it
Eventually, his anger and frustration cause his entire force to find new positions and leave him to run the entire town's department on his own.
In his frustration, he flips his papers and leaves to go home where once he's home, his wife is suddenly filled with emotions of love and happiness.
Mrs. Plenary is visibly different as she now acts differently around him and with Ardent rather than when she was alone with Ardent.
Ardent does not have these sudden changes.
Mr. Plenary complains about his last co-worker leaving and him needing to manage everything himself when Mrs. plenary recommends also bringing Ardent, which he does end up doing.
Rainbow factory Ideas do not open unless you want the ENTIRE story plot spoiled

I'm not putting it down yet but you really want it spoiled that fast? Chill, let me get a grip on this stuff first.
Title: Weird dream
I woke up after.
TLDR: danced with a teleporting lady until Cotton eyed Joe and Clint Eastwood got in the way.
Also: she changed clothing every time
Opponent only wore black
There was clog dancing?
Kids were making fun of some other kid on a motorcycle throwing rocks and stuff until I told them to break it up saying "Why can you just let good things be" and it disbanding. Apparently, the teleporting girl noticed me and started walking with me, saying how it's cool how I only let a few people into my friend life.
I miss her
Title: I want love. Is that too much?
I just want somebody, anybody to tell me they love me
I just want to feel acceptable **** it
I want to know that all this hard work, all this dedication into making myself better is worth it
I want to know this LIFE is worth it
**** it, **** it all
I guys...