Hey Purple give me a Pokemon!
Username: PerfectBidoof
Pokemon:Jangmo-o (trash 3) and shadow psyduck (I forgot the
Other:lost my poor little komo o so need another
Hey Purple give me a Pokemon!
Username: Allister
Pokemon: Marowak (in TP 2), Slowbro (in TP), Koffing (TP), Nidoran
Other: Thank you so much! :)
Hey Purple give me a Pokemon!
Username: Nickit_Off_The_Too
Pokemon: Shiny allan rattata
Other: it's in your 3rd trash pokemon box sorry if you put it there
on mistake
Hey Purple give me a Pokemon!
Username: Supernovapad1231
Pokemon: Charizard, and Amaura
Gender: A Pair please for Charizard and Amaura
Other: Did I do this correctly? I am still scared I might have done
this wrong... Also, thanks!
Hey Purple give me a Pokemon!
Username: Evergem
Pokemon: Combee (In the unumbered Trash Box)
Gender: doesn't matter :)
Other: could I actually get two? Combee's so sweet~ (pun totally
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Hey Purple give me a Pokemon!
Username: middle
Pokemon: Delibird (Trash Pokemon 3 box)
Gender: It's a female one, if I remember correctly.
Other: Nothing to add, I think. Thank you in advance. c: