A: "You where having a bad time and I allowed everyone to come
here. As long as we are all here we should start looking for a
answer to Delta's problem"
KID:You do realize that it hurts a lot, That’s why they have a
headache. It’s best that you don’t do it again. And uhh.. what’s up
with your left eye socket?
G: "My left eye."
He put his hand on his eye.
"Oh, great. I'll be back."
He went into the void and came back.
"That didn't fix it.."
Aster rolled his eyes and mouthed 'sorry' to KID and Time.
KID:it’s alright. You can’t never know what will happen if you try
to interfere with any dreams or memories... it could change the
whole plot or their actions.
Time:gah it still hurts. And why do I feel like my energy is mostly
drained up?
KID:Can you stand?
Time:lemme try, *you try standing up but fall back down*
Time:I feel somewhat better*you try standing up* hey I’m not
KID:I’m happy that you are alright Time
*you place your paw on Time’s shoulder and give them a smile, the
smile that Gaster remembers*
Chara:are you better Time?
Time:I feel better chara heh.
Angell walks over to them “It was nothing. Ignore him...........
*Rumble*...... You guys want pie? I’m hungry.” She pulls an entire
butterscotch pie from her inventory.