Time:God, Why would anybody make that world?!?
Chara:what’s UnderLust-
KID:Nopenopenipenopenopenopenopenope, come on, let’s go.
Time:I should probably self lick myself away from there
Gaster pulled out his book and said something in wingdings.
His eyes glowed purple and lightning came off of them.
"Strike!" He yelled.
Lightning came down despite there being no clouds and hit the robot
"There!" he said, his the glow fading from his eyes.
Chara:eek *you went and get on KID’s legs*
KID:It’s alright Chara, there’s no lightning
*(hmm, something ain’t right, why is Chara much younger than
before? Something must have happened when they did that artificial
soul thing, but they didn’t die that young, we were 17 before Chara
died... weird)*
Time:just, give me a second.. I used most of my energy to try and
get to the AV, it hurted a lot but I’m fine.
More than relieved!
*Power: 100%
*The monitor is still starting up, gathering all previous notes
* 1 new piece of Data
But, How did-
*You try not to think about it too much
“Well. We’re here.” She attempts to draw her blade, but it’s still
to hot. She coats it in ice, which begins to melt immediately, but
starts to slow down. It melts off all the ice, but it’s weildable
now. “So who’s been causing Delta issues.”
Time:hmmm I don’t see anything odd around.
KID:I see nothing but white and... some rocks?
Time:the sooner we find the problem the better
KID:Hey Time
"I wouldn't approach them, maybe someone with a high hp?"
He looked at his soul, but his HP bar showed up. He was looking
away from everyone so it was hard to see the numbers.