*chara goes beind Time and takes out her plastic knife*
Time:Chara, it’s ok, he won’t harm you, well I think he won’t.
Chara:y-you sure?
Time:trust me- GASTER LOOK OUT
“So I remember who I lost! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE?! I can’t
feel anything for them. I LOST MY ENTIRE UNIVERSE. And unlike this
OmniVerse, there isn’t a Reset button to bring them back!”
Gaster dodged, but the blade cut some of his robe.
"Maybe we aren't so different after all, Angell."
He moved in front of her.
"I can give you what you want, your emotions back at a cost of
*you grab Chara and Delta and tp away from this mess*
Time:we should be safe here- *you look at the robot and run to
Chara:are you ok?
*you place a force field around them*
Time:This should hold
“........ No. I don’t need your help. They... those who care about
me back in my world.... they are the only reason I even have these
bursts of emotion. Chara...Asreil...Frisk...Betty.... they all make
me feel like me again. I don’t need your help.” Her hand is right
infront of Gaster’s face “I NEED YOU TO DISSAPEAR. Impact!”
“So that’s the reason only my sword cut you. This sword was made
with my blood, so that it can cut though anything. Even the
supernatural!” She slashed at him again,
"Can you not, child."
He moved back. The slash cutting his robe.
"We have a similar objective."
He looked Angell in the eyes.
"Are your emotions back? You don't need to care about me, forget
what I said to you."
*you stared at the two*
Time:I think it’s safe now
*you took down the force field*
Chara:whoa, how you do that?
Time:it’s uh.. ability I can... do...
*(why do they seem more childish than before)*
Chara:lucky that monsters have magic, I don’t have any, Just this
plastic knife.
"I'm also thousands of years old at least 27 thousand, boss
monsters live long from where I'm from. I'm technically 40 from
where I live, because my children aren't from a 'pure' magic
(Came on to check if anything needed me, I must go now. I'll talk
later in an hour or two)
Chara:oh um, I’m from “&)@$€%\^\, so is Time and KID... wait
why couldn’t say our au. @;$39^{%£%, £+]%£%*&@$! WHY WONT IT
Time:calm down Chara, you don’t have to get frustrated