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Nevermind Button for Auctions

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected Nevermind Button for Auctions
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 110
Posted: Sun, 17/02/2019 08:53 (5 Years ago)
Make it so that if you know you're going to lose an auction, or you aquired that mon before an auction you were bidding on for that mon expires you won't have to see it.

Like a "nevermind" button for auctions that can cancel your bid on an auction.

No one likes staring defeat in the face, least of all when it's something you really wanted, but can't afford it anymore.

Eastern Daylight Time
Night owl

Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 14
Posted: Tue, 26/02/2019 07:25 (5 Years ago)
I think your money is already refunded immediately when somebody outbids you.

For cancelling auctions that you are leading, that's just not the way auctions work -- you can't scare off all your opponents with a 500k bid on a charmander before withdrawing the bid with 5 seconds to go and trying to get it for 5PD.