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Testify's Notes

Forum-Index Diaries Testify's Notes
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Wed, 09/01/2019 14:52 (5 Years ago)
So I am highkey petrified of typing in forums of any kind. I am almost convinced I'll manage to mess this up somehow, even though there's literally one button, and each Diary is considered a Thread, and I am very much creating a New Thread. It's the anxiety.

Totally gonna use this to keep up with myself on various things (given that I actually manage to get this right, which, as I've already mentioned, I probably haven't), and to generally gripe about how bad I am at things - like trying to get events.

Also, hoping this'll give me that badge. If I can get that badge without awkwardly trying to shove my way into five different forums, that'd be awesome.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Wed, 09/01/2019 14:57 (5 Years ago)

Title: Nailed It

Well, off to a good start. I managed to successfully start a Diary without incomprehensibly messing everything up.


Today I clicked 5000 pokemon in a row in the desperate search for an Event. I have also - prior to that 5000 - clicked 10,000 pokemon in total today. If I ever have to interact with that many pokemon again for one Event, I think I may actually cry. The cool thing is, doing all that clicking - and trying to do it over a few hours - got me another Solgilyph egg. So now I have two of them, although both of them are female, which kind of sucks. I'm about 10,000 clicks away from getting the next one. Maybe if I get that, it'll be a male.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Wed, 09/01/2019 15:19 (5 Years ago)

Title: Harvest Spites

Yesterday, at around 1am, I thought to myself, "oh man, I remember when Pokefarm used to be good, and you got to just go on quests without having to get those stupid maps, and fun things would come from those quests even if they were ridiculously hard". I was staring at the new page that had opened up before me - Ancient Cave, it was called. It brought back memories of simpler times, pre-2014, when I still had all my Pokemon on Pokefarm, and was doing pretty darn good. I'd just hatched an Unown. It'd seemed fitting to try and do a quest in a link designated by the A Unown.

I'd checked through all of the quests. Sadly, only a few were available to me. Hatching Unowns? I could do that whenever, by the looks of it. I'd already hatched a H Unown. That'd be easier to deal with separately. Catching the weird Raylong? Well, it definitely seemed cool, until I realised that I'd have to go through several difficult mini-quests throughout it. Definitely something to do once I've got a hang of the site a bit more.

Then I saw the Harvest Sprites.

Well, I've played Harvest Moon. Good game. Brilliant. I remember all those weird little... elf-things. It seemed easy enough, too; find some Harvest Sprites? I've done that before. I clicked on it with glee, thinking it'd be something I could do relatively quickly, with a fair amount of ease, just to get me warmed up for the other quests.

I was a fool. A buffoon. An imbecile.

The thing is, I know how to get the Sprites. I've already managed to get three. It's not the figuring it out that's hard - the initial clues are pretty standard, and the hints they give beyond that clear things up quite a bit - and even if I'm not 100% sure on things, I've definitely got a good enough grasp of it to get somewhere fast.

What I didn't account for, naturally, is that it's all based on a RNG system. Random Numbers. A luck-based system. Which I am notorious for having extremely little of.

The first Green egg was reasonable enough. The second, Light Blue egg... took forever. I earned some nice points for it, though, so that was brilliant - and it was pretty fun, so I thought, yes, that's okay, I can brush that off. The third, Yellow egg? No. No, just - no. I am deeply offended by the very existence of that little Yellow egg. It evaded me for HOURS. HOURS of doing NOTHING but searching and searching in a very boring and monotonous way, desperately hoping that maybe, just maybe, if I searched hard enough, it'd appear.

It was incredibly underwhelming when it actually did.

I thought maybe that would be the end to my frustration. I collected the one I thought was going to be the hardest - although the Purple egg I know is going to be almost impossible for me to get, if only because I have to get three bouts of acceptable RNG results to even have a hope of getting the egg - and the others, it seemed, were going to be easy enough. Red? Oh, please. It's just a matter of waiting. Purple? Well, I already mentioned that. Orange? That'll be a pain, sure, but I'll get there in the end. I just need the luck of getting the right egg first, and figuring out how to use another site feature. Dark Blue? Ha! That'll pop up just as I'm using the site, I don't need to worry about it at all.

A fool. A buffoon. An imbecile.

That Dark Blue egg has yet to appear. I have been searching, and searching, and searching - I have been on this website nigh the entire day! - and yet, no sight of it. I can't exactly miss it, I know that, I've seen the sneaky comments, the light teases - it's not exactly invisible. But oh, oh does it not want to be found. Searching, and searching, and searching, and STILL no egg.

I titled this note "Harvest Spites". It's not a mistype. I am convinced that forsaken Dark Blue Sprite is spiting me by refusing to show up. It's laughing at me. Exactly where I know it'll show up, it's laughing at me, because my luck isn't high enough to see the wretched thing. It heard me say, "oh, that'll be easy enough", cracked its knuckles, grinned devilishly, and hid itself away.

I WILL catch that little fiend. Oh, just watch me, I WILL.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Wed, 09/01/2019 19:43 (5 Years ago)

Title: Irony, Sweet Irony

I was searching for the Orange Sprite, thinking, well, that'd be the easiest one to get at this present moment in time. The others are out of my reach until I complete other tasks, and it's just a lot of RNG-based luck to try and get it.

So, naturally, as I was searching for the Orange Sprite - the Dark Blue Sprite popped up.

And, just as naturally, I didn't find the Orange Sprite.

I'm frustrated and embittered. I'm going to have to try and get it again later, and hope RNG luck is on my side.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Wed, 09/01/2019 21:29 (5 Years ago)

Title: Buzz Buzz

Getting a Combee won't be hard, I thought. It's a Bug type, after all; relatively normal, easy to find, usually nobody wants them. I can just keep scouring through the Lab, dutifully clicking on each Bug type that appears, hoping that a sweet little Combee will hatch out at the end of it.

Apparently, everyone on this website absolutely ADORES Bugs, because twice now I've been "too slow" to click on a Bug type egg.

It's the only way I can think of that might even vaguely assure I get a Combee! I, very quietly, wish that instead of the Tall Grass, this site used the same sort of Shelter system as Pokefarm. It'd make this an awful lot easier, give me another pool of pokemon to choose from, and would mean that I don't need to actively OWN a Combee to GET a Combee.

I'm just going to have to put it all down to luck again, I suppose. Hopefully something'll come of it, because the prices in the Trade Centre are ridiculous, and I have no way of getting any of the stuff people are asking for just yet.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Thu, 10/01/2019 12:58 (5 Years ago)

Title: I'm Sort of a Mess

The thing is, once you're used to PokeFarm, and you're used to all the drama that happened with it, and you've been in a few games that have pretty stuck-up forums or mods or fanbases, you're not used to kind gestures. Everything has a price, new players are used as fodder for the veteran players, and trying to do anything in the game becomes a chore that eventually ends up leaving you feeling tired and confused.

I wasn't expecting that with PokeHeroes, but I'd be lying if I said I expected anything grand. It's been years since I've played a game like this - five to be exact - and my little, childish brain had cemented all the way back then that people don't tend to help. I've seen people say that the community here is significantly better, and sure, I believed it. Nobody seemed to be talking about any drama. The forums actually seem to be a nice place. Everything is tidy, and helpful, and questions get helpful answers.

Which is why I was surprised when, making an offhand comment in my feed, I received actual responses. People explained to me how things worked, and what things mean, and how to get Combee. That, in and of itself, surprised me. I wasn't expecting it. I thought that comment would go under the radar, something people looked at and thought to themselves, "oh, a newbie, they'll figure it out eventually". Instead, two people saw it and thought, "oh! I know how to answer that!"

And then it got better. I needed honey. Someone had told me how to get it - from Rumbling - and I joked about how long it would take me to get it - about a week or so, knowing my luck. I was fully expecting to just... have to wait for it to happen. One lucky day, and suddenly there would be one pot of honey, and I'd quickly use it. Maybe I'd get something good. Maybe I'd get nothing at all.

Then I got a notification.

9 pots of honey. Just... waiting there for me. Then 50. Then another 15.

The people who gave me these things didn't want anything back. The person who sent me 9 specifically said "I don't want anything, I'm sending more". The person who sent me 50 offered more help if I need it in the future.

The thing is, I'm an emotional person. I cry easily. I'm well aware that this is just a game; something to do for fun. But I genuinely wasn't expecting that. I certainly wasn't expecting it for free. I'm used to comments like that being skipped over, ignored, maybe even laughed at because "newbies don't know how the game works". I wasn't expecting help.

I keep tearing up just thinking about it. That kindness over something so small is just. It's phenomenal? It's amazing and wonderful and I hope, as I get better in the game, I'll be able to give something back. Maybe I can help someone else. Maybe I can give those people things of gratitude. It probably isn't that big of a deal for them, but when you're starting out, that's stuff you /need/. It's rare, it's a commodity, it's desired. It's genuinely, wonderfully sweet.

The forums told me that the community here is one of the best that people have found in a game like this, and they're right. It's something so small, and yet it means so much. I'm an emotional mess, and I am aware of it, and the fact that I've been offered /more/ help if I need it is just. It's unexpected and incredible, and for my anxiety, it's soothing.

I don't feel like I need to worry about messing up or not understanding now. The people here are welcoming and kind. That helps. It helps a lot.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Thu, 10/01/2019 18:51 (5 Years ago)

Title: Egg Spites, pt.2

Lazily clicking through, searching for that final egg currently within my reach, I thought to myself, "I wonder if I'm right about this. I could be completely wrong. The confirmation I found about it was oddly worded; maybe I've missed it, or it's somewhere else, and I'm wasting my time completely even attempting searching for it this way."

I reached a point where I was only half paying attention to the website, currently in split-screen, and instead found my attention slipping towards the YouTube video I have open. It's factual. I like facts. Facts are, for the most part, clear cut and easy to understand. They exist. They are. They define. A fact may change, sure, as human understanding develops, but on the whole you can say, with some confidence, that a fact is true and firm.

Hints, on the other hand, are much harder. A hint could mean anything. It could mean a thousand things. When you add RNG into the hint, it becomes significantly harder to figure out. You could be right on the money with your interpretation of the hint, but suffer from incredibly poor luck; you might change your mind, try something new, and never know that you were right the first time until desperation hit you weeks later. Hints are fun, yes - but hints combined with RNG and anxiety... are a pain.

As I continued to click, it occurred to me, quite suddenly, that maybe I was wrong. I opened other tabs. I clicked through things there. I tried new ideas. But I kept returning to the first attempt, hoping more than anything that I would, eventually, get somewhere - all the while, I watched this video, chuckling to myself over the content and allowing a moment, every now and then, to stop in my efforts, watch an episode properly, before continuing on, all too aware of the looming deadline.

I thought, perhaps, I'd just have to wait until tomorrow. I decided to click on more time, turned my attention to choose a new video, had just begun watching it, and then quickly checked the game.

The egg was right there, waiting for me.

Just as I was about to give up, it decided - ah, yes, this is the perfect time to appear.

So that is the fifth egg down. A sense of relief has fallen over me with the finding of this egg. There's only two left - one of which is almost entirely out of my reach, until I understand how a certain mechanic works a bit more, the other of which is simply a waiting game combined with a copious amount of luck - but that's definitely a lot more manageable than it was before.

Hopefully I can get them relatively quickly. Between these and the Raylong quest, I'm going to be waiting an awfully long time.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sun, 13/01/2019 23:34 (5 Years ago)

Title: Updates

A few updates, while I'm trying to chill out a little from the frustration of the Royal Tunnel.

I managed to get a shiny Budew from the Honey Tree, which is fantastic! Not at all what I was trying to get, and that Combee still eludes me, but I'm getting there, bit by bit. And I'm more than excited about my very first shiny. It's actually just made me more invested in getting a PokeRadar, so I can hunt shinies properly. (This, at the moment, is incredibly far away. Every time I get some sort of money, I end up using it. Case in point; I was at 40,000 Credits, and now I'm at 8,000)

I have several boxes, which is very tense, since I have no keys yet but just want to tear into them and see what goodies are inside. I now have two Pokemon out on Rumbles, so hopefully that'll get me there a little faster, but it still all depends on RNG giving me the correct coloured keys.

I'm getting close on the number of gems I need on the Raylong quest. About 7 or 8 of the Flying gems, but nothing on the Dragon gems. Hopefully if I keep playing the Treasure Hunt, I'll get there eventually! That gives you a good number of gems each time, though my luck on that is as notoriously bad as my luck on everything else.

And finally, my frustrations with the Royal Tunnel. It's... well. I can do the entire Tunnel without much issue. In fact, I've managed to get up to level 47 of the Advanced Tunnel. But those ridiculous egg step questions trip me up Every. Time. I can get everything else - type, descriptions, classifications - but the EHP (and rarely the evolution level) trips me up consistently. I have managed to figure out MOST of the EHP groups, but sometimes one appears that just trips me up for almost no reason. I'm debating trying to write them down in categories. If I ignore the 5355 category, and put everything else into the much smaller EHP categories, hopefully I'll be able to answer the questions a little easier. That way if a Pokemon doesn't appear in any of the categories, I'll know it's in the bigger 5355 category.

So, a lot going on! I'm still hoping to find or do:

5 Dragon gems, 3-2 Flying Gems
1 Shellder (for the Super Rod)
1 Combee
Several keys
2 Harvest Sprites
Get the PokeRadar
Complete the Advanced Royal Tunnel

Hopefully the next time I update, I have some of these things!
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 26/01/2019 13:33 (5 Years ago)

Title: RNG, My Cruellest Foe

It's been some time, viewers! So lets catch up a bit.

Those Harvest Spites are causing me havok. I have successfully managed to collect almost all of them, even the most elusive of the bunch. All that's left is the orange one. He who fells trees. I know exactly how to get him, but like all the others, he is completely locked behind a RNG - my most ferocious of enemies. I have no idea what I'm to do. I know he's rare, too; this isn't as much of a waiting game as the others, so much as it is torture incarnate. I can do nothing but check and hope, and check and hope, and that hasn't been going too well so far. I am DETERMINED to get him, oh so ddtermined, but alas, it is not truly up to me. Knowing my luck I'll end up getting Celebi or an item for the Ancient Cave sooner than I'll get him. Even worse - I might have already had him spawn, but missed him in my sleep. That's... become incredibly annoying, if I'm honest.

I finally managed to get a Combee - and a female at that! She's useless for honey, sure, but it is INCREDIBLY exciting just to own her. I also adore Vespiqueen, so she's very much going to be evolved as soon as I can get my hands on a male Combee for the 'dex. Also, she's going to be used in breeding for a potential shiny hunt. I can only imagine how impossible that's going to be.

Speaking of shiny hunts, I actually started one a few days ago - an attempt to get Ghastly. Well, Gengar, more like, but the Ghasty'll come first. I fully intent on calling them The Slimmest Shady, for irony's sake, and then rename the others Eminem and Marshall. Maybe the other way around? It's a good injoke for a friend of mine, and I think he'll love it to pieces. Especially when I find that shiny Ghastly. Gengar is his baby, so to own its shiny - though from what I saw its shiny form is actually kind of disappointing - will have his heart jumping through hoops.

For some reason, I kesp finding Hoopas. I am, ironically, getting annoyed by this. I don't want Hoopas. I have never WANTED Hoopas. But lo, behold, a Hoopa appears. I'm actually using the treasure chest to find some Dragon Gems, since I'm determined to get at least one by myself before I resort to trading lots of gems with other people, but I've has absolutely no luck so far. And the Golden Slot Machine is just as useless. Once more, RNG proves itself to be my fiercest nemesis, giving me nothing but trouble and strife for a few, measly gems.

Well, for a few incredibly rare and expensive gems, actually. But there we go.

I'm honestly debating gifting some of my Hoopas away. I doubt anyone would want them with how easy they are to come by, but I genuinely want to be rid of them, and releasing them into the wild seems like a waste. I'll have to give it a thought and see if interest is out there, because if not, they might as well be let go. Although at this point I'm curious to know how close I am to getting the shiny.

Additionally, I seem to have become rather good at collecting Retros? Those in the Concentration Game are easy enough to get (as are all of the chips you can win if you play well), but I managed to fish up a Retro Tentacool yesterday - which I completely forgot existed. It's starting a nice collection, I think - and, if they can evolve, which I think they can, it'll let me have Retros of an entire evolutionary line. I think that sounds pretty cool.

Last but not least, I am so. Incredibly. Close. To getting a Shiny Rod. I have all of the starters I need - duplicates, even - but that elusive Strange Ornament is preventing me from claiming my reward. It just doesn't want to be found, the blasted thing. I think I could buy it, likely, but am I willing to pay the prices I've seen for it? Probably not. Maybe after the next Speedclick. I should have more money by then, after all. But I really do want to find it by myself, so, I think for now I'll just stick to fishing and hoping RNG wants to be kind.

And that, for now, is all! Here's to wishing me luck in the future - or just incredibly good RNG.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 26/01/2019 14:07 (5 Years ago)

Title: I'm Sort of a Mess, Pt.2

I genuinely forgot how wonderful this community is. Which sounds silly, right? How could you forget what a community is like? But I keep making comparisons to it and other games I've played, and I keep forgetting that this community is infinitely better.

I was just gifted a Strange Ornament. For free. I didn't ask for one. I just talked about needing one, and someone thought, "oh hey, I can help with that!", and sent it on over with a message congratulating me on getting the rod.

This is the second time this has happened, and quite frankly, it's - incredible? Brilliant? It's lots of things, and one of those things is "making me emotional", because I genuinely gasped in shock, started at it for a moment, and then teared up.

And I think maybe it is a little obvious that I am speechless, because for once my paragraphs are actually short. But I genuinely don't know how to respond to the kindness I keep getting shown on this website beyond squealing, flapping my hands, and trying not to tear up like the emotional pillock I am.

I'm so excited. I am so, so excited. I'm going to try out the rod IMMEDIATELY, and see if I can't catch any shinies with this beauty. And, of course, I'm going to see if I can message the person and say thank you. I think I remember their username, but just in case - and on the off chance that they see this again - thank you so much!! Genuinely, honestly, thank you. That's one more thing to tick off the box, and something super exciting for me to try out!
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 26/01/2019 20:28 (5 Years ago)

Title: Shiny Hunts

Just to remind myself, here's some things I want to shiny hunt (and those that I need to actually attain to do so).

Chain: 52 (max chance)
Amount Owned: 0
(Own breedable Haunter)

Chain: 0
Amount Owned: 1
(Do not own evolutionary chain pair)

Chain: 0
Amount Owned: 0
(Do not own evolutionary chain pair)

Chain: 0
Amount Owned: 0
(Do not own evolutionary chain pair)

Chain: 0
Amount Owned: 0
(Do not own evolutionary chain pair)
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sun, 27/01/2019 11:40 (5 Years ago)

Title: A Good Day!

Well, it seems that so far today has been brilliant!!

I managed to catch two shiny fish Pokemon using the Shiny Rod - sans Shiny Bait. So I've got to think about what to call an Azurill and a Chinchou. I think both are male, but I may be wrong, so that's going to be something to ponder over for the rest of the day.

Though I've yet to hatch my shiny Ghastly, I did hatch one that's Mega-able! That... that was awesome. There's no two ways about it, that was cool as heck. I've got to try and get a Mega Stone now, but I don't think that'll be too hard, unless I need Dragon Gems (which I probably do). In either case, just having that potential is super exciting, and I am still incredibly surprised that I managed to hatch it! I thought I'd be getting Megas after my first chain, and certainly after attaining my shiny. I think that might imply the "ease" of getting Megas compared to shinies, which is a bit of a pain, but I really won't complain if I'm going to potential be getting a fair few Megas! And conversely, if they're rarer than shinies, then that just makes this even more amazing!

I've had no luck at the Honey Tree yet, but I'm going to keep hoping. I've got plenty of time to get what I want; it's just being patient!

And finally, as a fun little aside, I'm currently making a sprite for a friend. It was going to be a splice, admittedly - it's been years since I've even attempted to do a Pokemon sprite, and trying to figure out how to make everything look good was NOT easy - but in the end it was just... easier to not do that. So this entire thing is original, with help from a very special someone! He's been an amazing help trying to figure this out, and I really can't wait to show him what I've got when he wakes up. His will be the final judgement before I show it to my friend!

There's still a lot to do, regardless; it needs to be shaded, and then tweaked, and then given a shiny form - and then I've got to try and make a back sprite for it. I'm debating just flipping it around and editing it a little so it's obviously facing forward, but we'll see. I might also make albino and melanistic forms just for fun!

So, to say the least, I'm in a pretty good mood today!!
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sun, 27/01/2019 18:57 (5 Years ago)

Title: Bluh

So, I mentioned in the previous post that I was making a sprite. Well, I finished it! It took me a while - two days, although it's more like several hours across two days - but I managed to get it done, and I am fairly pleased with the result. I was more than excited to show my friend, sure my hard work would pay off.

Except he didn't seem as enthused about it as I thought he would be.

He said it was amazing, yes, but typically when he's excited he says... more. So it feels like the sprites have received a lukewarm reception, like he's not really interested but wants to make me feel like I did a good job? I know they are not the best, and even finished they have flaws that I don't know how to fix, but I would've thought... I don't know. That because he asked me to make them, he'd be excited to see the final product?

I'm maybe just a bit upset because I know they're not good, and there's a thousand things I could've done better, and someone else would've done a great job at it, but I tried with these sprites. I didn't give up even when I thought they were bad and wanted to just scrap them completely and never look back - and I made them from scratch! It wasn't easy for a first attempt at something I haven't done for roughly six years, especially when what I used to do was recolours and splices. I was proud of what I'd made, and now the doubt's creeping in, and I'm not sure that it's actually any good at all.

I don't know. At least I tried something new, and saw it through to the end.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Wed, 06/02/2019 18:56 (5 Years ago)

Title: It's Been a While...

So, lets catch up, shall we?

If you may recall, I was struggling to catch the last two Harvest Spites. They were elusive little creatures, and compared to the others, they were the worst to try and get my hands on - but, as you can likely tell from the past tense, I finally did it! I caught the devious beasts and now have the whole collection of them, Rainbow included.

It's a nice, relaxing end to a quest filled with such strife.

Additionally, I'm almost done with the Raylong quest. It's a little frustrating, actually - the last Orb is well within my reach, and I don't even need to do that much to get it, it seems, but I know it'll break my current Shiny Chain if I do. I'll just sort of have to wait, and see what happens with my shiny chain, and hope for the best on that so that I can finally claim that elusive egg!

Speaking of shiny chains... that's not going so well. I'm currently at about 213 eggs, and while I've had two Mega-ables - which is incredibly cool, admittedly - I've yet to hatch a single shiny. It's starting to become irritating, but a lot of that might just be because the people I'm currently friended with on PH are all (or mostly) premium users, and have a much higher chance of getting shinies than me. It's a disparity I need to just chill out about! The shiny will arrive when it wants to arrive, even if it takes a little longer.

Saying that, though, I fully intend to get the Shiny Charm. I've currently only got two of the Badges required for that, and I'm working (easily) on a third while trying to hatch my shiny. Mysterious Area is going to take a bit of work, but luckily not too much - I think I just need to switch up where I'm sending my Pokemon in the Rumble Areas - and Shiny Surprise is... well, it'll take a while, but I'll get there. It's I'm Rich!, Plushie Cuddler, and Super Famous that I'm most worried about. I'm Rich! is going to take a lot of time unless I manage to effectively sell a lot of items, or just click ridiculously often, and Super Famous would require me to. Talk to people. And I have no idea what the social conventions on PH are - I've just been waiting for people to add me, admittedly - so that one'll... be something of a hurdle. As for Plushie Cuddler - I actually just don't know how to do that one so much? I'll have to send plushies (now that I actually know how to buy them!) and hope that I get them back, I assume?

In all honesty, most of it is just "a matter of time" more than anything else. I'm just a very, very impatient person.

In other news, I've managed to get a lot of shiny fish Pokemon! Two shiny Chincou, one shiny Cloyster, one shiny Finneon, and... I think another that I've forgotten right now! I also managed to get a Celebi from the Honey Tree, though I fully intend to try and get a shiny one in the near future. Just need to keep checking in on the tree, and hoping for the best! Additionally, I've read up how to unlock the Alola Rumble area, so! As soon as the stars align on that one, I'll be trying to do it. Hopefully RNG will be on my side...

And last but not least... I'm going to try and aim for Premium. Thanks to Enkidu, I have 842 nuggets - which is enough for one month of Premium! - and I'm going back and forth on whether or not I want to wait, or go for it. To get half a year I'd need to try and save up 4,000 nuggets, so it'd be a long wait, but obviously that's a lot better than just a month. I'll be waiting for a bit, anyway, since I'm not sure how "one month" is determined with Premium - if it's "from [start day] of one month to [start day] of the next month", or "three weeks" - because if it might not be best to start in the shortest month of the year, just in case.

That's all for now. I'll hopefully try to update again, soon - at least sooner than I did last time!
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Wed, 13/02/2019 23:16 (5 Years ago)

Title: Happy Flappy

I lied. I said I'd update soon and I am a liar.

This is just a very quick update to squeal in my glee over the fact that I've seen like two people now who've openly got kin things in their bios. It's literally got me grinning and bouncing. Like, I'm not the best versed in things, I'm very exclusive to Tumblr and Discord as my main sources of contact, so I'm so used to seeing things in such a very, very tiny bubble - seeing stuff outside of that bubble is!!! Very exciting!!!

On top of the kin stuff, I'm seeing a lot of people who share fandoms I'm interested in, too? Besides Pokemon, I mean - it's just so super cool to see people shoving all of their likes into this little space, and like, oh man, it's just the best even seeing things that I don't know about expressed out there!! It's so cool seeing people showing their likes on a format that's not 100% made for the pure expression of those likes - people adding their own personal touches to their pages or their diaries or even just their signatures - and it's just got me very aaa!!!!

I'm gonna go to sleep soon, but that was just, a very quick and excited update, because I am a very excited doof who tends to get all yelly about things.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 16/02/2019 18:16 (5 Years ago)

Title: Hello.

It's me.

Some new updates!

I finally got my shiny Gastly. She's now a shiny Haunter, and her name is Eminem, because the person I hatched her in honour of thought that would just be the coolest thing in all of existence. I still have to save a Gastly for my Pokedex, which I'll probably call Marshall, and then I've got, naturally, Slimmest Shady. I'm going to have to make sure that's a Gengar or rename a Gengar that, because the irony of Slimmest Shady being given to a fat shadow monster is like seeing a Mafia boss called Tiny Tim; it smashes an expectation with the same force as taking a wet fish to the face. Expecting a tiny Shuppet? You fool! It's this hella big Gengar! Say bye-bye!

In other news, still trying to save up nuggets to snatch Premium. I'm going back and forth on whether or not I want to just get it now, since I've got enough for 1 Month, or if I should save up - and how much I should save up. If I try and go for 6 Months, I'll only need 4000 nuggets - which is a lot, admittedly - but if I manage to get there, then surely I might as well go for the 8000 nuggets for 1 Year? I very much believe I'll be regularly playing this game during that time, so it would be very much worth it. It's definitely something I need to think on a little more, impatient as I am.

Despite the slog of university, I'm still managing to keep up with getting my Pokedex filled, and with relative success! I've got a fair few Pokemon already sorted out, and some evolution lines that are basically complete - plus I've already got some of the weird evolutions, like Shelmet, so that'll make things a bit easier when I send them off through the evo-trade forum - but my biggest concern is that I currently don't have enough boxes. I'm quickly running out, and I am eating through the money I'm trying to save up for a Badge.

My next plan of action, then, once these Pokemon are all hatched and evolved, is to shove all of my Gastly into my party and start trying to evolve them into Haunters in rotation. Most of them are close to evolving, anyway, so that'll be easy enough! And then I can get right back into sorting out the Pokedex Pokemon I need! It'll give me a whole box of space, since all those Gastly need to be Haunter for me to get another Badge, and that will be perfect. Kind of like a two-in-one!

I think that's all for now. Hopefully I can update a but more either tomorrow or tonight!
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sat, 13/04/2019 17:03 (5 Years ago)

Title: We Return, Triumphant!

A significant time later, I return with my 1/2 year Premium membership in tow!

A friend of mine lovingly bought 2000 nuggets for me because he's stupidly generous and just got paid. I'm now taking full advantage of the benefits of premium to try and snatch a shiny-mega Buneary. If I'm successful with this quickly enough, I might try to do the same with Torchic - and I definitely intend to get a shiny Gothita.

I'm also planning on doing a giveaway on my birthday! I'll be like a day away from my last exam then, so it would make the most sense, I think. Something fun to celebrate me _almost_ being done with uni. I'll be running it on the shinies and megas I get while I'm shiny hunting - which at the moment is a lot of Bunearies, so I might double them up or allow a load of places for the giveaway. It's nothing genuinely serious, but it's fun, I think, and might allow a few new players to get their hands on an early shiny.

Things have been up and down emotionally lately, but things're going great on here - and I'm super thankful that I've got this game to turn to when things are bad. Even if I'm the worst at replying, the people I'm friends with here make this game amazing. I love it. Genuinely so much.
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sun, 01/03/2020 09:21 (4 Years ago)

Title: Backstreet boys are Back

So. It has come to my attention that, when it comes to the ongoing endeavour of filling in my PokeDex, I'm actually really bad at it. Partly because I keep forgetting that this is a living 'dex, and partly because I'm just lazy and never keep track of things. But never to fear! I'm going to try and keep track of that now. Hopefully.

And, I mean, hey, maybe I'll get some of these Pokes sometime soon. Now wouldn't that be awesome?



(B-E, K-M, O, P, S, T, V, X, Y, !, ?)