Forum Thread
Does Anyone Like To Read?
Forum-Index → General Discussion → Does Anyone Like To Read?Figured I could ask this since we kind of have to read a little anyway in order to play through most Pokémon games. Haha I enjoy non-fiction like science and weird history and some fantasy, particularly if it includes magic, dragons (or anthropomorphic animals) and elves or even the undead, although I have a strong distaste for Twilight. I also enjoy horror. Some of my non-fiction examples are stuff like “Halloween: From Pagan Festival to Trick Or Treat” and “30-Second Einstein: The Fundamentals of Einstein Explained In Thirty Seconds Or Less” and some of my fiction examples are “Harry Potter”, “Redwall”, “Warm Bodies”, “Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus”, “The String of Pearls” and “Inheritance Cycle/Eragon”.
I also sometimes enjoy writing. I have done fanfiction, poetry and short stories.
So what about you all? :)
...usually I write fan fiction. It's appropriate I swear! I write fan fics on quotev, what about you?
It seems we are in the same boat with Redwall. Haha I have not read every one of the books, either. But I love the ones I have. My favorite one when I was a teenager was “Outcast of Redwall”. I love Sun’s character in it a lot. I still get some fiction from the YA section and sometimes I enjoy short stories written for even younger audiences (they make fantastic practice reading aloud for if you ever want to become a teacher or a parent). But I pick most of my stuff up now out of the adult section because it’s hrd to find decent gothic literature or horror in the YA. But the YA section is the home of my favorite ways to blend horror with fantasy normally. I mean... Miss Peregrine’s Home has definitely earned its place on my shelf next to Harry Potter and Inheritance (and Warm Bodies, although I have almost considered moving that one a notch down my list because Isaac ignored me every time I didn’t speak to him about publishing business and I really wanted to be friends with him beyond that because I liked him to begin with because I could tell we would click just by the way he wrote R’s character.)
I mostly enjoy thrilling stories or horror so I've been reading those most often. If someone asks what kinds of books I like, I usually reply with "Scary books!"
Best dystopia I've read as of now: The Power by Naomi Alderman.
⊙ The Eekipoo ⊙
Title: Love it
Recently, I'm quite lazy therefore I choose audio book when driving.
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