Eka sends their nanobots ahead in an attempt to find a route with
fewer enemies.
"I wonder which path has more enemies?" Crimson wonders.
She couldn't really tell from first glance, so she runs down the
path that looks more dangerous. If she was lucky, she could find
more opponents to fight!
Crimson shifts again when the aliens begin shooting.
She flies above an alien, and shifts back into her human form. She
lets gravity help swing her hammer, landing a heavy attack.
Immediately after attacking, Crimson shifts again and tries to dart
Soul sighs and runs to attack the aliens. He smirks, "Now this is
what I'm talking about." He says as he hits one in the head and
knocks it out. He then grabs one and uses it as a weapon to the hit
the other aliens.
Dino sighs and runs after Asus. "He has no patience..." He whispers
to himself.
"So which way are we going?" June says while looking at both paths.
Crimson lands another heavy strike. She gets hit in the chest, but
her heavy armor takes most of the blow, and Crimson retaliates with
a heavy strike. Then, she shifts to attack from another angle.
Slowely but surely, the aliens began to overpower them, by sheer
amount of numbers.
"I got this..." Ace says. His two guns turn golden, and his shots
hit faster, with better accuracy, and more power. He manages to
take out alot of them, mainly the ones surrounding Ace, Crimson,
and Soul.
"Want to go help them?" June says while looking at the path Soul
Soul jumps to block an attack by one alien m, but gets hit in the
back by one. He groans, but ignores the pain. 'I'll deal with it
later." He thinks as he throws a alien at a heard coming at him.
Crimson attacks from a different angle, to avoid getting hit by
friendly fire from Ace. Her abilities were much better suited to
dueling a single opponent over taking down many weak ones, but this
was fun too.
June nods. "Then let's go help them!" June then runs into the path
Soul took. 'He better not be injure or I'm going roast a lot of
things.' She thinks while running
"Alright then." Elo says. He tries to turn invisible and sneak past
the aliens, but his plan fails and he gets stuck in a mess just
like everyone else.
Once again, Eka helps by trying to blind the aliens. They also try
to send a few nanobots to see where the aliens are coming from.
Crimson continues attacking. She dodges many attacks, and tanks
quite a few others, but she's definitely getting tired. In fact,
she might even say that she was bored. She shifts and flies by Soul
to see how he is doing. She wouldn't want to do worse than him.
Soul grab to aliens and started to use them as nunchunks. He knocks
out a few aliens and then throws his two helpers at two other
aliens. "This is helping a lot." Soul says excitedly. Soul then
feels heat. "Oh no ....She's coming..."
Suddenly, Ace gets an idea. He looks at June and Eka. "You two, go
to the other side where the Exot(Elo) is. The opposite side of the
two in the Styrke legion. Also, when I say duck, duck."
June nods. "Alright I'm trusting you." June says while running
towards Elo. June didn't know what will happen, but whatever does
it better not hurt her brother.