Forum Thread
Eevee and Eeveelutions Fan Club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Eevee and Eeveelutions Fan Club1. You must have appropriate language! Cussing and fowl language is not permitted!
2. You must say your nickname (Ex: Luna the Espeon, or Iceball the Glaceon).
3. (optional) Subscribe to this club.
4. Do not call people by their usernames! You must call them by their nicknames!
5. Once you've come up with a nickname, put it ontop on the message so I can see it!
6. Please no other talk about other pokemon! You may only talk about other Pokemon if it's in ships (Ex: Eevee X Pikachu).
7. Please have fun and message me if someone isn't following a rule!
Oh! I forgot to mention, you will have 3 strikes, once you have gotten 3 strikes, you must leave this club.

Accepting plushies I don't own! Need them to complete my 3rd Badge Set!
My nickname: Eevui the eevee
^w^ rlly hope i can join!