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dragon kings and dragon lords 2

Forum-Index Roleplay dragon kings and dragon lords 2
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Mon, 03/12/2018 21:46 (6 Years ago)
*Zero tackles the god and teleport him somewhere near Avagon, he realsises her/him and makes her/him soul blue pinning him to the ground same goes for Avagon not knowing whats going. Zero puts a sword in Avagon neck* Move and he dies, since you guys share the same feeling for him it would be bad if BOTH suffer the same thing...
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Mon, 03/12/2018 21:57 (6 Years ago)
Dragora is panicking inside Dragoraya, “What the heck? Why are you doing this?” She thinks about in fusing but decides against it.
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Mon, 03/12/2018 22:05 (6 Years ago)
I have been looking far in wide in all the dimensions and worlds just too look... FOR YOU! *he gets close as he smiles evilly under the mask* You see i have been looking fir 4 items while here i already found all three *he shows a vile in his left hand that had corruption and in the right hand DT from a celestial from a long time* Now i need the soul of a god and you guys are what i have been looking for...
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Mon, 03/12/2018 22:16 (6 Years ago)
Dragora unfused in her panic, “Please no.”
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Mon, 03/12/2018 22:22 (6 Years ago)
AGH! *he raises both Dragora and sorago up and spins them around to force fuse back to their god form* Stay like that it wont work unless your in that from... *he gets close to them and takes out a device* Dont worry once i get your soul you will back to normal again... not in one piece but you dont have to transform into this from anymore... *he activates the device and points at the chest of the god* Dont worry it will only hurt a little *he injects the device in the chest of the god sucking up his soul in great pain* Im sorry? did i said hurt a little... i lied!
NO! *avagon was still in the floor looking helplessly at the man sucking the soul of the god, everytime he tried to move it would become even more tight* I wont let you! *he slashes out anger in the floor*
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Mon, 03/12/2018 22:44 (6 Years ago)
Dragora feels like she’s been torn in half, “Please stop this.”
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Mon, 03/12/2018 22:59 (6 Years ago)
Sorry kid i wish there was another way but this is simply a chance i cannot pass. Besides you will be alright you will only loose 50% of your soul is not that bad *he intensified the power of the machine to get it done faster*
*Avagon watches helpless as he sees her girlfriend suffering he tries to transform but it was useless* What should we do is magic too strong is... out of this world... *Bahamut said impress of the man feat. Avagon dint respond he was thinking how to get out of this to the point that he started to feel the same pain as dragora not able to stand see her like that* Take my body- *bahamut interrupts him knowing what he was thinking* Too risky i shall not do it *Avagon steps in front of him* do it for her not for me... *he kneels down as he begs him to do so, Bahamut looks at the fuse form of dragora and sorago and looks back at his wielder* Fine but are you sure... *he raises a eyebrow at him but he knew the answer any way* yes! *avagon said firmly* alright then lets do it *Zero was almost done a few more minutes and he would have the soul of the god nothing could stop he said, until he felt a huge amount of energy coming from Avagon* This should be good *Avagon breaks free from the magic while huge thunderstorms were sounding above them and doing wild strikes near Zero. Avagon gets up and his cloth starts to transform into a long dark coat while white lighting marks appear in his sleeves, he looks at Zero with a death stare not after he breaks the machine with a precise lightning strike returning the god soul back completly* You shall pay with your life
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,336
Posted: Mon, 03/12/2018 23:16 (6 Years ago)
Péroné sighs. "I'm sorry, I'm not ready to forgive Him." she glares at Stalazar and walks back in the house tired.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 273
Posted: Mon, 03/12/2018 23:51 (6 Years ago)
Sorago glares...

Stalazar looks away, and clutches his soul, and telaports, grabing lunaras hand(if shes there) and telaports away.
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 00:02 (6 Years ago)
Dragora is sitting down crying.
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 273
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 00:15 (6 Years ago)
"You ok dragora?"

Pete gets up. "Well should i leave....?"
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 00:18 (6 Years ago)
Dragora keeps crying and shakes her head.

Suzie shakes her head, “I don’t want you to leave. I want you to stay here, with me and the cat. And we can watch Triassic Land and play video games together. And not... just stay.”
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 273
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 00:20 (6 Years ago)
"So its decided. I stay..." said pete. "Will i still be a hero....?"

Sorago hugs his sister. "It will be ok..." he feels her pain and tears roll down his face.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 00:21 (6 Years ago)
You shall pay with your death *with his hand he points where the lightning would hit, Zero uses his glitch blaster has shield to handle the lightning strikes at him, Avagon expected this and quickly kick him in the gut sending him flying off* How long... *he teleports to avoid the damage off the fall* since i fought a version... *Zero summons his sword so does Avagon they both lock each other waiting for one of them to move* of myself! *they both charge at the same time clashing there swords*
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 273
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 00:24 (6 Years ago)
Sorago gets pissed and creates a crystal barrior, having thier swords get stuck in the crystal. "Stop!"
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 00:25 (6 Years ago)
Dragora has stopped crying and is just looking up at the fight.
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 273
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 00:29 (6 Years ago)
"You guys need to stop!!"
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 00:30 (6 Years ago)
*Zero looks at Sorago and points his blaster to shot as they spawn all directions to shot at the crystal, avagon acts quickly by destroying them with his sword one by one. Zero spawns another and shots the blaster but avagon takes the hit* I will not let you hurt them!
So predictable... *Zero said as he spawn more* Die where you all stand!
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 273
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 00:35 (6 Years ago)
Drago appeared, and stabbed zero. "Die where you stand, zero." He said, a lava buster appearred and shot lava all over zero. "Die!!"
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Tue, 04/12/2018 00:40 (6 Years ago)
You fool! *he teleports away before the lava could hit but he was seriously injured by the sword wound, he looks at his odd a crazy fast black robe dragon that could command lighting at his will and drago king of dragons his anger could melt anything away even bedrock* You are all- f-fool-ls... *he noticed that he started to glitch up again so he teleport away before things could get messy*
*Avagon rushes where dragora is and lifts her up a bit* Dragora are you okay...! *he said as he took off his hood showing tears run through his cheeks*
Name: Giratina