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dragon kings and dragon lords 2

Forum-Index Roleplay dragon kings and dragon lords 2
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 17:42 (5 Years ago)
No I really love you Dragora when I ask you back at the beach that I love for the first time I really dint care if your were gonna be queen or not and I still don't care, I love you and I will always love you no matter what for who you are, your so kind, sweet and strong. *Avagon said as he grabs her hand being honest* I really never wanted to have power... *he gets up from the bed and goes too a chair too sit on* Power corrupts people and I don't wanna be involved with it... *then he looks at Dragora* I'm doing it... I am doing because I love you and I don't want to leave your side...
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 81
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 17:56 (5 Years ago)
*Shetner looks at Cosima and smiles.* Its fine. Lets just focus on having a good time for now. *The movie theater comes into view.* I love you too.
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 18:01 (5 Years ago)
Dragora put the book down, “I don’t understand why. I wasn’t anything special until recently, and I only ever used my magic to keep my brother safe from himself. I don’t know that I’m anything you just said. But I love you too.”

Cosima smiles, “Okay, the clouds and the storm might stay for a while. My hair will eventually change back to normal. Is dark blue really not a good color on me?”
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 81
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 18:07 (5 Years ago)
It just doesn't compliment your cuteness. *They walk up t the theater.* Ok what movie would you like to see?
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 18:14 (5 Years ago)
“I feel like I should be offended that I’m not cute with dark hair according to you. Ummm, surprise me? Just not a kids movie, I swear I will run from the house. I like horror movies though.” Cosima is looking at the options, her hair is starting to turn lighter as she’s talking.
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 81
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 18:17 (5 Years ago)
*Shetner notices her hair turning lighter.* Well how about.... Halloween?
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 18:27 (5 Years ago)
“Sounds great. As long as you’re okay with me laughing at the unrealistic... everything.” Cosima giggles and has a wicked smile on her face.
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 19:07 (5 Years ago)
You will always be special in my heart Dragora and always will be, just because you don't think your special don't mean other will think you are special
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 21:54 (5 Years ago)
“That sounds so dramatic and like you’re about to die Av. I’m just trying to figure out why you would want to be with me. I wouldn’t want to be with me but I know myself too well.” Dragora sits on Avagons lap, “Plus Sor always picks on my height.”
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 22:09 (5 Years ago)
Well i am not that mean like your brother at least, whats his problem about your hight i dont see anything wrong about it *he lets her sit on his lap and makes her comfy* also why you doubt yourself to much if i may ask?
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 22:13 (5 Years ago)
She hums as she thinks, “My parents always made a big deal when Sor did anything. He always did everything first, and I just was sorta there. He’s stronger physically, but struggled with magic. He’d never admit to that now, but there’s a reason why he attacks and I stay back casting spells. But my parents would always just give me whatever I wanted so that I’d be quiet and stay compliant. I’d have left this place a long time ago if I thought I could survive in the world.”
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 22:22 (5 Years ago)
That sounds awful how could you live like this? *he feels bad for dragora and hug her*

How long you been doing this?
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 23:04 (5 Years ago)
“It wasn’t always like this. It used to be more evenly spread attention. Then Sor made the mistake of proclaiming himself the king when we were 6. Dad took it as serious, and we had just been playing around.” Dragora cuddles into Avagon, “Thanks for worrying. I love that about you.”
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 23:10 (5 Years ago)
Thanks... it means a lot *he looks at the close book* wanna keep reading
Name: Giratina
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 81
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 23:33 (5 Years ago)
You mean your adorable little laugh? Yes I will be perfectly fine with it. *He buys 2 tickets for Halloween.*
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 23:40 (5 Years ago)
“Do you?” She hands him the book, “I’ve read this a few times, it’s really fun to see how they thought.”

Cosima blushes, “It’s not adorable.” Her hair is still dark at the ends but her white hair is starting come through on the roots, “But I’m glad you think it is.”
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 81
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 23:42 (5 Years ago)
*Shetner leads her to the sank area* Would you like anything to eat?
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 23:45 (5 Years ago)
“I like gummy candies. Is that okay?” She’s still blushing.
Be like otters!

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️

The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 81
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 23:47 (5 Years ago)
*Shetner smiles and buys a big bag of assorted gummy candies.* Of course its ok. Come on the movie is starting soon. *He leads Cosima to the screening room.*
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 273
Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 23:51 (5 Years ago)
Drago smiles at soraya. "Should we tell dragora and sorago about us having a new daughter?"