Dragora glares at him through her tears and shakily stands up,
before throwing up more blood, "You want me dead. I'm dating the
guy you want to be with and you want to kill me or you want to kill
him. And I have to cycle between that and being in love. You're
going to drive me crazy. Live with that."
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
He gets pissed for once and doesnt puke up blood. "No! Thats not
the reason! I dont want my feelings because i want to start over! I
want to live a normal life!"
"Fine! Go live your normal life! And you're making me live through
your feelings while you do it! Now I know exactly what I mean to
you!" She throws up more blood, "Even this, I have to live through
this." She storms off.
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
"You mean a lot to me!i love you, sis! Your my sister and you are
my best friend, but you think i hate you!" He says tears running
down his face. "I dont try to be mad at you, but you are a snobby.
Little. Brat! You make me mad!"
*Avagon follows Dragora to see if he could help her in anyway,
while rei shake sorago* what time is soargo
Are you okay love? *he gives her more napkins those were his last*
*rei looks relive she thought it where 15 or 25 minutes or
something, she puts that aside and looks at him* You should not be
hard on her after all she has YOUR feelings you should know how she
She stops in her tracks and takes some deep breaths, "I am not a
spoiled brat. I am the future queen because my brother didn't want
the responsibility. I was free to live my own life and gave it up
so that you could be free instead. I tried to stop you from
literally murdering someone because you were jealous. And then when
you died I would have killed myself if it meant you'd get to live
again." She turns and looks at him, "You are dramatic and pathetic.
And now you can't handle the fact that I'm returning the favor.
I've been nothing but a burden to you your entire life. I can feel
that. So fine. Go live your normal life, I won't be in it."
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
He looks down and runs to his sister, and hugs her. "Im
sorry...your right, but you forgot im selfish, and other
things....ill take my emotions and my feelings back..."
"Yes you are...! We are heroes, we are siblings, and we are a
team....we are supposed to stick together.." he said grabbing thier
soul and taking his emotions.
Dragora feels lightheaded, "What? No! I said it was fine! Stop it!"
She tries to grab their soul and stop him, "Seriously, you don't
want it so it's fine. This is what I do. I just make sure you're
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
“But... You’re the important one out of the two of us. Mom and dad
wanted you to lead, they never cared about what I was doing until
you would point it out. I could have been gone for weeks and until
you said anything they probably wouldn’t notice. Sure dad is
thrilled that we can fuse, but I don’t think he knows what to do
with me. I’m just in the way. Mom was happy I could learn magic
like her, but other than that... I’m the unnecessary half.”
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
never say *Avagon said not wanting to interrupt there moment but he
interfere when she said "unnecessary"* You will never be a half of
anything just because your brother attention than you that dose not
mean your nothing you dont mean something *he gave a warm smile
while he hug her*