Forum Thread
Quin's Art & Stuff!
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Quin's Art & Stuff!this art shop is currently: closed!
hey!! i'm brand new to ph & i'm excited to get into everything!! i do art freelance in my freetime, so i figured why not open a shop here & offer my services to everyone! this is pay what you want meaning that you can offer me whatever you'd like! please wait for me to confirm or deny your request before initiating any trades!
* you can pal pad or DM if you have questions or want to buy privately! please keep in mind i will only accept requests i'm comfortable with. you also may ask to be part of the ping list, and i'll pal pad/DM you whenever the shop opens again in the future!
Rules! please read before making a request/offer!
Art Examples! for more examples of my artwork, view my deviantart. my art is messy and sketchy looking by default, it's part of my style - but you can request cleaner art if you really prefer.
Prices! i'll accept almost anything, as long as it's not under "i don't accept." please don't offer something under that section. order is listed from most preferred payment method to least preferred!
Order Format!
5 out of 5 slots are filled. updated 11.4
username: SensGirl25
offer: 300,000 pd along with a Weather Balloon and Sky Plate
type: character designs please
reference: Lombard(my female oc on the left)
other: my character whose name is Lombard is in her mid-20's, and for the expression can you give it a spunky expression as if she is ready to dance.

hey! i'd be happy to accept your offer, but are you looking for me to redesign the character or just simply draw them in the same style as the examples under character designs?
accepted!!!! your oc's are absolutely gorgeous omg! and thank you so much for the compliment <3 !!!
What would be a good price >~>
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
i've never really been great at pricing my art, but the best advice i can give is to imagine you're paying with real money. you wouldn't offer a dollar to someone for a complex piece, right? whatever you think the work is worth, offer it! if you have a specific piece you want in mind you can tell me that & i can give you an estimate of what a good price may be for that type of piece?
offer: 300k pd
type: chibi
reference: x
other: the things on his ears are piercings ^^;
offer: 100kPD + weather balloon + Griseous pearl + star piece (if this is not enough please let me know)
type: Full character design (chibi)
other: perferably can you make them human? If not the Pokemon version works fine! I consider them non-binary and mysterious. Also can you make the eyes the same color as the flames? Other than that do what you please :)

How much would it be in tired boi style if the gem on its head and the eye you can see is glowing?
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
accepted!! thank you so much for the compliment <3 & omg thank you for telling me that, i didn't realize there was an actual exchange rate!
accepted! if you have any idea's for what sort of fashion style they'd wear, or what sort of clothing you'd prefer on the design go ahead and pal pad or DM me!
that would be relatively cheap i'd say, since it tends to be one of the messier styles! around 100k - 150k, you can add more to the price if you want it cleaner though :o!
all slots are filled so the shop is now closed! they'll be reopened in the future, after i've worked through my current queue! please be patient! (Y)
username: JosieThePanda
offer:150k and uh...a star piece
type: le style of le tired boi
reference:shown above
other: make it a wittle bit mad, and can the gem on its head + the eyes being shown glow?
That would be great ;>
Oops forgot it’s closed. I’ll repost after it openes xD
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!