Joy sighed, then nodded. so much had happened so quickly. Not to
mention she'd probably have to give a tip to officer Jenny about
this 'Delta project'...there was some potential pokemon cruelty
afoot it seemed. "His injuries are severe, but not potentially
fatal, and we still need to wait for work to come back on why his
attacks aren't working. Im going to sign him on for the orange
ward." The results had come back for the type scan, indeed
indicating ice. "I'll make notes for the nurses of his unusual
typing, so that they can carry out treatment as such."
“Don’t worry. Just lay down. Kinshi, try to talk to magmortar, but
don’t force him.”
Kinshi agrees, and Josie heads off to find the pumpkaboo’s
mother “Hello...” Kinshi says to
(In the Pokémon language) ”What has happened that has enticed you
to come here?”
Malasi and Raichi finally get back with the tech. "Hey, can I get
some help on this?" Malasi says to the other doctors, and Raichi
floats in to the magmorters room. He can hear them talking.
"Do you, by chance, know where the other
delta pokemon are?" Raichi says to the Magmortor. (In Pkmn