The bomb starts beeping, when it falls into partisans hands he just
holds it for a while. "You gon move? Or am I going to blow this up
with both of us? Of course, I can just teleport last minute but..."
"I like if we both would explode instead of inocent people.... But
even more i would like if you would become good!" Tatsumi takes the
bomb away again and throws it from over the houses AS high AS he
can and shots at it a electro ball.
Slime by keyofdestiny. Berry, choco, winter eevee by
"Fine then, I'll give you a choice then." Partisan leteports across
town and sets a timer for a school and another for a highway. He
comes back holding another bomb. "You got...7 seconds...Move!"
The cream shop alarm goes off and everybody is running from the
explosion of the club penguin servers. Nobody was injured but the
damage was done to the building.