Forum Thread
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Ethereal Stars (Sign Ups Open!)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Ethereal Stars (Sign Ups Open!)im gonna try this one out)
Cryo is a weird mix between optimistic, yet somewhat shy. He stays quiet most of the time and is not always the one to start a conversation, but whenever he starts talking, he almost always sparks up a feeling in those around them; which may be bad or good.
Disarming Voice, Magical Leaf, Teleport, Confusion
Liss is someone unpleasant to be around, unless you're close friends with her, into her odd humor, part of her horde or hypnotized by her pheromones. She is flirty, makes nasty jokes whenever she does them, and is generally not someone you wan't to talk to. Adding to that, in the inside, she is also extremely manipulative and power-hungry, which are the lead emotions for her waves of crime.
Toxic, Dragon Rage, Double Slap, Attract (TM)
uuuh whats this
Always has four Salandits following her during crimes, though normally theres more if she is plotting something big.
Species: Dewpider
Appearance: Normal dewpider
Personality: Happy and exiting, but likes to take all matters into his own hands.
History: TBRP'd
Moveset: Bubble, Infestation, Spider web and Bug bite
Other: None
ProfessorGreenie is holding a huge lottery, and all you have to do to enter is send in lots of Rotom and Rotom appliances!
Visit the lottery here for your chance to win tons of great prizes, such as art tickets, nuggets, 1 million PD, fully Mega-Evolved Pokemon, and lots of different shinies and event Pokemon!
Guild Member Form
Name: Remy
Species: Minccino

Remy styles his fur every morning, even though it'll just get mussed up during a guild mission. The scarf is also just an accessory because he thinks it makes him look cool.
Personality: For a lack of better term, he's an idiot. Remy acts a lot bigger than his size, boasting feats that he can't prove and picking a lot more fights than he can finish. He uses his charms to his advantage and says that he's going to have the best team in the entire guild. Despite appearances, he's actually quite lonely and gives a lot of longing glances to people he might've said weren't worth his time before... Not that he'd say anything because he's too good to be honest with his own feelings. If you can get past all the boasting and annoying statements about how amazing he is, he's surprisingly loyal as a friend and is actually really dependable in battle. Very fashion-oriented.
History: Born to two members of another guild in a town full of peace, Remy always knew what sort of life he wanted to lead. Justice, crime-fighting, victory- Those words always rang in his head and he knew that he was going to join one the second he was able... except he never actually worked towards it. Living life with a silver spoon in his mouth and bragging about his parents, he never once trained for a position and ended up with a notorious reputation for being one of the most aggravating people there. As consequence to his actions, he ended up... friendless and lacking the heart needed to join his parents' guild. Maybe a part of him knew that he'd never get in, so he'd already packed his bags and went on his own journey. Call it sheer luck that he didn't encounter any strong outlaws and call it talent that he was quick to learn how to fight properly through the hardship of traveling by his lonesome. Stronger than when he started and determined to do things right this time, the second he heard about the Cosmic Guild he was off to fulfill his dream and pretend that all the mistakes he made when he was younger never happened.
Moveset: Encore, Baby-Doll Eyes, Endure, Double Slap
Other: He lies... a lot. It's best to take most things he says with a grain of salt because he's always trying to make himself seem more impressive than he is.
Appearence:Has Black fingerless gloves and is colored liked a midnight lyconroc
Personality:Full of surprises and chaotic usally has split personalitys
Moveset:Thrash Rock climb toxic and Howl
Expertise:Fighting theft manipulation
Other: Loves to Fight Until the opponent blacks out and needs a partner

Name: Jett
Species: Zangoose
Moveset: Hone Claws, Pursuit, Iron Tail, Leer
Other: Likes to sleep a lot, kinder than he looks.
Jett is a rather normal looking Zangoose, all things considered. Most notably, his fur is slightly more tan than white - this is due to his father being an Arcanine. He's slightly taller than average, standing at 4"5 instead of 4"3. His fur sports a few nicely made braids in them, they're tight and expertly made. These were done by his younger sister, Talli, and he hardly ever takes them out. You'll likely never see him without them. One is large, and in his tail, while the other is small and dangles at the left side of his face. He's rather top heavy, with smaller legs and a large bushy tail.
It's no secret that he enjoys sleeping more than anything else in the world, but despite that Jett is a hard-working go-getter. When the situation calls for hard work, or someone is in immediate danger, Jett is always the first one to bolt up and do whatever needs to be done as soon as possible. He believes that the quicker they get the work done, the quicker he can go home and take a nap. However, that's not his only ambitions. Jett genuinely enjoys helping others and works toward making the world a better place for others.
He's not the most social person due to his aura, others often mistake it for a bad aura and are put off from speaking to him. There's been times, though far and few, that he's been mistaken for an outlaw because of his resting angry-face. Each time is a swift blow to his self esteem, as he prides himself on helping others and dislikes being lumped in with outlaws just because of the aura he exudes. In reality, he's actually quite soft spoken and friendly - always thinking carefully before responding and doing his best to not hurt people's feelings.
Jett was born into a relatively normal family, and soon after his birth became an older brother. His parents worked hard to provide for the family, and keep the two of them safe. When he was still young an incident occurred in which his younger sister was kidnapped by an outlaw. Jett was quick to stand up and save her, causing his parents to praise him and push him to join a Guild. As a result from a young age he began training and honing all sorts of skills, at the request of his parents. Jett, however, was less interested in joining a guild and instead wanted to stay home and look after his family. For a long while he did what could be considered guild work, without being in any guild.
It happened a few times in which people told him he should just join a guild if he was going to do the work anyway. His sister, Talli, was one of the few who pushed him to do so - showing him that she was stronger now and able to take care of herself without him. It took years before he finally felt comfortable leaving home, but eventually he did. Jett went off in search of a guild he felt was to his liking. He'd caught wind of a new guild beginning and sought it out to see if his talents would be of any use.
ProfessorGreenie is holding a huge lottery, and all you have to do to enter is send in lots of Rotom and Rotom appliances!
Visit the lottery here for your chance to win tons of great prizes, such as art tickets, nuggets, 1 million PD, fully Mega-Evolved Pokemon, and lots of different shinies and event Pokemon!
Name: Scales
Species: Charmander
Appearance: A chubby body with sky blue eyes and golden star-shaped sunglasses. Other then that a normal looking charmander
Moveset: Scratch, Ember, Dragon Dance, Dragon Rage
Other: Doesn't know what evolving is and thinks it is some sort of snack
Personality: A bit of a dummy. She love to eat, and only objective in life is to find and eat food especially apples and red gummies.
History: TBRP'd
Hope your still taking new members

Credit to the anime Girl and Dino
Avatar made by Me

Title: Guide Member Form(s):
Species: Noibat
Appearance: a normal Noibat with a pecha scarf, as well as a small bag with some oran berries, pecha berries, and citrus berries.
Move-set: Super sonic, absorb, Aerial ace (TM40) *Available space for a new move*
Other: Wants to evolve sooner or later, loves meeting new Pokémon, even Fairy type Pokémon; can use sound waves to navigate through caves, made the rescue team called “Team SilverWing”
Personality: nice, a little bit of a jokester.
Name: Ace
Species: Riolu
Appearance: a normal Riolu with a defense scarf, and a back pack with many types of berries.
Move-set: Force palm, bullet punch (egg move), Power-up punch (TM98) *Available space for a new move*
Other: part of Team SilverWing, hates Fayre’s pranks
Personality: nice, polite, shy at times.
Name: Ray
Species: Rockruff
Appearance: a normal Rockruff with an attack scarf.
Move-set: Rock throw, bite, protect (TM17), Thunder fang (egg move)
Other: part of Team SilverWing, loves doing prank wars against Fayre
Personality: Nice, loves having battles, wants to evolve into Lycanroc (midday form)
Species: Treecko
Appearance: A Treecko with a red bow tie, a fedora, and a shoulder bag
Other: new to the pokemon world and only remembers that he was going inside a cave in the mountains when suddenly a bright flash hit him
Personality: Shady and sadistic but kind-hearted
Moveset: Thunder Punch (Tutor)
Aerial Ace
Rock Slide (the rest is from tm/hm and to give him no grass type attacks to be
Expertise: Cooking Pastries
Dang i hope this gets accepted

fite meh

Personality: Very cowardly with moments of bravery. Lonely at times and tries to stay away from other people out of old habits.
Name: Kage
Species: Riolu
Appearance (insert picture i guess maybe):

Personality: Kage is very shy, he tries to hide and he is afraid of his shadow (though his name means shadow). He does have a more aggresive side when incited. Kage enjoys a spar match, though he may take it too far, WARNING SADISTIC TENDENCIES
History(Optional, TBRP’d allowed): tbrpd
-Quick Attack
-Force Palm
Expertise: Close Combat and Aura Control
Name: Noelle
Species: Zorua
Appearance (insert picture i guess maybe):

Personality: Noelle is an anxious, he is always weary of who to trust. Noelle has a very set group that he hangs out with, most others he socializes with is work related. He is afraid of many things that will happen and he tends to over analyze things.
History(Optional, TBRP’d allowed): tbrpd
-Fury Swipes
-Fake Tears
Name: Kris
Species: Luxio
Appearance (insert picture i guess maybe):

Personality: Kris is insecurity incarnate, though this, he uses his insecurity as a motivator. Though failure sends him tumbling down a dark, lonely fall. Noelle, his best friend, always picks him back up, they just relate to eachother.
History(Optional, TBRP’d allowed): tbrpd
Name: Zephyr
Species: Noibat
Appearance (insert picture i guess maybe):

Personality: Zephyr is very reclusive, he has depression so he is usually locked in his room or alone. Other than his depression, he is apathetic, he tends to take the logical route of things. When he is feeling depressed he sings to himself, although it is usually at a frequency others cant hear.
History(Optional, TBRP’d allowed): tbrpd
Expertise: Stealth Recon and Communication
Other: He is a shiny
Guild Member Form:
Name: Everest
Species: Espurr
Appearance (insert picture i guess maybe):

Personality: Everest takes a strategical route to do thing, he likes doing psychologically trickery. When Everest isn't doing any of these, he is quite indecisive and oblivious. He does it in an adorable way though.
History(Optional, TBRP’d allowed):
-Light Screen
Avatar by Me