Forum Thread
Pokémon: Childish Dreams
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokémon: Childish DreamsForm
My Form:
Name: Azada Penhailigon
Starter: Sceptile
Team: Sceptile, Honchcrow, Gallade, Togekiss, Hydregion
Backround:Was born in the Kalos region but travels a lot as finds it's entertaing and to try and meet as many pokémon as possible.
Other: SuperSpecialAwesome
1) No being OP
2) If you want to make some sort of big plot thing with someone else you must tell me as well before it happens
3) Put "SuperSpecialAwesome" in the other section if you read the rules
Name: Crystal Wolven
Starter: Charizard
Team: Charizard, Flareon, Uxie (if thats ok), Politoed, Manectric, Gengar
Background: She was born in Sinnoh, though got a kanto starter. From the start she hasn't forced pokemon to join her by battling them and catching them, but letting them come with her on their own terms.
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Appearance: Dark brown hair, blue eyes and glasses. Usually wears a red jacket and blue jeans.
Other: SuperSpecialAwesome

Team:(B)Blaziken,(G)Sableye,(B)Absol And (G)Mawile
Backround:Bloom Loves Her Pokemon And Likes To Feed Them Berries

(The (B)s Mean Boy Pokemon And The (G)s Mean Girl Pokemon Ok)
Name:Thomas Marshall
Starter: Quilava
Team: Quilava, Weedle, Teddiursa, and Ampharos (Also known Maree)
Backround: He was born in Johto and got his stater and caught some pokemon and he also got 1 from his great grandmother. He has never battled with his pokemon (Except for Quilava) so they have never evolved yet.
Appearance: Blonde boy who always wears jeans and a blue hoodie. He always has Quilava next to him.
Other: SuperSpecialAwesome

Azada was sitting down at a café having some coffee before moving onto the next city. Then he saw a girl and what appeared to be a Sableye walking along into the town. The only reason that he was still in the town was because he had heard tale of Eevee's in the area and he thought that it would be best to catch one as some of the way's of gatting them away are bit... extreme.
Starter:lost eevee
Team:Shiny eevee, Glaceon, Espeon
Backround:her mom is apokemon breeder while her dad is a office worker.loves to play with pokemon and a lost eevee became her starter. Her dad didn't want her to go but her mom thought the eevee was a sign plus she was all ready 11 so thought it was about time to let her go.was born in the kanto region in a small town
Appearance:has long black hair with green eyes
Other:loves eevee and it's evolution and hopes to get all eeveelutions one day

Starter: Infernape
Team: Infernape, Banette, Weavile, Riolu, and Jolteon
Backround: Originally from Sinnoh where she was given a Chimchar. Her parents passed away when she was around 7 and her aunt raised her since then. They moved to Hoenn so Blair could catch stronger pokemon. She is easily aggravated and gets into pokemon battles often.
Appearance: About 5" 3'. Has red hair that is often in a messy side braid and has light blue eyes. Usually wears oversized hoodies and sweaters with jean shorts.
Other: SuperSpecialAwesome
Starter: Blastoise
Team:Gardevior, mightyena, glaceon, roserade, and blastoise
Backround: she always hang out with her pokemon and no one else. she had never battled before, but knows how they work.
Appearance: wears a gray T-shirt with a blue scarf.
Other: SuperSpecialAwesome

Starter: Charizard
Team: Emolga,Charizard,Jigglypuff,Musharna,Scrafty,Pichu
Backround: Sage is Shy and stays away from everyone. She never wants to be noticed,Not even by her senpai.
Appearance: Brown hair,Blue eyes,Glasses, Light gray dress.
Other: SuperSpecialAwesome
interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)