Salandits are medium rarity, usually 500 pd, but females are a rare
gender so they're 750 pd, however the ones in my UFT box aren't
female. If you want you can make an order for a female salandit and
I'll breed one for you after I'm done with the current orders.
Time to start working NEET! Pokemon wanted: Female Salandit Everstone?:(Please put the pokemon you want to have
one)no Payment:500pd Other: I have a couple others I may request but one at a
time is best.
@BlueBraviary female salandits are a little more expensive since
they're rare. My price for one is 750 pd. If your ok with that I'll
add you to the current orders
Can I change my order? I got a Salazzle from a trade I started
before threading but can I pay the 500pd for a Larvitar instead? If
you haven’t started on mine yet.
Time to start working NEET! Pokemon wanted: 3 Bulbasaurs & 3 Squirtle Everstone?:(Please put the pokemon you want to have one) Yes
please! 2 on each species. Payment: 6600 PD right? Other: I'm so glad I found your shop! I'll totally be
ordering more from you when I get the chance to. :) How do you want
me to pay? Set up a private trade or gift?
@SilverEkans I only take 5 pokemon per order form, I'd be happy to
put you in the current orders, but you'd have to do a seperate form
for one of those pokemon (and only after I've completed your first
order since rules say one form per person). As for trading, once
all your pokemon have hatched I'll set up a private trade and
notify you here
@BlueBraviary changing your order now